Essentials of Psychiatric Nursing 2nd Edition by Boyd Luebbert – Test Bank

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Complete Test Bank With Answers


Sample Questions Posted Below


Chapter 1 Mental Health and Mental Disorders


A nursing instructor is describing the DSM-IV-TR to a

group of nursing students. Which of the following would

the instructor include as the primary purpose of this


  1. A) Provide a commonly understood diagnostic

category for clinical practice.

  1. B) Describe treatment modalities for psychiatric

disorders and mental illnesses.

  1. C) Identify various etiologies for mental disorders

based on family histories.

  1. D) Provide optimal outcomes for treatment for

individuals with mental illnesses.

  1. A nurse is providing care to a patient with a mental

disorder classified by the DSM-IV-TR. The nurse

understands that although the first three axes appear to

contain all the diagnostic information about a patient, a

truly accurate picture of the client is incomplete without

considering other factors such as an estimate of current

functioning and:

  1. A) Life stressors
  2. B) Cultural background
  3. C) Marital status
  4. D) Genetic history


  1. B) Cultural background
  2. C) Marital status
  3. D) Genetic history
  4. A patients global assessment functioning reveals that he

has minimal symptoms with good functioning in all

areas. Which score would the nurse correlate with these


  1. A) 94
  2. B) 82
  3. C) 75
  4. D) 63
  5. A female patient was admitted to the hospital with

pneumonia, and in the course of her treatment, it was

determined that she was experiencing alcohol

dependence because she began experiencing alcohol

withdrawal while she was in the hospital. When the

psychiatrist who was called in as a consultant

documented the patients mental disorder, he identified

her alcohol dependence on which axis?

  1. A) Axis I
  2. B) Axis II
  3. C) Axis III
  4. D) Axis IV
  5. A 25-year-old woman who recently had abdominal

surgery was admitted to the psychiatric unit, where it was

determined that she had a borderline personality disorder.

During the first week on the unit, it was determined that

she also has diabetes. Her diabetes mellitus would be

listed in which axis of her DSM-IV-TR diagnosis?

  1. A) Axis I
  2. B) Axis II
  3. C) Axis III
  4. D) Axis IV


she also has diabetes. Her diabetes mellitus would be

listed in which axis of her DSM-IV-TR diagnosis?

  1. A) Axis I
  2. B) Axis II
  3. C) Axis III
  4. D) Axis IV
  5. As part of a class activity, nursing students are engaged

in a small group discussion about the epidemiology of

mental illness. Which statement best explains the

importance of epidemiology in understanding the impact

of mental disorders?

  1. A) Epidemiology helps promote understanding of the

patterns of occurrence associated with mental


  1. B) Epidemiology helps explain research findings about the

neurophysiology that causes mental disorders.

  1. C) Epidemiology provides a thorough theoretical

explanation of why specific mental disorders occur.

  1. D) Epidemiology predicts when a specific psychiatric

client will recover from a specific mental disorder.

  1. A nurse is working in a community mental health center

that provides care to a large population of Asian descent.

When developing programs for this community, which of

the following would be most important for the nurse to


  1. A) Public stigma
  2. B) Self-stigma
  3. C) Label avoidance
  4. D) Negative life events


  1. A group of students are reviewing the multiaxial

diagnostic system of the DSM-IV-TR. The students

demonstrate understanding of the axes when they identify

that each axis represents which of the following?

  1. A) An evidence-based research finding
  2. B) An experimental design to guide care
  3. C) A domain of information
  4. D) A laboratory test finding
  5. A nursing student is assigned to care for a patient

diagnosed with schizophrenia. When talking about this

patient in a clinical postconference, the student would use

which terminology when referring to the patient?

  1. A) Committed patient
  2. B) Schizophrenic
  3. C) Schizophrenic patient
  4. D) Person with schizophrenia


Mrs. Green is a patient on a psychiatric unit. At the time

of her admission, her dog was killed when a car

accidentally ran over it; in addition to that, she just found

out that her mother has been diagnosed with colon

cancer. This information would be addressed in

which DSM-IV axis?

  1. A) Axis I
  2. B) Axis II
  3. C) Axis III
  4. D) Axis IV



A nursing student is reviewing journal articles about

major depression. One of the articles describes the

number of persons newly diagnosed with the disorder

during the past year. The student interprets this as which

of the following?

