Chapter 15 Teaching Family Members Supportive Care


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Chapter 15  Teaching Family Members Supportive Care



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding social support for a family?
A nurse’s educational support is often needed to provide a family with necessary informational support to manage the symptoms of an illness.
A family may need instrumental support as they begin to care for a family member with a limited mobility in their home.
A family may need assistance to provide emotional support when a family member is hospitalized with an acute illness.
A chronically ill individual must learn to not rely on a family for social support.

ANS: 4

Families often need education and information to manage an illness. A nurse is in prime position to offer this support.
Families need mechanical devices or home resources as they begin to care for a family member with a limited mobility in their home.
Hospitalization with an acute illness can often trigger family anxiety, fear, stress, and uncertainty . The family needs emotional support to manage these emotions
A chronically ill individual must learn to not rely on a family for social support.

PTS: 1
KEY: Content Area: Nursing care and supportive actions | Integrated Process: Nursing Process | Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment | Cognitive Level: Comprehension | Question Type: Multiple Choice

2. Family support needs during an illness experience often require a nurse to:
Provide instructions that help the family understand the demands of an illness.
Develop a friendship with the family to provide continuity of care.
Resolve conflict by accentuating the individual family differences.
Make moral judgments of the family’s actions.

ANS: 1

Providing instructions that help the family understand the demands of an illness is important to family-focused nursing care.
The nurse develops a trusting therapeutic relationship, rather than a friend role.
Identifying and understanding the individual family differences will move toward resolution of conflict, rather than emphasizing the differences.
A family-focused nurse avoids making moral judgments of the family’s actions, and rather strives to understand the actions.

PTS: 1
KEY: Content Area: Nursing care and supportive actions | Integrated Process: Nursing Process | Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment | Cognitive Level: Comprehension | Question Type: Multiple Choice

3. A nurse aims to provide social support for a family to influence which of the following family outcomes?
Improved family health
Increased powerlessness in family members
Increased anxiety and depression in family member
Decreased problem solving in family members

ANS: 1

Improving family health is a goal of social support
Increasing empowerment, rather than powerlessness, in family members is a goal of social support.
Decreasing anxiety and depression in family member is a goal of social support.
Increasing problem solving in family members is a goal of social support.

PTS: 1
KEY: Content Area: Nursing care and supportive actions | Integrated Process: Nursing Process | Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment | Cognitive Level: Comprehension | Question Type: Multiple Choice

4. Which of the following can be viewed as an accurate statement regarding the nurse-family communication related to support?
A nurse begins an assessment of needs by asking the family what types of support are needed.
Developing a trusting relationship with the family may help the nurse and family identify the types of support needed with discharge.
The nurse is usually the best judge of the types of support needed in the home.
A nurse focuses support on the ill family member, since the family most often has access to support.

ANS: 2

Families often do not know the support they need; therefore, beginning the assessment with this approach may not provide the nurse with needed information.
Developing a trusting relationship with the family helps the nurse and family identify the types of support needed with discharge.
The family knows their home, family members, and context, so they may be the best source of knowledge related to the types of support needed in the home.
A nurse focuses support on both the ill family member and the family to provide the best outcomes. At times, the family needs support as well as the ill family member.

PTS: 1
KEY: Content Area: Nursing care and supportive actions | Integrated Process: Nursing Process | Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment | Cognitive Level: Comprehension | Question Type: Multiple Choice


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