Chapter 25 The Digestive System


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Chapter 25  The Digestive System



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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25.1 Multiple Choice Questions

1) Which of the following terms describes the movement of organic molecules, electrolytes, vitamins, and water across the digestive epithelium and into the interstitial fluid of the digestive tract?
A) ingestion
B) secretion
C) compaction
D) absorption
E) excretion
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: Introduction
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

2) The correct order of the digestive tube layers, from lumen outward, is:
(1) mucosa
(2) muscular layer
(3) serosa
(4) submucosa
A) 3, 1, 2, 4
B) 4, 1, 2, 3
C) 4, 2, 3, 1
D) 1, 4, 2, 3
E) 1, 4, 3, 2
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 25.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

3) Regarding the histological organization of the digestive tract, the ________ is a layer of dense, irregularly arranged connective tissue that surrounds the muscularis mucosae.
A) muscular layer
B) submucosa
C) adventitia
D) serosa
E) mucosa
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 25.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

4) The ventral mesentery layer disappears along most of the digestive tract, persisting only on the ventral surface of the stomach as the ________, which is located between the stomach and liver.
A) falciform ligament
B) mesentery colon
C) greater omentum
D) mesocolon
E) lesser omentum
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 25.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding
5) For the majority of the GI tract, which layer(s) of the wall contains smooth muscle?
A) muscular layer and serosa
B) mucosa and adventitia/serosa
C) adventitia/serosa
D) mucosa and muscular layer
E) submucosa and muscular layer
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 25.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

6) Contraction of smooth muscle in the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves the epithelial pleats and folds.
A) myenteric neural plexus
B) mucosa
C) submucosa
D) muscularis mucosa
E) mesocolon
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 25.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

7) The areolar connective tissue found deep in the epithelial lining of the digestive tract is called ________.
A) basement membrane
B) mucosa
C) plica
D) lamina propria
E) adventitia
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 25.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding


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