  1. A) Rate
  2. B) Prevalence
  3. C) Point prevalence
  4. D) Incidence


While working in a community mental health treatment

center, the nurse overhears one of the receptionists saying

that one of the patients is really psycho. Later in the day,

the nurse talks with the receptionist about the comment.

This action by the nurse demonstrates an attempt to

address which issue?

  1. A) Lack of knowledge
  2. B) Public stigma
  3. C) Label avoidance
  4. D) Self-stigma


After teaching a group of students about mental health

and mental illness, the instructor determines that the

teaching was successful when the group identifies which

of the following as reflecting mental disorders?

  1. A) Capacity to interact with others
  2. B) Ability to deal with ordinary stress
  3. C) Alteration in mood or thinking
  4. D) Lack of impaired functioning



A nurse is preparing a presentation for a local community

group about mental disorders and plans to include how

mental disorders are different from medical disorders.

Which statement would be most appropriate for the nurse

to include?

  1. A) Mental disorders are defined by an underlying

biological pathology.

  1. B) Numerous laboratory tests are used to aid in the

diagnosis of mental disorders.

  1. C) Cluster of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings

characterize mental disorders.

  1. D) Manifestations of mental disorders are within normal,

expected parameters.


Which of the following would a nurse identify as being

categorized as Axis I in the DSM-IV-TR? Select all that


  1. A) Paranoid personality disorder
  2. B) Posttraumatic stress disorder
  3. C) Anorexia nervosa
  4. D) Mental retardation
  5. E) Unemployment
  6. F) Coronary artery disease


A psychiatricmental health nurse is providing care for a

patient with a mental disorder. The patient is participating

in the decision-making process. The nurse interprets this

as which component of recovery?

  1. A) Self-direction
  2. B) Empowerment
  3. C) Person-centered
  4. D) Holistic


in the decision-making process. The nurse interprets this

as which component of recovery?

  1. A) Self-direction
  2. B) Empowerment
  3. C) Person-centered
  4. D) Holistic


A nurse is explaining recovery to the family of a patient

diagnosed with a mental disorder. Which statement

would be most appropriate for the nurse to include about

this process?

  1. A) It is a step-by-step process from being ill to being well.
  2. B) The patient focuses mainly on the emotional aspects of

his condition.

  1. C) The patient is helped to live a meaningful life to his

fullest potential.

  1. D) Although peer support is important, the self-acceptance

is essential.


A psychiatricmental health nurse is preparing a

presentation about recovery for a group of newly hired

nurses for the mental health facility. Which of the

following would the nurse identify as one of the most

important concepts?

  1. A) Self-direction
  2. B) Peer support
  3. C) Respect
  4. D) Hope


The nurse is reviewing the medical record of a patient

and notes the information below. Which of the following

would be found on Axis III? Select all that apply.

  1. A) Cocaine dependence
  2. B) Bipolar I disorder
  3. C) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
  4. D) Cellulitis
  5. E) Homelessness


would be found on Axis III? Select all that apply.

  1. A) Cocaine dependence
  2. B) Bipolar I disorder
  3. C) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
  4. D) Cellulitis
  5. E) Homelessness
  6. F) Arrest for cocaine possession with intent to sell


A college-aged student and his friend arrive at the student

health center. The friend reports that the patient has been

having difficulties concentrating, remembering, and

thinking. Hes had quite a few research papers due this

past week. After ruling out other problems, the nurse

determines that the patient is experiencing a culturebound

syndrome. Which of the following would the

nurse most likely suspect?

  1. A) Ataque de nervios
  2. B) Brain fog
  3. C) Mal de ojo
  4. D) Shenjing shuairo


Chapter 2 Cultural and Spiritual Issues Related to Mental


When reviewing several studies about Hispanic

Americans and their use of mental health care facilities,

the nurse notes that this cultural group tends to use all

other resources before seeking help from mental health

professionals. Which of the following would the nurse

identify as a reason for this belief about many mental

health facilities?

  1. A) Require periods of hospitalization
  2. B) Do not provide 24-hour emergency services
  3. C) Are not reimbursed by third party payers
  4. D) Do not accommodate their cultural needs
  5. A nurse is preparing a presentation about mental health

problems associated with specific cultural groups. When

describing mental health problems associated with Asian

Americans, Polynesians, and Pacific Islanders, the nurse

would address high rates of which of the following?

