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Chapter 3 Delivering Nursing Care
Complete Chapter Questions And Answers
Sample Questions
1) Which statement describes functional nursing?
1. One nurse has responsibility for all the needs for three clients.
2. One nurse has responsibility for all the medications on the unit.
3. One nurse and one nursing assistant have responsibility for ten clients.
4. One charge nurse and one respiratory therapist have responsibility for all clients.
Answer: 2
Explanation: 1. Functional nursing breaks down client care into tasks assigned to the appropriate professional
or skilled caregivers. Team or modular nursing uses a variety of skilled caregivers to provide
care to an assigned group of clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse assigned to a few
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
2. Functional nursing breaks down client care into tasks assigned to the appropriate professional
or skilled caregivers. Team or modular nursing uses a variety of skilled caregivers to provide
care to an assigned group of clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse assigned to a few
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
3. Functional nursing breaks down client care into tasks assigned to the appropriate professional
or skilled caregivers. Team or modular nursing uses a variety of skilled caregivers to provide
care to an assigned group of clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse assigned to a few
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
4. Functional nursing breaks down client care into tasks assigned to the appropriate professional
or skilled caregivers. Team or modular nursing uses a variety of skilled caregivers to provide
care to an assigned group of clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse assigned to a few
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 3-2: Describe what types of nursing care delivery systems exist.
Test Taking Tip: Be prepared to use new terms and apply them in nursing situations.
Effective Leadership and Mgmt in Nursing , 7e (Sullivan) — CVC 12/3/08 — Page 50
2) Which has affected change in nursing care delivery systems?
1. Increased acute care client days
2. Decreased acuity level of clients
3. Availability of registered nurses
4. Enhanced hospital revenues
Answer: 3
Explanation: 1. The availability of nurses has historically affected the method of client care delivery. Nursing
shortages have required nurses to be creative in caring for clients. Increased acute care days,
decreased acuity, and enhanced hospital revenues are incorrect because client days have
decreased, acuity levels have increased, and hospital revenues have been challenged.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
2. The availability of nurses has historically affected the method of client care delivery. Nursing
shortages have required nurses to be creative in caring for clients. Increased acute care days,
decreased acuity, and enhanced hospital revenues are incorrect because client days have
decreased, acuity levels have increased, and hospital revenues have been challenged.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
3. The availability of nurses has historically affected the method of client care delivery. Nursing
shortages have required nurses to be creative in caring for clients. Increased acute care days,
decreased acuity, and enhanced hospital revenues are incorrect because client days have
decreased, acuity levels have increased, and hospital revenues have been challenged.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
4. The availability of nurses has historically affected the method of client care delivery. Nursing
shortages have required nurses to be creative in caring for clients. Increased acute care days,
decreased acuity, and enhanced hospital revenues are incorrect because client days have
decreased, acuity levels have increased, and hospital revenues have been challenged.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 3-1: Describe how the delivery system structures nursing care.
Test Taking Tip: Look for accurate historical trends in each option.
Effective Leadership and Mgmt in Nursing , 7e (Sullivan) — CVC 12/3/08 — Page 51
3) The RN receives reports on eight clients in the morning. Client assignments are then delegated to an LPN and
two nursing assistants. The morning is busy with physician visits and new client orders and the RN
communicates these new orders to the LPN and nursing assistants. The RN also meets with the case manager
to discuss nursing home placement for one of the clients. What type of nursing care delivery system is in place
in this hospital?
1. Total patient care
2. Functional nursing
3. Team nursing
4. Critical pathways
Answer: 3
Explanation: 1. The RN in this case is leading a team. A variety of skilled caregivers cares for a group of
clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse. Functional nursing breaks down the
assignments into tasks. Critical pathways are a set of strategies used by health care providers
to attain expected outcomes.
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
2. The RN in this case is leading a team. A variety of skilled caregivers cares for a group of
clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse. Functional nursing breaks down the
assignments into tasks. Critical pathways are a set of strategies used by health care providers
to attain expected outcomes.
