Vander’s Human Physiology 14th Edition by Eric P. Widmaier Dr – Test Bank


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Chapter 05

Cell Signaling in Physiology



Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What are the most common receptors for hydrophilic intercellular messenger molecules?
    A. peripheral membrane proteins
    B.  integral membrane proteins
    C.  specialized phospholipids within the membrane
    D.  nucleic acids
    E.  intracellular proteins


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C07.01 Describe how lipids are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.
HAPS Objective: C07.03 Describe how proteins are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.
HAPS Objective: J02.03 Compare and contrast the types of receptors (cell membrane or intracellular) that each class binds to.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C07 Membrane structure and function
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Membrane structure and function



  1. Specificity is an important characteristic of intercellular communication; which of these best explains how it occurs?
    A. The phospholipid composition of the plasma membrane differs among cells.
    B.  Protein receptors are only located on the surface of target cells.
    C.  All cells have the same DNA, so any cell can express protein receptors for a specific chemical.
    D.  Chemical messengers are all proteins, so bind only to receptors that are proteins.
    E.  Protein receptors for chemical messengers are only expressed in specific target cells.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C07.01 Describe how lipids are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.
HAPS Objective: C07.03 Describe how proteins are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.
HAPS Objective: J02.03 Compare and contrast the types of receptors (cell membrane or intracellular) that each class binds to.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C07 Membrane structure and function
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Membrane structure and function

  1. Which of the following are ways in which binding of an intercellular chemical messenger with a cell’s receptor can bring about a cellular response?
    A. opening or closing of specific ionic channels in the plasma membrane
    B.  activation of an intracellular second-messenger system
    C.  promoting or inhibiting the transcription of genes that code for the synthesis of cellular proteins
    D.  activating or inhibiting intracellular enzymes
    E.  All of the choices are correct.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.06 Explain how the receptors for neurotransmitters are related to chemically- gated ion channels.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Genes and their action
Topic: Mechanisms for movement across cell membranes



  1. Which of these is a lipid-soluble messenger?
    A. thyroid hormone
    B.  protein kinase
    C.  glucose
    D.  sodium
    E.  cyclic AMP


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: J02.01 List the major chemical classes of hormones found in the human body.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Organic compounds

  1. The process whereby repeated exposure to a hormone can cause a decrease in the number of receptors for that hormone is called
    A. competition.
    B.  inhibition.
    C.  down-regulation.
    D.  antagonism.
    E.  saturation.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C14.01 Provide specific examples to demonstrate how individual cells respond to their environment (e.g., in terms of organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or regulation of cell cycle) in order to maintain homeostasis in the body.
HAPS Objective: C15.01 Predict factors or situations that could disrupt organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or the cell cycle.
HAPS Topic: Module C14 Application of homeostatic mechanisms
HAPS Topic: Module C15 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. Cocaine lowers the levels of a chemical messenger in the brain called enkephalin. Researchers have found the number of enkephalin receptors to be higher in cocaine addicts than nonaddicted people. This is an example of
    A. saturation.
    B.  up-regulation.
    C.  antagonism.
    D.  affinity.
    E.  down-regulation.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: C14.01 Provide specific examples to demonstrate how individual cells respond to their environment (e.g., in terms of organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or regulation of cell cycle) in order to maintain homeostasis in the body.
HAPS Objective: C15.01 Predict factors or situations that could disrupt organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or the cell cycle.
HAPS Objective: H16.01 Predict factors or situations affecting the nervous system that could disrupt homeostasis.
HAPS Topic: Module C14 Application of homeostatic mechanisms
HAPS Topic: Module C15 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders
HAPS Topic: Module H16 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders.
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Methadone is a drug given to treat heroin addicts. It works by binding to the same receptors as heroin but with greater affinity, thereby preventing heroin from binding. This is an example of
    A. competition.
    B.  down-regulation.
    C.  signal transduction.
    D.  agonistic behavior.
    E.  up-regulation.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: C15.01 Predict factors or situations that could disrupt organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or the cell cycle.
HAPS Objective: H16.01 Predict factors or situations affecting the nervous system that could disrupt homeostasis.
HAPS Topic: Module C15 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders
HAPS Topic: Module H16 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders.
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. Epinephrine activates the cyclic AMP pathway in liver cells. In this example, epinephrine is a ____________ and cAMP is a _____________.
    A. ligand, receptor
    B.  first messenger, hydrophobic hormone
    C.  second messenger, ion channel
    D.  first messenger, second messenger
    E.  enzyme, second messenger