  1. A) Schizophrenia
  2. B) Manic disorders
  3. C) Dementia
  4. D) Suicide
  5. The nurse is doing an assessment interview of a patient.

During the interview, the patient comments, Our people

are connected with nature. Our world, our seasons, and

our weatherthey all have many lessons to teach us. The

nurse interprets the patients statement as an expression of

which of the following?

  1. A) Religiousness
  2. B) Tribal law
  3. C) Spirituality
  4. D) Ecological values


nurse interprets the patients statement as an expression of

which of the following?

  1. A) Religiousness
  2. B) Tribal law
  3. C) Spirituality
  4. D) Ecological values
  5. A psychiatricmental health nurse is providing care to a

patient who has recently emigrated to the United States

from Eastern Europe. Which of the following would be

least effective in providing culturally competent care?

  1. A) Demonstrating a genuine interest in the patient
  2. B) Avoiding assumptions about the patients culture
  3. C) Speaking to the patient in his native language.
  4. D) Acquiring information about the patients country.
  5. A psychiatricmental health nurse working in a Veterans

Administration Medical Center is meeting with a military

wife who is an Asian American. The woman is to be

joining a support group for wives of veterans who have

posttraumatic stress syndrome. When asking her to

describe her husbands mental health problems, which

response would the nurse most likely expect?

  1. A) Oh, he may seem depressed, but it is just a vitamin

deficiency. It runs in his family.

  1. B) I know the war messed his mind up. Hell never be the


  1. C) Sometimes he hallucinates that he is back in Vietnam.
  2. D) He just stays to himself; he never talks to me about

what is bothering him.

  1. A psychiatricmental health nurse is working with a

patient who is being treated for depression. Which patient

statement would indicate that her spirituality is intact?

  1. A) My church friends came to visit me this past Sunday


  1. B) Nothing will ever be the same again; my life is not

worth living.

  1. C) I know I am as well off as I can be under the


  1. A psychiatricmental health nurse is working with a

patient who is being treated for depression. Which patient

statement would indicate that her spirituality is intact?

  1. A) My church friends came to visit me this past Sunday


  1. B) Nothing will ever be the same again; my life is not

worth living.

  1. C) I know I am as well off as I can be under the


  1. D) I know God must be punishing me for all my sins.
  2. A patient is being treated for prostate cancer; his

prognosis is very poor. The patient has a strong faith, and

he has been active in his church for many years. He is

concerned about his health and the challenges he faces as

his cancer progresses. Which comment by the nurse

reflects the most appropriate spiritual nursing

intervention for the patient?

  1. A) Ill take you to visit my church if you can get a pass.
  2. B) You have to belong to the same church I do if youre

going to go to heaven.

  1. C) Would you like me to bring you a guided imagery


  1. D) We can pray together if youd like.
  2. A psychiatricmental health nurse is teaching a class about

social factors associated with mental illness at a

community health center. When describing the influence

of poverty and effects of the downward economic spiral

on mental health, which population would the nurse

identify as being the most at risk?

  1. A) Older adults
  2. B) Individuals with physical disabilities
  3. C) Single-parent families
  4. D) Homeless individuals


  1. A) Older adults
  2. B) Individuals with physical disabilities
  3. C) Single-parent families
  4. D) Homeless individuals
  5. During an assessment, the patient states, We rely on our

large extensive family for moral support and help and we

treat our elders with a great deal of respect. If someone

gets sick, the family takes care of him. The nurse

interprets this as indicating which of the following?

  1. A) Acculturation
  2. B) Cultural identity
  3. C) Cultural competence
  4. D) Linguistic competence


Within the context of the culture of poverty, which of the

following most clearly describes why individuals who are

part of this culture become trapped in a downward

economic spiral?

  1. A) Unemployment causes poverty; a lack of willpower and

motivation can, in turn, cause unemployment in people

who do not have a strong work ethic.

  1. B) Individuals lack the finances to pay rent, so they

eventually do not have an address to use in filling out

job applications.

  1. C) Characteristics of poverty (joblessness and lack of

financial independence) can, in turn, contribute to

attributes (feelings of powerlessness and low selfesteem)

that sustain poverty.

