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Chapter 05 Health Promotion for the Developing Child
Complete Chapter Questions And Answers
Sample Questions
1. Which statement best describes development in infants and children?
a. Development, a predictable and orderly process, occurs at varying rates within
normal limits.
b. Development is primarily related to the growth in the number and size of cells.
c. Development occurs in a proximodistal direction with fine muscle development
occurring first.
d. Development is more easily and accurately measured than growth.
Development, a continuous and orderly process, provides the basis for increases in the child’s
function and complexity of behavior. The increases in rate of function and complexity can
vary normally within limits for each child. An increase in the number and size of cells is a
definition for growth. Development proceeds in a proximodistal direction with fine muscle
organization occurring as a result of large muscle organization. Development is a more
complex process that is affected by many factors; therefore, it is less easily and accurately
measured. Growth is a predictable process with standard measurement methods.
PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remembering
REF: p. 62 OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
2. Frequent developmental assessments are important for which reason?
a. Stable developmental periods during infancy provide an opportunity to identify
any delays or deficits.
b. Infants need stimulation specific to the stage of development.
c. Critical periods of development occur during childhood.
d. Child development is unpredictable and needs monitoring.
Critical periods are blocks of time during which children are ready to master specific
developmental tasks. The earlier those delays in development are discovered and intervention
initiated, the less dramatic their effect will be. Infancy is a dynamic time of development that
requires frequent evaluations to assess appropriate developmental progress. Infants in a
nurturing environment will develop appropriately and will not necessarily need stimulation
specific to their developmental stage. Normal growth and development is orderly and
proceeds in a predictable pattern based on each individual’s abilities and potentials.
PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension/Understanding
REF: p. 64 OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
3. The nurse is assessing an infant’s growth and development. The parents want education on
how to stimulate this process. What action suggested by the nurse is inconsistent with
knowledge of this topic?
a. Have the family draw a three-generation family pedigree.
b. Show the family how to coo and babble with their child.
c. Encourage the parents to buy interactive toys for the child.
d. Involve the child in activities that are outside the home.
A family pedigree can help show relationships and health care problems but will not stimulate
growth and development. Activities that are stimulating for a child include the consistent use
of language by the parents, allowing play time with interactive toys (toys that make noises or
do something in response to the baby’s actions), and exposing the child to new sights and
PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying
REF: p. 66 OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
4. According to Piaget’s theory, the period of cognitive development in which the child is able to
distinguish between concepts related to fact and fantasy, such as human beings are incapable
of flying like birds, is the __________ period of cognitive development.
a. sensorimotor
b. formal operations
c. concrete operations
d. preoperational
Concrete operations is the period of cognitive development in which children’s thinking is
shifted from egocentric to being able to see another’s point of view. They develop the ability
to distinguish fact from fantasy. The sensorimotor stage occurs in infancy and is a period of
reflexive behavior. During this period, the infant’s world becomes more permanent and
organized. The stage ends with the infant demonstrating some evidence of reasoning. Formal
operations is a period in development in which new ideas are created through previous
thoughts. Analytic reason and abstract thought emerge in this period. The preoperational stage
is a period of egocentrism in which the child’s judgments are illogical and dominated by
magical thinking and animism.
PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remembering
REF: p. 68 OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
5. The theorist who viewed developmental progression as a lifelong series of conflicts that need
resolution is
a. Erikson.
b. Freud.
c. Kohlberg.
d. Piaget.
Erik Erikson viewed development as a series of conflicts affected by social and cultural
factors. Each conflict must be resolved for the child to progress emotionally, with
unsuccessful resolution leaving the child emotionally disabled. Sigmund Freud proposed a
psychosexual theory of development. He proposed that certain parts of the body assume
psychological significance as foci of sexual energy. The foci shift as the individual moves
through the different stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital) of development.
Lawrence Kohlberg described moral development as having three levels (preconventional,
conventional, and postconventional). His theory closely parallels Piaget’s.
PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remembering
REF: p. 69 OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
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