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Objective: J05.04c In the adrenal gland, name the target tissue or cells for the hormone and describe the effect(s) of glucocorticoids (cortisol), mineralocorticoids (aldosterone), gonadocorticoids, epinephrine and norepinephrine on the target tissue or cells.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
HAPS Topic: Module J05 Identity, source, secretory control, and functional roles of the major hormones produced by the body
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. At very low concentrations, epinephrine causes an artery to dilate. At higher concentrations epinephrine causes the same artery to constrict. How can these different effects be explained?
    A. There is one type of epinephrine receptor that uses two second-messenger systems.
    B.  There are two types of epinephrine receptors with different affinities for epinephrine that use two different second-messenger systems.
    C.  There are two types of receptors for epinephrine that use the same second-messenger system.
    D.  At higher concentrations epinephrine can pass through the plasma membrane and directly stimulate contraction within the cell.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: H13.07 Differentiate between cholinergic and adrenergic nerve fibers and discuss the physiological interactions of transmitters released by these neurons with specific cholinergic and adrenergic receptor subtypes.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Objective: J05.04c In the adrenal gland, name the target tissue or cells for the hormone and describe the effect(s) of glucocorticoids (cortisol), mineralocorticoids (aldosterone), gonadocorticoids, epinephrine and norepinephrine on the target tissue or cells.
HAPS Objective: K14.10d Explain the role of hormones in regulation of blood pressure, including the mechanism by which specific hormones affect preload, heart rate, inotropic state or vascular resistance.
HAPS Topic: Module H13 Functions of the autonomic nervous system.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
HAPS Topic: Module J05 Identity, source, secretory control, and functional roles of the major hormones produced by the body
HAPS Topic: Module K14 Blood pressure and its functional interrelationships with cardiac output, peripheral resistance, and hemodynamics
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. With regard to the action of hormones and neurotransmitters on cellular receptors, which of these describes “amplification”?
    A. When the extracellular concentration of a chemical messenger reaches a very high level, it overwhelms transporter molecules and the chemical floods into the cell.
    B.  Only hydrophilic first-messenger molecules can activate second-messenger molecules within the cell cytosol.
    C.  A single first-messenger molecule activates multiple second-messenger molecules, each of which activate thousands of enzymes.
    D.  Some cellular receptors have such low affinity for chemical ligands that it can require a million or more molecules to activate them.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Cells can increase their responsiveness to an external chemical regulator by
    A. increasing the number of their transmembrane receptors by exocytosis.
    B.  decreasing the number of their transmembrane receptors by endocytosis.
    C.  uncoupling their receptors from the second message generator.
    D.  increasing the number of their transmembrane receptors by endocytosis.
    E.  mutating their extracellular receptors so that the affinity for the chemical regulator is reduced.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: C14.01 Provide specific examples to demonstrate how individual cells respond to their environment (e.g., in terms of organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or regulation of cell cycle) in order to maintain homeostasis in the body.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.03 Compare and contrast the types of receptors (cell membrane or intracellular) that each class binds to.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C14 Application of homeostatic mechanisms
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. In which situation would an injected drug be the most effective agonist for an endogenous chemical messenger?
    A. The drug has a lower affinity for the messenger’s receptors than the messenger does.
    B.  The drug achieves 50% saturation of the messenger’s receptors at a lower concentration than that required by the messenger.
    C.  The drug does not couple to the binding site of the messenger’s receptor.
    D.  The drug binds to an alternate binding site on the protein receptor and reduces its affinity for the endogenous chemical messenger.


