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Chapter 05 Ethical Issues Relevant to Health Promotion
Complete Chapter Questions And Answers
Sample Questions
1. Which of the following statements is true with regard to health promotion?
Health promotion efforts are not concerned with addressing environmental obstacles to health.
Advocates of health promotion are not involved in political campaigns against harmful products.
The business of eliminating health disparities is a unique function of Healthy People 2010 goals.
Health promotion involves collaboration of many professional groups.
Health promotion involves collaboration of all health professional groups with requisite knowledge and skills to protect or achieve health.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: 116
2. Which of the following types of ethical theories is concerned with ensuring “good actions”?
Descriptive value theories
Normative theories
Consequentialism theory
Duty-based theories
Normative theories are either reasoned explanations of the moral purpose of human interactions or are divinely “revealed” truths about good actions. These are the types of actions people “ought” to take on the basis of which principles are believed to be valid.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: 117
3. Which of the following statements best describes the application of moral or ethical theory to the practices involved in health promotion?
One can be assured of morally correct action in a given situation if one adheres to a theory of moral principles.
There are no identifiable criteria that can be used effectively to determine correct actions in a given situation.
The good of the larger population always takes precedence over the good of one individual.
Making ethical decisions regarding human health involves the consideration of multiple factors.
Making moral or ethical decisions about human health is not an easy task and requires assessing various criteria or theories.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Synthesis REF: 121
4. A liver for which two people are tissue-typed has become available after the death of a donor in a car accident. Client A is a 45-year-old substance abuser whose liver is damaged as a result of his use of alcohol. Client B is a 16-year-old in need of a liver transplant because of a birth abnormality. Which of the following would be useful for a nurse in giving input as to which of the two should receive the liver?
Advocate for Client B because he is the younger of the two and will live longer.
Use feminist moral theory to advocate for Client A in spite of his alcohol use.
Use a guided set of moral principles in decision making before advocating for either.
Advocate for Client A because he has 15 to 20 years of productive life left.
Systematically using a set of moral principles in making ethical decisions assists the nurse in resolving ethical dilemmas such as that described.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Synthesis REF: 123-124
5. Nurse B has been asked to participate in a termination of the pregnancy of a 16-year-old victim of date rape. Nurse B’s religious beliefs prohibit abortion. According to the revised American Nurses Association’s (ANA’s) Code of Ethics for Nurses, which of the following options addresses the immediacy of Nurse B’s situation?
Suspend her religious beliefs and provide comfort and support for the 16-year-old client.
Quit her job and find another source of employment.
Notify her supervisor about her beliefs and ask that someone else be given the assignment.
Refuse to participate in the abortion.
In the immediacy of the situation, the ANA Code of Ethics provides for the right of nurses to refuse to participate in procedures that violate their own values, but the nurse’s ethical behavior must ensure that arrangements for the care of the client are provided.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: 122-123
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