Mosbys Textbook for Nursing Assistants 9th Edition By Sheila A. Sorrentino – Test Banks


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Chapter 05: Ethics and Laws

Sorrentino: Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 9th Edition




  1. The willful infliction of injury that results in physical harm is:
a. Assault
b. Defamation
c. Battery
d. Abuse



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 44


  1. Touching a person without that person’s consent is:
a. Assault
b. Battery
c. Invasion of privacy
d. Libel



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 43


  1. Threatening to touch a person’s body without that person’s consent is:
a. Assault
b. Battery
c. Invasion of privacy
d. Defamation



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 43


  1. Knowledge of what you should or should not do is:
a. Ethics
b. Torts
c. Civil law
d. Public law



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 39


  1. You give false information regarding your education on a job application. This is:
a. Libel
b. Slander
c. Defamation
d. Fraud



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 42


  1. Unlawful restraint or restriction of a person’s movement is:
a. Malpractice
b. Invasion of privacy
c. Negligence
d. False imprisonment



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 42


  1. An act or behavior of being overinvolved with a person is known as:
a. A crime
b. Assault
c. A boundary crossing
d. Defamation



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 40


  1. An ethical person:
a. Does not cause another person harm
b. Is biased
c. Is prejudiced
d. Does not have opinions or facts



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 39


  1. You discuss the previous patient you just saw with your current patient. This is:
a. Invasion of privacy
b. Boundary crossing
c. Slander
d. Emotional abuse



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 42


  1. Protecting the right to privacy involves which of the following?
a. Keeping information about the person confidential
b. Allowing visitors to remain in the room when care is given
c. Exposing all of the body parts throughout the treatment procedure
d. Opening the door when giving care in case others need to know where you are



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 42


  1. You are about to give care to a person who you realize goes to your church. What should you do?
a. Refuse to care for the person.
b. Delegate care to another nursing assistant.
c. Tell the nurse that you know the person.
d. Tell the person how convenient it will be to know each other.



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 40


  1. While performing a task, a nursing assistant harmed a person. Which is correct?
a. The nursing assistant is appropriate in disciplining the person.
b. The nursing assistant is responsible for the harm. The supervising nurse is not responsible.
c. The nursing assistant will be held to the standard of care of other nurses.
d. Harm can occur from what a person does or fails to do.



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 41


  1. Which is a source for standards of care?
a. Textbooks
b. Social media
c. The nurse’s directions
d. Blogs



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 41


  1. You can protect yourself from a charge of assault and battery by:
a. Explaining to the person what you are going to do and getting consent
b. Getting the person’s informed consent in writing
c. Refusing to perform a task that involves touching the person
d. Making sure the task was delegated by a nurse



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 43


  1. A nursing center resident asks you to make out a will. What should you do?
a. Do what the person asks.
b. Refuse, but explain why. Then tell the nurse about the person’s request.
c. Call a lawyer for the person.
d. Find out if you will be named in the will.



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 52


  1. A nursing assistant pinches and pushes a patient. This is:
a. Negligence
b. Malpractice
c. Neglect
d. Abuse



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 44


  1. A patient’s call light goes unanswered. The person’s son finds the patient lying on sheets soaked with urine. This is:
a. Neglect
b. Emotional abuse
c. Physical abuse
d. Malpractice



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 46


  1. A resident did not get to the bathroom in time. She urinated and had a bowel movement in her clothing. To prevent an accident in the dining room, the nurse makes the person stay in her room. This is:
a. Malpractice
b. Involuntary seclusion
c. Neglect
d. Physical abuse



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 46


  1. You see a nursing assistant hitting a resident. What should you do?
a. Talk to the resident.
b. Call the police.
c. Tell the administrator.
d. Mind your own business.



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 48


  1. A 14-year-old child is a hospital patient. You find bruises on the child’s face after her brother leaves. What should you do?
a. Call the police if you suspect child abuse.
b. Call a child protection agency if you suspect child abuse.
c. Tell the nurse.
d. Call the parents.



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 52


  1. You hear a nurse telling a patient that he/she will never see his/her family again. This is:
a. Battery
b. a tort.
c. Verbal abuse
d. Neglect



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 46


  1. A co-worker often comes to work with bruises and other injuries. She also borrows lunch money from you right after payday. What should you do?
a. Call the police.
b. Tell her husband.
c. Tell the nurse.
d. Mind your own business.