Bloom’s: Level 3. Apply
HAPS Objective: C15.01 Predict factors or situations that could disrupt organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or the cell cycle.
HAPS Objective: H16.01 Predict factors or situations affecting the nervous system that could disrupt homeostasis.
HAPS Topic: Module C15 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders
HAPS Topic: Module H16 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders.
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. A fat cell responds to the presence of the hormone epinephrine by increasing cytosolic cyclic AMP production, which leads to the catabolism of both glycogen and fat. What is the most likely explanation for this phenomenon?
    A. Epinephrine is binding to two types of receptors in the plasma membrane.
    B.  The activated receptor complex stimulates production of two different second messengers.
    C.  Cyclic AMP directly activates enzymes that catabolize glycogen and fat.
    D.  Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activates two kinds of enzymes.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: C04.06 Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
HAPS Objective: J02.03 Compare and contrast the types of receptors (cell membrane or intracellular) that each class binds to.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Objective: J05.04c In the adrenal gland, name the target tissue or cells for the hormone and describe the effect(s) of glucocorticoids (cortisol), mineralocorticoids (aldosterone), gonadocorticoids, epinephrine and norepinephrine on the target tissue or cells.
HAPS Objective: O02.01 Define metabolism, anabolism and catabolism.
HAPS Topic: Module C04 Organic compounds
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
HAPS Topic: Module J05 Identity, source, secretory control, and functional roles of the major hormones produced by the body
HAPS Topic: Module O02 Introduction to metabolism
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. Which of the following is NOT typically true about G proteins?
    A. They act as second messengers.
    B.  They can be stimulatory for second-messenger production.
    C.  They can be inhibitory for second-messenger production.
    D.  They can act as transducers for activated receptors by opening or closing ion channels.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: H05.06 Explain how the receptors for neurotransmitters are related to chemically- gated ion channels.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Which is NOT typically a step in the cAMP second-messenger system?
    A. A first messenger binds to a transmembrane receptor.
    B.  There is dissociation of G-protein subunits.
    C.  An activated G-protein subunit phosphorylates cAMP-dependent protein kinase.
    D.  Adenylyl cyclase converts ATP into cAMP.
    E.  Active cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylates cell proteins.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C04.06 Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.03 Compare and contrast the types of receptors (cell membrane or intracellular) that each class binds to.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C04 Organic compounds
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. Second messengers:
    A. are necessary for all receptor signal transduction mechanisms.
    B.  act in the cell cytoplasm.
    C.  only function as intercellular messengers.
    D.  always function to activate enzymes.
    E.  are always proteins.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C04.06 Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C04 Organic compounds
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
    A. Phosphorylation by protein kinases can stimulate or inhibit the activity of effector proteins.
    B.  Ca2+ is not a second messenger.
    C.  Phosphodiesterase converts GMP into cGMP
    D.  Conversion of ATP to cAMP is a phosphorylation reaction.
    E.  Phospholipase C converts ATP to cAMP.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C04.06 Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C04 Organic compounds
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. Which of the following is known to be a second messenger?
    A. diacylglycerol
    B.  phospholipase C
    C.  ATP
    D.  adenylyl cyclase
    E.  epinephrine