  1. D) Poverty is passed on from generation to generation;

individuals learn at an early age that there is no way to

escape living in poverty.



A group of nursing students are reviewing information

about spirituality and religiousness. The group

demonstrates understanding of these concepts when they

identify religiousness as which of the following?

  1. A) Feeling of connectedness
  2. B) Way of interpreting life events
  3. C) Relationship with a unifying force
  4. D) Community participation in common worship


A nursing instructor is preparing a class about rural

cultures and the influence on mental health problems.

Which of the following would the instructor include as

impacting the use of mental health services for this

group? Select all that apply.

  1. A) Limited access to care
  2. B) Lack of available resources
  3. C) Geographical similarities
  4. D) Diverse cultural groups
  5. E) Consistency in treatment approaches


A psychiatricmental health nurse is working on

developing cultural competence. Which of the following

would be most appropriate for the nurse to do?

  1. A) Research information about the cultures of the

population being served after assessing the patients.

  1. B) Recognize that ones own culture is the predominant

way of addressing a patients health care needs.

  1. C) Assume that any individual of a racial or ethnic group

is the same as another individual in that group.

  1. D) Demonstrate an appreciation of and a genuine interest

in the individual and his or her cultural beliefs.


  1. B) Recognize that ones own culture is the predominant

way of addressing a patients health care needs.

  1. C) Assume that any individual of a racial or ethnic group

is the same as another individual in that group.

  1. D) Demonstrate an appreciation of and a genuine interest

in the individual and his or her cultural beliefs.


During assessment, a patient tells the nurse that he

follows Buddhist beliefs. The nurse would integrate

understanding of which of the following when

developing the patients plan of care?

  1. A) Desire is the cause of all human suffering and misery.
  2. B) Self-indulgence is necessary to reach nirvana.
  3. C) Present behavior is based on current unhappiness.
  4. D) Salvation is achieved through faith and humility.


After teaching a group of students about the beliefs

associated with the major religions, the instructor

determines that additional teaching is needed when the

students identify which belief as associated with


  1. A) People are born good.
  2. B) People are assigned to castes.
  3. C) Authority figures are respected.
  4. D) Self-responsibility leads to improvement.


During an interview, a patient states, God does not exist

for me. The nurse interprets this statement as reflecting

which of the following?

  1. A) Animism
  2. B) Agnosticism
  3. C) Atheism
  4. D) Polytheism



After reviewing the major beliefs of Hinduism, a nursing

student identifies the following castes. The student

demonstrates understanding by identifying which of the

following as the highest caste?

  1. A) Kshatriyas
  2. B) Vaisyas
  3. C) Brahmans
  4. D) Untouchables


The nurse is assessing an Asian American patient. During

the interview, the nurse determines that the patient likely

follows Taoism based on which statement?

  1. A) Purity and balance guide all of my actions.
  2. B) I strive to be in happy harmony with nature.
  3. C) Natures powers must be respected in life.
  4. D) God is worshipped out of love, not fear.


Chapter 3 Patient Rights and Legal Issues


A nurse is explaining advance care directives, or living

wills, to a patient and the patients spouse. Which of the

following would the nurse include in the description?

  1. A) The document tells what treatment is to be

omitted if the patient is unable to make the


  1. B) It requires that the patient sign the living will

document while an attorney is present.

  1. C) The patients physician must act as a witness when

the patient signs the document.

  1. D) An attorney draws up the papers to be given to

the patient and his or her family.

omitted if the patient is unable to make the


  1. B) It requires that the patient sign the living will

document while an attorney is present.

  1. C) The patients physician must act as a witness when

the patient signs the document.

  1. D) An attorney draws up the papers to be given to

the patient and his or her family.

  1. A psychiatricmental health nurse determines that a

patient is competent when he is able to do which of the


  1. A) Speak coherent English.
  2. B) Communicate his or her choices.
  3. C) Write a living will.
  4. D) Comply with the medical regimen.
  5. A patient receives a court order for commitment. Which

of the following best exemplifies the concept of least

restrictive environment?

  1. A) Involuntary commitment to an outpatient community

mental health center

  1. B) Medication administration for sedation so the patient

cannot get out of bed

  1. C) Placing the patient in a locked padded room in response

to threats of self-harm

  1. D) Allowing the patient to make the decision about

whether treatment is necessary

  1. A nurse is caring for a patient who is hospitalized for a

mental disorder. The nurse is legally obligated to breach

the patients confidentiality if the patient states which of

the following?

