Chapter 01 Succeeding as a Nursing Student


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Chapter 01  Succeeding as a Nursing Student



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

Sample Questions


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) In 1994 Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) was introduced as the method for measuring 1)
minimum levels of safety and knowledge required for licensure. Advantages of Computerized
Adaptive Testing (CAT) for licensure include a/an: (Select all that apply.)

A) Higher passing rate for test-takers when examinations are given using a computer.
B) Clearer distinction between the Scope of Practice for Registered Nurses and that of

Practical/Vocational Nurses.
C) Ability to adjust the level of difficulty of questions based upon the performance of the

test-taker on each question.
D) Increased availability of testing dates, which better accommodates those who are preparing

to take the examination.
E) Large testbank of questions that represent identified minimum standards for safe and

effective nursing care throughout the U.S.
F) Increased likelihood of interstate endorsement of licensure.

Answer: C, D, E, F
Explanation: A) The NCLEX is a standardized national examination that increases the likelihood of

interstate licensure endorsement, and its last testbank of questions represent
identified minimum standards for safe and effective nursing care throughout the
U.S. It is logical that computerizing the examination increases the number of
places and times the test may be administered (and therefore taken). The testing is
described as “adaptive,” which implies that it is an adjustable method of testing.
The NCLEX does require the test-taker to know the Scope of Practice for the
Licensed Practical/Vocational nurse. It does not provide a clearer distinction
between two levels of licensure in nursing. Computerized testing does not mean
that more people pass the examination.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

B) The NCLEX is a standardized national examination that increases the likelihood of
interstate licensure endorsement, and its last testbank of questions represent
identified minimum standards for safe and effective nursing care throughout the
U.S. It is logical that computerizing the examination increases the number of
places and times the test may be administered (and therefore taken). The testing is
described as “adaptive,” which implies that it is an adjustable method of testing.
The NCLEX does require the test-taker to know the Scope of Practice for the
Licensed Practical/Vocational nurse. It does not provide a clearer distinction
between two levels of licensure in nursing. Computerized testing does not mean
that more people pass the examination.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

C) The NCLEX is a standardized national examination that increases the likelihood of
interstate licensure endorsement, and its last testbank of questions represent
identified minimum standards for safe and effective nursing care throughout the
U.S. It is logical that computerizing the examination increases the number of
places and times the test may be administered (and therefore taken). The testing is
described as “adaptive,” which implies that it is an adjustable method of testing.
The NCLEX does require the test-taker to know the Scope of Practice for the
Licensed Practical/Vocational nurse. It does not provide a clearer distinction
between two levels of licensure in nursing. Computerized testing does not mean
that more people pass the examination.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

D) The NCLEX is a standardized national examination that increases the likelihood of
interstate licensure endorsement, and its last testbank of questions represent

widentified minimum standards for safe and effective nursing care throughout the
U.wS. It is logical that computerizing the examination increases the number of
places and times the test may be administered (and therefore taken). The testing is
describwed as “adaptive,” which implies that it is an adjustable method of testing.
The NCLE.X does require the test-taker to know the Scope of Practice for the
Licensed Pranctical/Vocational nurse. It does not provide a clearer distinction
between two leuvels of licensure in nursing. Computerized testing does not mean
that more people prasss the examination.
Safe, Effective Care Enviinronment – Coordinated Care

E) The NCLEX is a standardizged tnaetional examination that increases the likelihood of
interstate licensure endorsement, ansd its last testbank of questions represent
identified minimum standards for safe and effective nursing care throughout the
U.S. It is logical that computerizing thte bexamination increases the number of
places and times the test may be administered (and therefore taken). The testing is
described as “adaptive,” which implies thaat it nis an adjustable method of testing.
The NCLEX does require the test-taker to know the Scope of Practice for the
Licensed Practical/Vocational nurse. It does not pkrosvide a clearer distinction
between two levels of licensure in nursing. Computerized testing does not mean
that more people pass the examination. .
Evaluation m
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care e

F) The NCLEX is a standardized national examination that increases the likelihood of
interstate licensure endorsement, and its last testbank of questions represent
identified minimum standards for safe and effective nursing care throughout the
U.S. It is logical that computerizing the examination increases the number of
places and times the test may be administered (and therefore taken). The testing is
described as “adaptive,” which implies that it is an adjustable method of testing.
The NCLEX does require the test-taker to know the Scope of Practice for the
Licensed Practical/Vocational nurse. It does not provide a clearer distinction
between two levels of licensure in nursing. Computerized testing does not mean
that more people pass the examination.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

2) During morning care the client asks the student nurse why the term “client” is now being used by 2)
nurses instead of “patient.” The student nurse will respond to this question most appropriately by
basing the response on the knowledge that:

A) Use of the term “client” includes the person receiving health care as an essential member of
the healthcare team.

