Chapter 26 Ambulatory Aids


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Chapter 26  Ambulatory Aids



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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A nurse at a health care facility has been assigned the care of an elderly client. For which of the following reasons would the nurse use a tilt table when preparing this client for ambulation?
To promote the client’s muscle tone and strength
To improve the client’s upper arm strength
To normalize client’s blood pressure prior to ambulating
To help the client adjust to bearing weight on his or her feet


The nurse would use a tilt table to help the client bear weight on his or her feet. A tilt table is a device that raises the client from a supine to a standing position. It helps clients adjust to being upright and bearing weight on their feet. Dangling helps normalize a client’s blood pressure, which may drop when the client rises from a reclining position. The client should perform isometric exercises to improve muscle tone and strength; isotonic exercise would help the client to improve upper arm strength.

A nurse is caring for a client whose fractured ankle is in a cast. The client needs crutches to ambulate. Which of the following would help strengthen this client’s upper body in preparation for ambulation?
Modified hand push-ups
Isotonic exercises
Parallel bars
Tilt table


Modified hand push-ups strengthen the upper arms, thus helping the client to ambulate using crutches. An exercise regimen to strengthen the upper arms typically includes flexion and extension of the arms and wrists, raising and lowering weights with the hands, squeezing a ball or spring grip, and performing modified hand push-ups in bed. Isotonic exercise builds flexibility and stamina more than strength. Clients use parallel bars as hand rails to gain practice in ambulating. A tilt table is a device that helps clients adjust to being upright and bearing weight on their feet.

A nurse is caring for a client with a strained gluteal muscle at a health care facility. The nurse should understand that which of the following is the primary function of the gluteal muscles?
Aid in supporting body weight
Aid in extending the legs
Aid the client in standing
Aid in strengthening the upper arms


The gluteal muscles aid the client in extending the legs. As a group, the gluteal muscles in the buttocks aid in extending, abducting, and rotating the legs; these functions are essential to walking. Exercising the quadriceps enables clients to stand and support their body weight. Exercises such as modified hand push-ups help in strengthening the upper arms.

A client who tore his quadriceps muscle during a soccer match is being treated at a health care facility. The physician has prescribed exercise for the quadriceps muscles in order to rehabilitate the client. How should the client perform quadriceps setting exercises?
By alternatively tensing and relaxing the muscles
By performing modified hand push-ups in bed
By sitting on the edge of the bed
By contracting and relaxing the muscles


The client performs quadriceps setting exercises by alternatively tensing and relaxing the quadriceps muscles. Modified hand push-ups in bed would enable the client to strengthen the upper arms. The client dangles or sits at the edge of the bed in order to normalize blood pressure. Gluteal setting is contraction and relaxation of the gluteal muscles in order to strengthen and tone them.

A nurse is assisting a client at a health care facility to dangle before the client ambulates. The nurse assists the client into the Fowler’s position for a few minutes. Which of the following is a possible reason for this action?
To maintain warmth and show respect for the client’s modesty
To allow the client to use the floor for support
To maintain safety should the client become dizzy or faint
To help the client tolerate the sitting position


The nurse places the client in Fowler’s position for a few minutes before dangling to maintain safety should the client feel dizzy or faint due to postural hypotension. The nurse lowers the height of the bed so that the client can use the floor for support. The nurse provides the client with a robe and slippers to maintain warmth and show respect for the client’s modesty. The nurse helps the client pivot a quarter of a turn to swing the legs over the side and sit on the edge of the bed, which helps the client adjust to a sitting position.


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