  1. A) I think that the federal government is spying on me.
  2. B) I get really turned on by your appearance.
  3. C) That doctor I had today really made me angry.
  4. D) When I get out of here, Im going to kill my neighbor.


mental disorder. The nurse is legally obligated to breach

the patients confidentiality if the patient states which of

the following?

  1. A) I think that the federal government is spying on me.
  2. B) I get really turned on by your appearance.
  3. C) That doctor I had today really made me angry.
  4. D) When I get out of here, Im going to kill my neighbor.
  5. Which patient would the nurse determine to be the most

likely a candidate for involuntary commitment?

  1. A) The client who refuses to take the prescribed


  1. B) The client who is screaming in the street disturbing


  1. C) The client who refuses to participate in the planned


  1. D) The client with a mental disorder who is homeless
  2. The nurse is providing care to a male patient who is

hospitalized with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Which of

the following would be appropriate for the nurse to

include in the patients medical record?

  1. A) Patient states that he had a good night with no


  1. B) Complained of being unable to sleep because he heard

voices throughout the night.

  1. C) Had a typical night without incidence of insomnia or


  1. D) Acted crazily throughout the night; kept hearing voices

and noises.


  1. A nurse working on the psychiatric unit receives a

telephone call from the employer of one of the patients

on the unit. The employer asks to be sent a copy of Mr.

Murrays latest laboratory work and psychological testing

results so Mr. Murrays medical records in employee

health can be kept up to date. Based on the nurses

knowledge about issues surrounding breach of

confidentiality, which response would be the most


  1. A) Im sorry; were not allowed to give out that information

about our patient.

  1. B) Ill have to get the patients signed consent before we

can send that information to you.

  1. C) I am unable to acknowledge whether or not a Mr.

Murray is a patient on this unit.

  1. D) Sure, give me your address, and I will see that the

information is sent to you.

  1. A patient is going to be discharged this afternoon from

the mental health unit. The patient asks the nurse if a

copy of his medical record could be sent to the

psychologist he will be seeing on an outpatient basis.

Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

  1. A) Sure, well have that information sent out in todays


  1. B) You will need to sign written authorization for us

before we can do this.

  1. C) I think it would just be best if you just told your

psychologist everything he needs to know.

  1. D) How are you feeling about being discharged this



  1. A patients psychiatrist informs her that he thinks she

needs to participate in a 3-month outpatient aftercare

program after her discharge. Which of the following

would protect the patients right to request a second

opinion before agreeing to this suggestion?

  1. A) Self-determinism
  2. B) Least restrictive environment
  3. C) Confidentiality
  4. D) Mandates to inform


A nurse is preparing to administer an as-needed (PRN)

medication. Which of the following would the nurse need

to keep in mind when documenting administration?

  1. A) It requires a separate entry that includes reason for

administration, dosage, route, and response to the

medication the first time it is administered to a patient.

  1. B) It requires a separate entry that includes reason for

administration, dosage, route, and response to the

medication every time it is administered to a patient.

  1. C) It requires a separate entry that includes reason for

administration, dosage, and route the first time it is

administered to a patient.

  1. D) It requires a separate entry that includes reason for

administration, dosage, and route every time it is

administered to a patient.


A nursing instructor is preparing a class discussion on the

topic of self-determinism. Which of the following would

the instructor expect to include? Select all that apply.

  1. A) Personal autonomy as a key value
  2. B) Choices based on pleasing others
  3. C) Activities reflect personal goals
  4. D) Right to refuse treatment
  5. E) Lack of empowerment


the instructor expect to include? Select all that apply.

  1. A) Personal autonomy as a key value
  2. B) Choices based on pleasing others
  3. C) Activities reflect personal goals
  4. D) Right to refuse treatment
  5. E) Lack of empowerment


A group of nursing students are reviewing information

about internal rights protection systems. The students

demonstrate understanding of this information when they

identify which of the following as an example?

  1. A) American Hospital Association
  2. B) American Public Health Association
  3. C) State mental health provider
  4. D) The Joint Commission


After teaching a class about competency and how it is

assessed, the nursing instructor determines the need for

additional instruction when the class identifies which

ability as being evaluated?

