Chapter 02 Promoting Culturally Proficient Care


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Chapter 02  Promoting Culturally Proficient Care



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

Sample Questions


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) A nurse is preparing to assist an elderly Romany client with morning care. Based on the awareness 1)
and understanding of the Romany culture, the nurse will plan to: (Select all that apply.)

A) Stand at least 18 inches away from the client at all times.
B) Avoid offering toothpaste for oral hygiene.
C) Ask permission before touching the client’s head.
D) Initiate little, if any, verbal communication during the bath.
E) Offer lotion for moistening the body.
F) Use separate towels and soap for the upper and lower body.

Answer: C, E, F
Explanation: A) In the Romany culture, keeping the lower body separate from the upper body is

essential to moral character, therefore it is important in hygiene to wash the areas
separately. Keeping the head clean is symbolically important and the client may
not want anyone touching his or her head unless absolutely necessary. Many
cultures have particular practices that involve the head and feet. A preference is to
keep the skin moist. Romany tend to view silence as indicating extreme
discomfort. Personal space is more intimate than in many other cultures.
Psychosocial Integrity

B) In the Romany culture, keeping the lower body separate from the upper body is
essential to moral character, therefore it is important in hygiene to wash the areas
separately. Keeping the head clean is symbolically important and the client may
not want anyone touching his or her head unless absolutely necessary. Many
cultures have particular practices that involve the head and feet. A preference is to
keep the skin moist. Romany tend to view silence as indicating extreme
discomfort. Personal space is more intimate than in many other cultures.
Psychosocial Integrity

C) In the Romany culture, keeping the lower body separate from the upper body is
essential to moral character, therefore it is important in hygiene to wash the areas
separately. Keeping the head clean is symbolically important and the client may
not want anyone touching his or her head unless absolutely necessary. Many
cultures have particular practices that involve the head and feet. A preference is to
keep the skin moist. Romany tend to view silence as indicating extreme
discomfort. Personal space is more intimate than in many other cultures.
Psychosocial Integrity



D) In the Romany culture, keeping the lower body separate from the upper body is
essential to moral character, therefore it is important in hygiene to wash the areas
separately. Keeping the head clean is symbolically important and the client may
not want anyone touching his or her head unless absolutely necessary. Many
cultures have particular practices that involve the head and feet. A preference is to
keep the skin moist. Romany tend to view silence as indicating extreme
discomfort. Personal space is more intimate than in many other cultures.
Psychosocial Integrity

E) In the Romany culture, keeping the lower body separate from the upper body is
essential to moral character, therefore it is important in hygiene to wash the areas
separately. Keeping the head clean is symbolically important and the client may
not want anyone touching his or her head unless absolutely necessary. Many
cultures have particular practices that involve the head and feet. A preference is to
keep the skin moist. Romany tend to view silence as indicating extreme
discomfort. Personal space is more intimate than in many other cultures.
Psychosocial Integrity

F) In the Romany culture, keeping the lower body separate from the upper body is
essential to moral character, therefore it is important in hygiene to wash the areas
separately. Keeping the head clean is symbolically important and the client may
not want anyone touching his or her head unless absolutely necessary. Many
cultures have particular practices that involve the head and feet. A preference is to
keep the skin moist. Romany tend to view silence as indicating extreme
discomfort. Personal space is more intimate than in many other cultures.
Psychosocial Integrity

2) A neighborhood family clinic has both a multicultural staff and a multicultural clientele. Basic to 2)
the provision of culturally sound care, it is essential that the staff:

A) Have a cultural consciousness of themselves and how they work together.
B) Have resources available to identify cultural practices of many different groups.
C) Attend continuing education courses in cultural diversity.
D) Match the cultural backgrounds of the nurses with those of the clients as much as possible.

