Chapter 21 Spiritual Health


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Chapter 21  Spiritual Health



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1. An elderly patient is dying, and begins talking to loved ones who have died before him. The nurse feels a sense of inner peace as his patient quietly dies. What is the best term for this feeling of peace?
Intrapersonal connectedness
Interpersonal connectedness
Transpersonal connectedness

Self-transcendence refers to connecting to your inner self, which allows you to go beyond yourself to understand the meanings of experiences, whereas transcendence is the belief that there is a positive force outside of and greater than oneself that allows you to develop new perspectives that are beyond physical boundaries. Examples of transcendent moments include the feelings of awe when holding a new baby or watching the sun rise over the mountains. Spirituality offers a sense of connectedness intrapersonally (connected with oneself), interpersonally (connected with others and the environment), and transpersonally (connected with God, the unseen, or a higher power).

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering (Knowledge)
REF: 548
OBJ: Describe the relationship among faith, hope, and spiritual well-being.
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

2. The nurse is caring for a patient who states that he does not believe in the existence of God. The nurse realizes that this person:
is not a spiritual person.
is an agnostic.
believes that people bring meaning into the world.
finds meaning in life through work and relationships.

Atheists search for meaning in life through their work and relationships with others. Spirituality exists in all people regardless of their religious beliefs and it gives people the energy needed to maintain health and cope with difficult situations. Spirituality is an important concept for individuals who either do not believe in the existence of God (atheist) or who believe that any ultimate reality is unknown or unknowable (agnostic). It is important for agnostics to discover meaning in what they do or how they live because they find no ultimate meaning for the way things are. They believe that we, as people, bring meaning to what we do.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding (Comprehension)
REF: 549
OBJ: Describe the relationship among faith, hope, and spiritual well-being.
TOP: Nursing Process: Diagnosis MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

3. A nurse is caring for a patient with a debilitating chronic illness. The patient mentions several times that faith would guide her healing. The nurse knows that faith can best be defined as a:
system of organized beliefs and worship.
relationship with a higher power, authority, or spirit.
source of energy needed to cope with difficult situations.
multidimensional concept that gives comfort while a person endures hardship.

Faith is a relationship with a divinity, higher power, authority, or spirit that incorporates a reasoning faith (belief) and a trusting faith (action). Religion refers to the system of organized beliefs and worship that a person practices to outwardly express spirituality. Spirituality exists in all people regardless of their religious beliefs and it gives people the energy needed to maintain health and cope with difficult situations. Hope is multidimensional and gives comfort while a person endures hardship and personal challenges.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering (Knowledge)
REF: 549
OBJ: Describe the relationship among faith, hope, and spiritual well-being.
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity


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