  1. A) Communication of choices
  2. B) Understanding of relevant information
  3. C) Appreciation for situation and consequences
  4. D) Discussion of what is right and wrong


A patient is involuntarily committed without a court

order. The nurse understands that the emergency shortterm

hospitalization can occur for which time frame?

  1. A) A maximum of 24 hours
  2. B) 48 to 92 hours
  3. C) 3 to 5 days
  4. D) One week


  1. B) 48 to 92 hours
  2. C) 3 to 5 days
  3. D) One week


A nurse is explaining the distinction between

confidentiality and privacy. Which of the following

would the nurse include as reflecting privacy?

  1. A) Part of personal life not governed by societys laws
  2. B) Ethical duty for nondisclosure
  3. C) Involvement of two individuals
  4. D) Knowledge of treatment costs and benefits


A psychiatricmental health patient has an advance care

directive on his medical record. A clinician provides

treatment that disregards the patients directive. The

clinician would be liable for which of the following?

  1. A) Assault
  2. B) Battery
  3. C) Medical battery
  4. D) False imprisonment


A group of students are preparing a class presentation

about negligence. Which of the following would the

group include as an element required for proving

negligence? Select all that apply.

  1. A) Duty to provide care
  2. B) Proximate cause
  3. C) Resultant damages
  4. D) Breach of duty
  5. E) Cause in fact
  6. F) Evidence of mistake



A psychiatricmental health nurse is documenting

information in a patients medical record. Which of the

following would be least likely to increase the nurses

legal liability?

  1. A) Patient reported that he was feeling better today than


  1. B) Administered haloperidol 10 mg IM stat as ordered for


  1. C) Patient was talking with another staff member and

started screaming.

  1. D) Applied restraints to all four patient extremities.


After teaching a class of nursing students about the rights

of persons receiving mental health services, the instructor

determines a need for additional instruction when the

students identify which of the following as a right?

  1. A) Freedom from restraints or seclusion
  2. B) Access to ones own mental health records on request
  3. C) An individualized written treatment plan
  4. D) Refuse treatment during an emergency situation


Chapter 4 Ethics, Standards, and Nursing Frameworks5 Theoretical

Basis of Psychiatric Nursing



When applying the biopsychosocial model to client care,

the nurse integrates the psychological domain when

involved with which of the following?

  1. A) Behavior therapy
  2. B) Family support
  3. C) Nutritional therapy
  4. D) Sleep hygiene measures
  5. A nursing instructor is describing the impact of

technology and electronic health records on

psychiatricmental health care. Which of the following

would the instructor identify as a major challenge

associated with it?

  1. A) Maintaining confidentiality
  2. B) Establishing educational models
  3. C) Decreasing fragmented care
  4. D) Defining professional standards more clearly
  5. A psychiatric nursing class is discussing current trends in

mental health care. A student voices the opinion that

there should be equitable access to mental health care and

resources for those who live in rural areas, for those

without health insurance, and for those with very little

income. The student nurses opinion most closely reflects

which ethical principle?

  1. A) Nonmaleficence
  2. B) Paternalism
  3. C) Veracity
  4. D) Justice


  1. A nursing student is initiating a relationship with an

assigned patient. After meeting and spending

approximately 20 minutes talking with the patient, the

student makes arrangements to visit again after lunch.

After lunch, fellow classmates invite the student to go to

the gym with them and a group of patients to play

volleyball. The student starts to go with them but then

remembers the promise to meet with the patient. The

student decides to stay behind and talk to with her

patient. The students decision reflects which ethical


  1. A) Autonomy
  2. B) Beneficence
  3. C) Fidelity
  4. D) Veracity
  5. In a postclinical conference, a group of students are

engaged in a discussion with their instructor. The

instructor repeatedly has the students analyze and

evaluate the nursing interventions implemented

throughout the clinical experience. The students are

engaged in which of the following?

