Chapter 34 Bowel Elimination


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Chapter 34  Bowel Elimination



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. Mrs. Smith is a 67-year-old patient who has been admitted to the hospital with dehydration. Rachael, the student nurse caring for Mrs. Smith, explains to her that diarrhea is the result of abnormally fast peristalsis in what organ?

If peristalsis is abnormally fast in the colon, there is less time for water to be absorbed and the stool will be watery.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: 989
OBJ: Explain the physiology of digestion, absorption, and bowel elimination
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Client Needs: Physiological Integrity

2. Kelly is a student nurse who is caring for Mrs. Mermann, a 33-year-old who is in labor with her first child. Mrs. Mermann has complained to Kelly about the hemorrhoids that she has experienced during the last month of her pregnancy. She asks Kelly what she can do to prevent future problems with hemorrhoids. What is Kelly’s best response?
“Hemorrhoids are caused by straining.”
“You need to soften your stools by drinking plenty of fluids.”
“You should eat less carbohydrates.”
“There is nothing that you can do to prevent hemorrhoids.”

The rectum contains vertical and transverse folds of tissue that help to temporarily hold fecal contents during defecation. Each fold contains an artery and veins that can become distended from pressure during straining. This distention results in hemorrhoid formation.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: 992
OBJ: List nursing measures aimed at promoting normal elimination and defecation
TOP: Nursing Process: Planning
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance

3. William is a nurse caring for several patients on the surgical unit of the hospital. He knows that constipation can be a significant health hazard and encourages his postoperative patients to drink fluids. Which of the following patients that he is caring for are most at risk from complications of constipation?
35-year-old man with back surgery
47-year-old woman with abdominal hysterectomy
29-year-old women with carpal tunnel surgery
77-year-old man with hip surgery

Constipation is a significant health hazard. Straining during defecation causes problems for patients with recent abdominal, gynecological, or rectal surgery. An effort to pass a stool can cause sutures to separate, reopening a wound. In addition, patients with cardiovascular disease, diseases causing elevated intraocular pressure (glaucoma), and increased intracranial pressure need to prevent constipation and avoid using the Valsalva maneuver.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: 990
OBJ: List nursing measures aimed at promoting normal elimination and defecation
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: Client Needs: Physiological Integrity

4. Mrs. Julian will be undergoing abdominal surgery, which will most likely result in an ostomy. She asks the nurse what the consistency of the stool from her ostomy will be. What is the best answer?
“Your stools won’t change from what they currently are.”
“The consistency will be very soft.”
“The consistency will be liquid.”
“It depends on the location of the intestine where the ostomy is.”

The location of an ostomy determines stool consistency. The more intestine remaining, the more formed and normal the stool.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: 993
OBJ: Describe nursing care required to maintain structure and function of a bowel diversion TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance

5. Mrs. White was involved in a motor vehicle accident and underwent a loop colostomy. She asks the nurse about the colostomy and asks what is draining out of each side. What is the nurse’s best response?
“There is stool draining out of both sides.”
“Stool is draining out the right side and mucus is draining out the left side.”
“There is mucus and stool draining from both sides.”
“Stool is draining out the left side and mucus is draining out the right side.”

Loop colostomies are frequently performed on an emergency basis and are temporary large stomas constructed in the transverse colon. The loop ostomy has two openings through the stoma. The proximal end drains stool, and the distal portion drains mucus.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: 993
OBJ: Describe nursing care required to maintain structure and function of a bowel diversion TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation
MSC: Client Needs: Physiological Integrity


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