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
3. The RN in this case is leading a team. A variety of skilled caregivers cares for a group of
clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse. Functional nursing breaks down the
assignments into tasks. Critical pathways are a set of strategies used by health care providers
to attain expected outcomes.
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
4. The RN in this case is leading a team. A variety of skilled caregivers cares for a group of
clients. Total patient care is given by one nurse. Functional nursing breaks down the
assignments into tasks. Critical pathways are a set of strategies used by health care providers
to attain expected outcomes.
Nursing Process: Implementation
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 3-2: Describe what types of nursing care delivery systems exist.
Test Taking Tip: Be prepared to apply concepts in new nursing situations.
Effective Leadership and Mgmt in Nursing , 7e (Sullivan) — CVC 12/3/08 — Page 52
4) As the RN team leader, identify all potential disadvantages of using team nursing to deliver care to the
assigned clients. Select all that apply.
1. Delegation/accountability
2. Client/staff communication
3. Cost savings/staffing
4. Continuity of care
Answer: 1, 2, 4
Explanation: 1. The RN must be careful to delegate only tasks that are appropriate for the skill level and
licensure of the personnel doing the task. The RN is ultimately responsible for all of the client
care. Team nursing requires excellent communication skills for all team members in order to
communicate with clients, families, and each other. Continuity of care may suffer when care is
given by more than one person. Team nursing does save on costs for personnel and saves on
professional staff.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
2. The RN must be careful to delegate only tasks that are appropriate for the skill level and
licensure of the personnel doing the task. The RN is ultimately responsible for all of the client
care. Team nursing requires excellent communication skills for all team members in order to
communicate with clients, families, and each other. Continuity of care may suffer when care is
given by more than one person. Team nursing does save on costs for personnel and saves on
professional staff.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
3. The RN must be careful to delegate only tasks that are appropriate for the skill level and
licensure of the personnel doing the task. The RN is ultimately responsible for all of the client
care. Team nursing requires excellent communication skills for all team members in order to
communicate with clients, families, and each other. Continuity of care may suffer when care is
given by more than one person. Team nursing does save on costs for personnel and saves on
professional staff.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
4. The RN must be careful to delegate only tasks that are appropriate for the skill level and
licensure of the personnel doing the task. The RN is ultimately responsible for all of the client
care. Team nursing requires excellent communication skills for all team members in order to
communicate with clients, families, and each other. Continuity of care may suffer when care is
given by more than one person. Team nursing does save on costs for personnel and saves on
professional staff.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 3-3: Discuss the positive and negative aspects of different systems.
Test Taking Tip: Pay attention to key words. The word ʺdisadvantageʺ means look for the reasons not to use the care
delivery method.
Effective Leadership and Mgmt in Nursing , 7e (Sullivan) — CVC 12/3/08 — Page 53
5) Which has historically been the most the most successful client care delivery system in intensive care units?
1. Team nursing
2. Total patient care
3. Functional nursing
4. Modular nursing
Answer: 2
Explanation: 1. In total patient care, one nurse cares for a client and can give continuous, holistic, and expert
nursing care, being totally accountable for the client. Team nursing, functional nursing, and
modular nursing have the disadvantages of less continuity of care and potentially less skilled
personnel caring for the client.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
2. In total patient care, one nurse cares for a client and can give continuous, holistic, and expert
nursing care, being totally accountable for the client. Team nursing, functional nursing, and
modular nursing have the disadvantages of less continuity of care and potentially less skilled
personnel caring for the client.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
3. In total patient care, one nurse cares for a client and can give continuous, holistic, and expert
nursing care, being totally accountable for the client. Team nursing, functional nursing, and
modular nursing have the disadvantages of less continuity of care and potentially less skilled
personnel caring for the client.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
4. In total patient care, one nurse cares for a client and can give continuous, holistic, and expert
nursing care, being totally accountable for the client. Team nursing, functional nursing, and
modular nursing have the disadvantages of less continuity of care and potentially less skilled
personnel caring for the client.
Nursing Process: Planning
Category of Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 3-3: Discuss the positive and negative aspects of different systems.
Test Taking Tip: Think critically about each option and apply each to the nursing situation.
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