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Objective: J05.04c In the adrenal gland, name the target tissue or cells for the hormone and describe the effect(s) of glucocorticoids (cortisol), mineralocorticoids (aldosterone), gonadocorticoids, epinephrine and norepinephrine on the target tissue or cells.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
HAPS Topic: Module J05 Identity, source, secretory control, and functional roles of the major hormones produced by the body
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Amplification during a second-messenger cascade is beneficial because amplification:
    A. takes small molecules and makes polymers out of them.
    B.  results in the production of more of the first messenger.
    C.  allows a cell to respond to more different hormones.
    D.  allows small amounts of hormones to produce large responses in target cells.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. Amplification of a second-messenger cascade can take place at which level of a signal cascade?
    A. One activated receptor can activate numerous G-proteins.
    B.  One activated G-protein can activate numerous effector enzymes.
    C.  One active effector enzyme can catalyze numerous reactions.
    D.  One activated protein kinase can allosterically modulate numerous proteins.
    E.  All of the choices are correct.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C04.06 Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C04 Organic compounds
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. What is a role of calcium ions in the second-messenger cascade involving phospholipase C, diacylglycerol, and inositol triphosphate?
    A. It splits and activates G-protein subunits.
    B.  It binds to the endoplasmic reticulum and causes the release of inositol trisphosphate.
    C.  It phosphorylates cell proteins.
    D.  It is the first messenger that binds to the integral membrane protein receptor.
    E.  Along with diacylglycerol, it activates protein kinase C.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. What second messenger most directly causes calcium ions to be released from intracellular stores?
    A. diacylglycerol
    B.  adenylyl cyclase
    C.  inositol triphosphate
    D.  phospholipase A
    E.  phospholipase C


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell
Topic: Organelles


True / False Questions

  1. First messengers may bind to a membrane receptor that is an ion channel, which promotes a change in membrane polarity.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.06 Explain how the receptors for neurotransmitters are related to chemically- gated ion channels.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.03 Compare and contrast the types of receptors (cell membrane or intracellular) that each class binds to.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Mechanisms for movement across cell membranes
Topic: Membrane structure and function



  1. Eicosanoids are a family of ubiquitous, fatty-acid-derived, local chemical messengers.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C07.01 Describe how lipids are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.
HAPS Objective: J06.02 List two major types of eicosanoids and discuss their production and functions.
HAPS Topic: Module C07 Membrane structure and function
HAPS Topic: Module J06 Local hormones (paracrines and autocrines) and growth factors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell
Topic: Membrane structure and function

  1. Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are more specific in their effects on eicosanoid synthesis than are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: J06.02 List two major types of eicosanoids and discuss their production and functions.
HAPS Objective: J09.01 Predict factors or situations affecting the endocrine organs that could disrupt homeostasis.
HAPS Topic: Module J06 Local hormones (paracrines and autocrines) and growth factors
HAPS Topic: Module J09 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, incluidng disease states and disorders
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Two cell types having the same type of receptor for a chemical messenger will always respond to that messenger in the same way.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.06 Explain how the receptors for neurotransmitters are related to chemically- gated ion channels.
HAPS Objective: H05.13 Explain how a single neurotransmitter may be excitatory at one synapse and inhibitory at another.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. Competition for receptors is strictly a pharmacological phenomenon, since naturally occurring chemical messengers do not compete with each other for the same receptor site.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C15.01 Predict factors or situations that could disrupt organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or the cell cycle.
HAPS Topic: Module C15 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. An antagonist blocks the action of a chemical messenger by binding to its receptor.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C15.01 Predict factors or situations that could disrupt organelle function, transport processes, protein synthesis, or the cell cycle.
HAPS Topic: Module C15 Predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders
Learning Outcome: 05.01
Section: 05.01
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Phosphorylation is a necessary component of any enzyme activation.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: C04.06 Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C04 Organic compounds
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell



  1. The enzyme that catalyzes the production of cAMP from ATP is phosphodiesterase.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Cyclic AMP activates allosteric proteins.


Bloom’s: Level 2. Understand
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell

  1. Activated calmodulin functions to activate or inactivate cytosolic enzymes.


Bloom’s: Level 1. Remember
HAPS Objective: C04.06 Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
HAPS Objective: H05.14 Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
HAPS Objective: J02.04 Compare and contrast the mechanism of response that each class elicits (i.e., change in gene expression or change in an intracellular pathway via phosphorylation mechanism) and relate the response mechanism to the biochemical nature of the hormone molecule.
HAPS Topic: Module C04 Organic compounds
HAPS Topic: Module H05 Neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission.
HAPS Topic: Module J02 Chemical classification of hormones and mechanism of hormone actions at receptors
Learning Outcome: 05.02
Section: 05.02
Topic: Clinical applications of homeostatic mechanisms of the cell


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