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 52


  1. A child is 7 years old. Which is a sign of child abuse?
a. Burns on the legs
b. Arm and leg fractures
c. A dirty face
d. Missing teeth



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 50


  1. You suspect that a nursing center resident is being abused. What should you do?
a. Tell the nurse.
b. Call the police.
c. Talk to the family.
d. Mind your own business.



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 45


  1. Which statement about child abuse is correct?
a. Suspected child abuse must be reported.
b. Only child sexual abuse must be reported.
c. The victim must report the abuse.
d. Only parents can report abuse.



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 51


  1. In intimate partner violence, the abuser is typically a:
a. Caregiver
b. Family member
c. Neighbor
d. Partner



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 51


  1. These statements are about domestic abuse. Which is correct?
a. It does not happen in nursing centers.
b. Usually just one type of abuse is present.
c. The abuser has power and control over the victim.
d. The older adult is not at risk for domestic abuse.



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 51


  1. A nursing assistant decides to go home sick after she has accepted her assignment. She decides to go ahead and leave the agency without telling anyone. This is known as:
a. Elder abuse
b. Tort
c. Neglect
d. Abandonment



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 46




Chapter 41: Rehabilitation and Restorative Nursing Care

Sorrentino: Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 9th Edition




  1. A disability is:
a. An artificial replacement for a missing body part
b. A chronic illness or disease
c. Any lost, absent, or impaired physical or mental function
d. A temporary state of impairment



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 666


  1. A prosthesis is:
a. An artificial replacement for a missing body part
b. A chronic illness or disease
c. Any lost, absent, or impaired physical or mental function
d. A temporary state of impairment



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 668


  1. Rehabilitation is:
a. The process of restoring the person to his or her highest possible level of function
b. Adjusting to a disability
c. Care that helps persons regain health, strength, and independence
d. The process of assisting the person to maintain or regain health



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 666


  1. Restorative nursing care is:
a. The process of restoring the person to his or her highest possible level of function
b. Using the nursing process to help the person adjust to a disability
c. Care that helps persons regain health, strength, and independence
d. The process of assisting the person to maintain or regain health



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 667


  1. Which of the following are common causes of disabilities?
a. Influenza
b. Vitamin deficiency
c. Choking and aspiration
d. Birth injuries and birth defects



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 666


  1. Which statement about disabilities is correct?
a. Losses are always temporary.
b. Losses are almost always permanent.
c. Only one function is lost.
d. More than one function can be lost.



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 666


  1. Which statement about disabilities is correct?
a. Causes are considered chronic rather than acute.
b. The person may depend totally on others for basic needs.
c. The degree of disability does not affect how much function is possible.
d. Complete recovery is always possible when the person has a good attitude.



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 666


  1. Which is a focus of rehabilitation?
a. Planning the funeral arrangements
b. Focusing on the lost function
c. Preventing further loss of function
d. Stressing the degree of disability and the functions lost



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 666


  1. Restorative nursing care does which of the following?
a. Focuses on the whole person.
b. Provides all ADLs for the person.
c. Prevents any further illness.
d. Helps the person maintain a minimum level of function.



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 667


  1. Which statement is correct?
a. Rehabilitation begins after restorative nursing care.
b. Restorative nursing care begins after rehabilitation.
c. Some people need both rehabilitation and restorative care.
d. The person returns home after completing a rehabilitation program.



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 667


  1. Which statement about restorative aides is correct?
a. They must meet OBRA training requirements.
b. They are nursing assistants with training in restorative nursing and rehabilitation skills.
c. Those with excellent work ethics are promoted to nursing assistants.
d. They have had some nursing education.



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 667


  1. Restorative nursing may involve measures that promote which of the following?
a. Self-care
b. Encouraging use of a Foley catheter
c. Immobilization
d. Bedrest



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 667


  1. A disability affects:
a. The person physically
b. The person psychologically
c. The person socially
d. The whole person



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 674


  1. Rehabilitation starts when the person:
a. First seeks health care
b. Seeks hospital care
c. Is in an assisted living residence
d. Is admitted to a nursing center



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 667


  1. What is stressed during rehabilitation?
a. The person’s disabilities
b. What the person can do
c. The person’s weaknesses
d. The person’s attitude



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 667


  1. Rehabilitation often takes longer for:
a. Teenagers
b. Young adults
c. Middle-age adults
d. Older persons



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 667


  1. Which of the following prevents contractures and pressure ulcers?
a. Rest and immobility
b. Avoiding the use of pillows
c. Limiting any range-of-motion exercises
d. Good skin care



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 667


  1. A resident needs bowel and bladder training. What should you do?
a. Offer the bedpan regularly.
b. Restrict the person’s fluid intake.
c. Provide catheter care.
d. Follow the person’s care plan.



