Chapter 19  Introduction to Nerves and the Nervous System


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Chapter 19  Introduction to Nerves and the Nervous System



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

Sample Questions


1. What part of the neuron carries information into the neuron from other neurons?

A) Axon

B) Dendrite

C) Nucleus

D) Soma

Ans: B


Dendrites carry information to the nerve and axons; they also carry information from a nerve to be
transmitted to effector cells, which are found in muscles, glands, or another nerve. Soma refers to the
cell body. The nucleus is the central part of a cell, which is responsible for the cell’s growth,
reproduction, and metabolism.

2. When a neuron is stimulated and causes depolarization of the nerve, what occurs?

A) Calcium rushes into the cell.

B) Sodium rushes into the cell.

C) Potassium rushes into the cell.

D) Sodium and potassium are actively pumped out to the cell.

Ans: B


When depolarization occurs, sodium rushes into the cell. During repolarization, potassium is pumped
out of the cell and the resting membrane potential is reestablished. Calcium ions decrease the cell
membranes’ permeability to sodium and increase the threshold needed to depolarize the cell.

3. What neurotransmitter inhibits overexcitability and is important in preventing seizure activity in a

A) Acetylcholine


Test Bank – Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (7th Edition by Amy Karch) 305

B) Dopamine

C) Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

D) Serotonin

Ans: C


GABA is found in the brain and inhibits nerve activity. It is important in preventing overexcitability or
stimulation such as seizure activity. Acetylcholine communicates between nerves and muscles.
Dopamine is involved in the coordination of impulses and responses, both motor and intellectual.
Serotonin is found in the limbic system and is important in arousal and sleep as well as in preventing
depression and promoting motivation.

4. The nurse is caring for a patient who has an injured hindbrain. What would the nurse expect to find
altered when assessing the patient?

A) Arousal and awareness

B) Basic vital functions

C) Coordination and motor activity

D) Learning and motivation

Ans: B


The hindbrain contains centers that control basic vital functions (e.g., blood pressure, respirations,
vomiting). The reticular activating system in the medulla controls arousal and awareness. Learning and
motivation occur in the cerebral cortex. Coordination and motor activity are controlled through the
cerebellum and basal ganglia.

5. A female patient has experienced a stroke affecting the right side of her brain. What will the nurse
expect to assess in this patient?

A) Inability to recall the name of her best friend

B) Inability to state her telephone number

C) Inability to distinguish a spoon from a fork

D) Inability to recall how to apply her makeup

Ans: C


The right side of the brain is the artistic side and is concerned with forms and shapes. This patient could
have difficulty distinguishing the roundness of the spoon with the straight line of the top of the fork.
The left side of the brain is more analytical and is concerned with names, numbers, and process.

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