B) When people are referred to as “clients” rather than “patients” they generally have shorter

C) It does not really matter what term is used to refer to a person receiving health care.
D) Many people who receive health care do not have insurance and this is a way to avoid

embarrassing them.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) A client engages the advice or services of someone who is qualified to provide this

service. A client is not necessarily experiencing illness. The client is encouraged to
collaborate with all members of the healthcare team as much as possible, and as
such plays an important role by taking responsibility for his or her own health and
cooperation in the plan of care. Saying that it does not matter which term is used
does not answer the client’s question. Using the term “client” has no relationship to
whether a person is insured or not, nor has it been shown to directly impact length
of hospital stay.
Health Promotion and Maintenance

B) A client engages the advice or services of someone who is qualified to provide this
service. A client is not necessarily experiencing illness. The client is encouraged to
collaborate with all members of the healthcare team as much as possible, and as
such plays an important role by taking responsibility for his or her own health and
cooperation in the plan of care. Saying that it does not matter which term is used
does not answer the client’s question. Using the term “client” has no relationship to
whether a person is insured or not, nor has it been shown to directly impact length
of hospital stay.
Health Promotion and Maintenance

C) A client engages the advice or services of someone who is qualified to provide this
service. A client is not necessarily experiencing illness. The client is encouraged to
collaborate with all members of the healthcare team as much as possible, and as
such plays an important role by taking responsibility for his or her own health and
cooperation in the plan of care. Saying that it does not matter which term is used
does not answer the client’s question. Using the term “client” has no relationship to
whether a person is insured or not, nor has it been shown to directly impact length
of hospital stay.
Health Promotion and Maintenance

D) A client engages the advice or services of someone who is qualified to provide this
service. A client is not necessarily experiencing illness. The client is encouraged to
collaborate with all members of the healthcare team as much as possible, and as
such plays an important role by taking responsibility for his or her own health and
cooperation in the plan of care. Saying that it does not matter which term is used
does not answer the client’s question. Using the term “client” has no relationship to
whether a person is insured or not, nor has it been shown to directly impact length
of hospital stay.
Health Promotion and Maintenance

3) Every state has a Practical/Vocational Nurse Practice Act that includes the Scope of Practice for the
practical/vocational nurse. A primary purpose of defining a Scope of Practice for the
practical/vocational nurse is to:

A) Protect the clwient by ensuring that all procedures are performed correctly.
B) Reduce the numbwer of errors made by nurses in the clinical setting.
C) Identify the procedures the nurse may and may not perform.
D) Protect the nurse fromw lawsuits that might be initiated by a client.

Answer: C
Explanation: A) The Nurse .Pnractuice Act for the practical/vocational nurse lists procedures that may

legally be done by rthe nurse with this license. Procedures that are not included
cannot be performeds. Although Nurse Practice Acts are designed primarily to
protect the client, the priensence of a practice act does not guarantee that procedures
performed by a nurse are dogne correctly. Multiple factors contribute to the
occurrence of errors and potential for lawsuits in the clinical setting. The legal
regulation of the nursing profetsseion by the Nurse Practice Act does not mean that
the nurse is not responsible for his or her actions while performing allowed
nursing care. s
Assessment t
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coorbdinaated Care

B) The Nurse Practice Act for the practical/vocatinonakl nurse lists procedures that may
legally be done by the nurse with this license. Procedures that are not included
cannot be performed. Although Nurse Practice Actss are. mdesigned primarily to
protect the client, the presence of a practice act does not guarantee that procedures
performed by a nurse are done correctly. Multiple factors contribute to the
occurrence of errors and potential for lawsuits in the clinical seetting. The legal
regulation of the nursing profession by the Nurse Practice Act does not mean that
the nurse is not responsible for his or her actions while performing allowed
nursing care.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

C) The Nurse Practice Act for the practical/vocational nurse lists procedures that may
legally be done by the nurse with this license. Procedures that are not included
cannot be performed. Although Nurse Practice Acts are designed primarily to
protect the client, the presence of a practice act does not guarantee that procedures
performed by a nurse are done correctly. Multiple factors contribute to the
occurrence of errors and potential for lawsuits in the clinical setting. The legal
regulation of the nursing profession by the Nurse Practice Act does not mean that
the nurse is not responsible for his or her actions while performing allowed
nursing care.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

D) The Nurse Practice Act for the practical/vocational nurse lists procedures that may
legally be done by the nurse with this license. Procedures that are not included
cannot be performed. Although Nurse Practice Acts are designed primarily to
protect the client, the presence of a practice act does not guarantee that procedures
performed by a nurse are done correctly. Multiple factors contribute to the
occurrence of errors and potential for lawsuits in the clinical setting. The legal
regulation of the nursing profession by the Nurse Practice Act does not mean that
the nurse is not responsible for his or her actions while performing allowed
nursing care.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

4) A student has the following study practices. Which of the practices is least likely to contribute to 4)
the student’s success?

A) A “B” or higher grade is maintained.
B) The student is awake, alert, and oriented during class time.
C) The student creates a regular study space and uses it.
D) Assigned readings are done before the next class meeting.

Answer: A
Explanation: A) Maintaining a passing grade in coursework is essential for a successful nursing

student. The grade does not need to be only a B or an A. The question asks for the
“least” effective practice. Creating and using a regular study space, doing assigned
readings before the next class, and being awake, alert, and oriented will all
contribute to the success of the student.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care

B)wMaintaining a passing grade in coursework is essential for a successful nursing
stuwdent. The grade does not need to be only a B or an A. The question asks for the
“least” ewffective practice. Creating and using a regular study space, doing assigned
readings before the next class, and being awake, alert, and oriented will all
contribute t.on the success of the student.
Safe, Effective Cuarer Environment – Coordinated Care

C) Maintaining a passinsg girnade in coursework is essential for a successful nursing
student. The grade does notg need to be only a B or an A. The question asks for the
“least” effective practice. Creating and using a regular study space, doing assigned
readings before the next class, atned being awake, alert, and oriented will all
contribute to the success of the studsent.
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Cotorbdinated Care

D) Maintaining a passing grade in courseworka is nessential for a successful nursing
student. The grade does not need to be only a B or an A. The question asks for the
“least” effective practice. Creating and using a regkulasr study space, doing assigned
readings before the next class, and being awake, alert, and oriented will all
contribute to the success of the student. .m
Safe, Effective Care Environment – Coordinated Care e

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