Chapter 11 Rest, Sleep, and Activity


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Chapter 11  Rest, Sleep, and Activity



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. Which of the following is a true statement about sleep in older adults?
The time spent in bed increases, but the time spent asleep decreases.
The amount of leg movement during sleep remains steady throughout life.
Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep becomes more unevenly distributed with age.
The amount of stage III sleep increases steadily throughout life.

Older persons tend to spend less time asleep than younger persons, although they spend more time in bed. This statement is true because sleep takes longer to arrive and is more fragmented. Leg movements during sleep often tend to increase with age. REM sleep becomes more evenly distributed with age. Stage III sleep decreases with age and virtually disappears in older adults.

PTS: 1 DIF: Remember REF: 172
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

2. Which of the following is a true statement about sleeping in older adults?
Older adults tend to fall asleep quickly but are awakened throughout the night.
Sleep disturbances in the older adult can be caused by cardiovascular disease, arthritis, or diabetes.
Benzodiazepine agents are the medications of choice for sleep disorders.
Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can alleviate sleep disturbances caused by depression.

All of these physical problems, as well as arthritis, can contribute to sleep disorders. It takes older adults more time to fall asleep, and older adults are awakened throughout the night more frequently than younger people. Benzodiazepines should not be used to induce sleep; these substances are highly addictive, and if their administration is suddenly withdrawn, then rebound insomnia can occur. In addition, older adults who take benzodiazepines for sleeping are more likely to experience a “hangover” after waking that can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. In addition to alleviating depression that causes sleep disorders, SSRIs can have a stimulating effect that, in itself, interferes with the sleep cycle.

PTS: 1 DIF: Remember REF: 172
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Physiological Integrity

3. An older man has Alzheimer disease, and his wife says he is up and wandering around the house at night. Which intervention should the nurse implement to increase the man’s duration of sleep?
Instruct the wife to increase his daily physical activity.
Collaborate with the health care provider to administer a hypnotic medication.
Teach the wife how to apply a vest restraint during sleep.
Help the wife plan daily periods for napping and activity.

Regular exercise can help increase the duration of sleep during the night. Adding a new medication to the existing pharmacotherapy can increase adverse drug interactions and complicate the problem; the existing therapeutic regimen can be already contributing to the problem. Administering a hypnotic medication is the therapy of last resort and can be ineffective. The nurse avoids recommending the use of restraints; restraint use is associated with an increased incidence of injury and accidents. In addition, restraints can be an ineffective therapy and can contribute to hostility and combativeness. Excessive napping during the day may be contributing to the problem.

PTS: 1 DIF: Apply REF: 176
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

4. Exercises are prescribed for older adults as therapy to improve which one of the following qualities?
Relative intensity
Muscle retraining
Muscle strength
Body sculpting

Exercises that improve muscle strength are important for balance, strong bones, and metabolic processes. Relative intensity is the level of effort required by a person to an activity. When using relative intensity, people pay attention to how physical activity affects heart rate and breathing. Muscle strength is not a therapeutic concern. Muscle retraining refers to muscles that have been trained, detrained, and trained again and is not a therapeutic concern. Muscle definition is a quality valued by bodybuilders, but it is not a therapeutic concern.

PTS: 1 DIF: Remember REF: 179 TOP: Nursing Process: Planning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

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