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 671


  1. Activities of daily living refer to:
a. Work functions
b. Self-care
c. Prostheses
d. Assistive devices



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 667


  1. A resident’s right wrist is affected by a disability. You would expect the person to need:
a. A prosthesis
b. Self-help devices
c. A wheelchair
d. A cast



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 667


  1. A resident is paralyzed from the waist down. You would expect the person to learn to use:
a. Mechanical ventilation
b. A prosthesis
c. A walker
d. A wheelchair



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 668


  1. A patient has aphasia following a stroke. Which of the following are helpful?
a. Speech therapy and a dysphagia diet
b. Physical therapy and braces
c. Speech therapy and communication devices
d. Occupational therapy and a transfer board



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 670


  1. During rehabilitation, persons need to be reminded of their:
a. Disabilities
b. Strengths and weaknesses
c. Limits
d. Progress



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 670


  1. Which person is the least likely to have a successful rehabilitation program?
a. The person who tries to do what the physical therapist suggests
b. The person who works hard to make slow, steady progress
c. The person who is not happy but goes to physical therapy willingly
d. The person who tries to go beyond his limits and tells the staff what to do



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 670


  1. Persons with disabilities often feel which of the following?
a. Welcomed
b. Worthy
c. Useful
d. Unattractive



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 670


  1. Which statement about the rehabilitation team is correct?
a. The team usually meets without the person and family.
b. The team meets occasionally to discuss the person’s progress.
c. Nursing assistants are not considered to be a part of the rehabilitation team.
d. The person is part of the rehabilitation team.



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 670


  1. When assisting with rehabilitation, you need to:
a. Follow the service plan
b. Follow the care plan
c. Carry out the doctor’s orders
d. Ask the person what to do



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 671


  1. A resident had both legs amputated. The person’s care plan includes the following measures. Which should you question?
a. Turn and reposition as directed.
b. Take measures to prevent pressure ulcers.
c. Maintain good alignment at all times.
d. Perform all ADLs for the person.



ANS:  D                    REF:   p. 671


  1. When assisting with rehabilitation, you must always:
a. Do what the person wants
b. Protect the person’s rights
c. Apply assistive devices
d. Show pity and sympathy



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 671


  1. A patient takes a long time getting dressed. What should you do?
a. Give the person time to complete the task.
b. Ask if you can help the person.
c. Report the problem to the nurse.
d. Time the person. Encourage the person to beat that time.



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 671


  1. You are feeling frustrated because a resident’s progress is slow. You feel like the person is not trying. What should you do?
a. Tell the person how you feel.
b. Ask a co-worker to care for the person.
c. Discuss your feelings with the nurse.
d. Ask the person’s family what to do.



ANS:  C                    REF:   p. 674


  1. To better guide and direct a person, you should:
a. Practice what the person has to do
b. Apply assistive devices
c. Give support and reassurance
d. Review the person’s medical record



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 671


  1. OBRA requires that nursing centers:
a. Provide assisted living residences
b. Provide rehabilitation services
c. Hire therapists
d. Provide respiratory rehabilitation



ANS:  B                    REF:   p. 672


  1. Why is privacy important during rehabilitation?
a. It protects the person’s dignity and promotes self-respect.
b. It is required by OBRA.
c. It is a matter of personal choice.
d. It prevents abuse and mistreatment.



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 673


  1. A resident has aphasia. Which will help the person feel a sense of control?
a. Allowing personal choices whenever possible
b. Showing the person pity and sympathy
c. Doing as much as possible for the person
d. Meeting the person’s spiritual needs



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 671


  1. Which promotes quality of life during rehabilitation and restorative care?
a. Providing a safe setting
b. Promoting isolation
c. Learning to act out your frustrations
d. Asking for a different assignment every week



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 673


  1. A resident is making slow progress in therapy. You see another nursing assistant laughing at the person. What should you do?
a. Tell the nurse.
b. Talk to your co-worker.
c. Ask if you can join in the fun.
d. Ignore the situation.



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 673


  1. Whose role is it to assess the person’s home setting for any necessary changes needed prior to receiving rehabilitation?
a. Rehabilitation team
b. Nursing assistant
c. Family members of the patient
d. Director of Nursing



ANS:  A                    REF:   p. 672




  1. A person with a disability needs to adjust physically, psychologically, socially, and economically.


ANS:  T                    REF:   p. 666


  1. The goal for a prosthesis is to be like the missing body part in function and appearance.


ANS:  T                    REF:   p. 668

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