Chapter 55 Medical Surgical Nursing Preparation For Practice 2nd Edition


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Chapter 55  Medical Surgical Nursing Preparation For Practice 2nd Edition



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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Question 1
Type: MCMA
The nurse is developing a series of presentations for a group of high school students interested in a career in health care. Which topics would the nurse consider for inclusion in a discussion of hematologic function?

Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. The hematologic system is a transport system that functions to provide nutrients to the body.
2. The main component of the hematologic system is blood.
3. The hematologic system is a transport system that functions to remove toxins from the body.
4. The lymphatic and the reticuloendothelial/mononuclear phagocyte systems contribute to the functions of the hematologic system.
5. Blood is a type of epithelial tissue.
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4
Rationale 1: The hematologic system is a method of transport that delivers nutrition, oxygen, and secretory products throughout the body.
Rationale 2: Blood is the tissue that makes up the hematologic system.
Rationale 3: Blood transports wastes to the kidneys and liver for disposal.
Rationale 4: The lymphatic system, the spleen, the liver, and the reticuloendothelial/mononuclear phagocyte system contribute to the overall function of the hematologic system.
Rationale 5: Blood is a type of connective tissue that runs throughout the body.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Client Need Sub:
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: 55-1

Question 2
Type: MCMA
Which statements would the nurse make when discussing age-related changes in the hematologic system?

Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. “When you are past middle age, your hemoglobin levels will be slightly lower than when you were younger.”
2. “You have less red marrow than when you were younger, but will still have this important component even into old age.”
3. “As you continue to age, we will see big differences in your blood cell counts on lab tests.”
4. “You may not respond to immunizations as well because of changes in your cells related to the immune response.”
5. “It may take your body longer to return to the normal amount of blood cells if you are injured or get sick.”
Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1: Hemoglobin levels tend to decrease after middle age. This decrease is greater in men that in women.
Rationale 2: It is thought that the amount of red marrow decreases with aging, but that the marrow is not completely depleted even in very old adults.
Rationale 3: Laboratory parameters as they relate to the hematologic system of aging patients are usually not much different from those of a younger patient.
Rationale 4: It has been suggested that there may be some T-cell function loss and that this may account for a poor response to immunizations.
Rationale 5: The number of functioning stem cells decreases with aging, which reduces the body’s ability to respond to the need for blood cells in the advent of injury or disease.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Physiological Integrity
Client Need Sub: Physiological Adaptation
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: 55-1

Question 3
Type: MCMA
Which patient statements would the nurse document as part of the chief complaint?
Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. “My father had sickle cell anemia.”
2. “All I want to do is sleep. I am tired all the time.”
3. “I get short of breath so easily.”
4. “I lived in a city where there was a lot of pollution when I was a child.”
5. “I can’t seem to recover from the cold I had last month.”
Correct Answer: 2,3,5
Rationale 1: This statement reveals family history but does not describe the patient’s current issue. It is not a chief complaint.
Rationale 2: This statement describes a problem the patient is experiencing and is considered a chief complaint.
Rationale 3: The statement describes a problem the patient is experiencing and is considered a chief complaint.
Rationale 4: This statement is part of the patient’s historical data, not a chief complaint.
Rationale 5: Although this statement seems to be historical in that it refers to a cold last month, it actually describes a chief complaint. The patient is reporting a current inability to recover from that cold.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Client Need Sub:
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessment
Learning Outcome: 55-3

Question 4
Type: MCMA
What phrases would the nurse use to describe red blood cells?

Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Are formed from monoblasts
2. Maintain the chemical integrity of hemoglobin
3. Have a life span of approximately 90 days
4. Carry oxygen to tissues
5. Assume a rigid disk shape when filled with hemoglobin
Correct Answer: 2,4
Rationale 1: Red blood cells are formed from erythroblasts. Monoblasts form monocytes, a type of white blood cell.
Rationale 2: The function of the red blood cells is to become filled with hemoglobin, maintain the integrity of hemoglobin, and distribute it to the body’s tissues.
Rationale 3: The actual life span of a red blood cell is approximately 120 days.
Rationale 4: The red blood cell’s primary function is to be filled with hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the tissues.
Rationale 5: Red blood cells assume a flexible disk shape that allows for optimal filling and ease of transport to body tissues through the circulatory system.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Physiological Integrity
Client Need Sub: Physiological Adaptation
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: 55-2

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