Answer: A
Explanation: A) Nursing staff are expected to collaborate in providing client care. The staff must

have a heightened awareness and sensitivity of its own group dynamics in order to
work as a team in providing culturally sound care. Information resources and
continuing education courses will expand the knowledge base, although they may
not improve the staff’s ability to work with each other. Limiting the staff’s
interactions to clients of the same culture does not promote teamwork.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care



B) Nursing staff are expected to collaborate in providing client care. The staff must
have a heightened awareness and sensitivity of its own group dynamics in order to
work as a team in providing culturally sound care. Information resources and
continuing education courses will expand the knowledge base, although they may
not improve the staff’s ability to work with each other. Limiting the staff’s
interactions to clients of the same culture does not promote teamwork.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

C) Nursing staff are expected to collaborate in providing client care. The staff must
have a heightened awareness and sensitivity of its own group dynamics in order to
work as a team in providing culturally sound care. Information resources and
continuing education courses will expand the knowledge base, although they may
not improve the staff’s ability to work with each other. Limiting the staff’s
interactions to clients of the same culture does not promote teamwork.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

D) Nursing staff are expected to collaborate in providing client care. The staff must
have a heightened awareness and sensitivity of its own group dynamics in order to
work as a team in providing culturally sound care. Information resources and
continuing education courses will expand the knowledge base, although they may
not improve the staff’s ability to work with each other. Limiting the staff’s
interactions to clients of the same culture does not promote teamwork.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

3) An elderly male client has been assigned to a female nurse for morning care. The client calls the 3)
charge nurse and requests a male nurse. The charge nurse makes the requested change because the
nurse knows that:

A) It is not a good idea to force things on older people.
B) The client will refuse all care if the change is not made.
C) All cultures have preferences and beliefs.
D) The client may be uncomfortable with a female giving him care.

Answer: D
Explanation: A) Any client may prefer to receive care from a nurse of the same gender. This is not

necessarily because of cultural preferences and beliefs. Understanding that the
client may be uncomfortable with a female caregiver best acknowledges the client’s
feelings. Thinking that the client will refuse all care if the change is not made
makes an assumption based on opinion. In some aspects of caring for an elderly
client, it may be important to avoid forcing things on the client. It is not a valid
basis for making this decision. There is no cultural component to the question.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care



B) Any client may prefer to receive care from a nurse of the same gender. This is not
necessarily because of cultural preferences and beliefs. Understanding that the
client may be uncomfortable with a female caregiver best acknowledges the client’s
feelings. Thinking that the client will refuse all care if the change is not made
makes an assumption based on opinion. In some aspects of caring for an elderly
client, it may be important to avoid forcing things on the client. It is not a valid
basis for making this decision. There is no cultural component to the question.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

C) Any client may prefer to receive care from a nurse of the same gender. This is not
necessarily because of cultural preferences and beliefs. Understanding that the
client may be uncomfortable with a female caregiver best acknowledges the client’s
feelings. Thinking that the client will refuse all care if the change is not made
makes an assumption based on opinion. In some aspects of caring for an elderly
client, it may be important to avoid forcing things on the client. It is not a valid
basis for making this decision. There is no cultural component to the question.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

D) Any client may prefer to receive care from a nurse of the same gender. This is not
necessarily because of cultural preferences and beliefs. Understanding that the
client may be uncomfortable with a female caregiver best acknowledges the client’s
feelings. Thinking that the client will refuse all care if the change is not made
makes an assumption based on opinion. In some aspects of caring for an elderly
client, it may be important to avoid forcing things on the client. It is not a valid
basis for making this decision. There is no cultural component to the question.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care



4) A full liquid diet is sent from the dietary department for a client the day after an abdominal 4)
laparoscopy. The client is a practicing Seventh-Day Adventist. Which fluid on the tray is culturally
inappropriate for this client?

A) Tea B) Tomato juice C) Milk D) Ice cream
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Seventh-Day Adventists avoid drinking coffee and tea. Dairy products and

vegetables are not restricted.
Psychosocial Integrity

B) Seventh-Day Adventists avoid drinking coffee and tea. Dairy products and
vegetables are not restricted.
Psychosocial Integrity

C) Seventh-Day Adventists avoid drinking coffee and tea. Dairy products and
vegetables are not restricted.
Psychosocial Integrity

D) Seventh-Day Adventists avoid drinking coffee and tea. Dairy products and
vegetables are not restricted.
Psychosocial Integrity

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