  1. A) Therapeutic use of self
  2. B) Critical thinking
  3. C) Interdisciplinary care
  4. D) Planning care
  5. A group of students is reviewing the functions of

psychiatric nurses. The students demonstrate

understanding of the information when they identify

which of the following as an advanced practice level


  1. A) Milieu therapy
  2. B) Promotion of self-care
  3. C) Psychopharmacology interventions
  4. D) Health promotion activities


  1. A group of students is reviewing the functions of

psychiatric nurses. The students demonstrate

understanding of the information when they identify

which of the following as an advanced practice level


  1. A) Milieu therapy
  2. B) Promotion of self-care
  3. C) Psychopharmacology interventions
  4. D) Health promotion activities
  5. A nursing instructor has prepared a lecture about the

scope and standards of practice of psychiatric nurses. The

instructor determines that the teaching was effective

when the students identify which of the following as

common to both basic and advanced level practice?

  1. A) Case management
  2. B) Program development
  3. C) Clinical supervision
  4. D) Community interventions
  5. A nurse is working on developing ways to meet the

challenge of knowledge development. Which of the

following would be most appropriate?

  1. A) Access new information through continuing education


  1. B) Improve access to community psychiatric care for all


  1. C) Reduce the burden of mental illness by fighting stigma.
  2. D) Provide culturally competent, high-quality nursing



  1. A 22-year-old patient with schizophrenia is refusing his

antipsychotic medication. He states, I dont like the dopey

way it makes me feel. I feel like Im walking under water

when I take it. The nurse explains to him, Your

schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in your

brain, and this medication helps fix that chemical

imbalance. You need to take it so your symptoms will get

better. This conversation reflects a conflict between

which two types of ethical principles?

  1. A) Autonomy and justice
  2. B) Paternalism and veracity
  3. C) Justice and nonmaleficence
  4. D) Autonomy and beneficence


A nurse is faced with an ethical dilemma involving a

patient. Which question would be most important for the

nurse to ask first when engaging in the process of ethical

decision making?

  1. A) What are my own feelings about the situation?
  2. B) What assumptions am I making that need more data?
  3. C) What do I know about the situation?
  4. D) What do I know about the patients values?


A psychiatricmental health nurse is adhering to the

standards of practice. When engaging in clinical decision

making, the nurse is integrating which of the following as

the foundation?

  1. A) Developmental issues
  2. B) Nursing process
  3. C) Commitment
  4. D) Accountability
  5. A) Developmental issues
  6. B) Nursing process
  7. C) Commitment
  8. D) Accountability


A group of nursing students are reviewing the standards

of professional performance. The students demonstrate

understanding when they identify which as a standard of

professional performance?

  1. A) Prescriptive authority
  2. B) Consultation
  3. C) Planning
  4. D) Collegiality


A psychiatricmental health nurse is providing care to

patients with a mental illness and is investigating factors

related to the patient safety, delivery of care services, and

cost effectiveness. The nurse is involved with which area

of professional performance?

  1. A) Education
  2. B) Quality of practice
  3. C) Resource utilization
  4. D) Collaboration


An instructor is preparing a class for a group of students

about professional organizations and the leadership

provided. Which of the following would the instructor

include as an important function of the International

Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses?

  1. A) Advocating for mental health nursing practice through

liaison activities

  1. B) Advancing psychiatricmental health nursing practice
  2. C) Improving mental health care for culturally diverse


  1. D) Providing a strong voice for psychiatricmental health


Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses?

  1. A) Advocating for mental health nursing practice through

liaison activities

  1. B) Advancing psychiatricmental health nursing practice
  2. C) Improving mental health care for culturally diverse


  1. D) Providing a strong voice for psychiatricmental health



When applying the biopsychosocial model for a patient

with a mental health problem, the nurse addresses the

psychological domain when assessing which of the


  1. A) Sleep patterns
  2. B) Feelings
  3. C) Family functioning
  4. D) Cultural groups


A nurse had developed a plan of care for a patient with

depression. Which nursing diagnosis would reflect the

social domain?

  1. A) Imbalanced Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirements

related to lack of appetite.

  1. B) Powerlessness related to feelings of lack of control

over the situation.

  1. C) Ineffective Role Performance related to inability to

participate as family provider

  1. D) Risk for Suicide related to depressed mood and feelings

of oneself as a failure


The plan of care for a patient with schizophrenia

identifies the following outcomes. Which of the

following would the nurse identify as addressing the

biologic domain? Select all that apply.

  1. A) Improving problem-solving skills
  2. B) Promoting economic stability
  3. C) Minimizing adverse effects of drug therapy
  4. D) Improving nutritional status







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