Chapter 23 Self-Concept and Sexuality


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Chapter 23  Self-Concept and Sexuality



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. The patient is a 66-year-old patient who has been admitted to the hospital for a transient ischemic attack (TIA). Her health care provider has told her that she should consider retiring from her high-stress position as a hospital administrator. The patient is distraught over this suggestion. The nurse caring for her recognizes the most likely cause of distress is a result of a change in which of the following?
Body image
Role performance

Role performance is the way in which a person views his or her ability to carry out significant roles. This patient is being told that she will have to give up her role as an administrator. Body image involves attitudes related to the perception of the body, including physical appearance, femininity and masculinity, youthfulness, health, and strength. There are no overt bodily changes here. Self-esteem is an individual’s overall sense of personal worth or value. This could be an issue, but it is based in the change in her role. Identity involves the sense of individuality and being distinct and separate from others. Being “oneself” or living a life that is genuine and authentic is the basis of true identity. What was true of self-esteem can be true of identity.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)
REF: 598 | 599
OBJ: Discuss factors that influence the following components of self-concept: identity, body image, and role performance. TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation
MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

2. The patient is a 16-year-old teenager who is in the clinic for his annual check-up. During the assessment, the nurse asks the patient about his use of tobacco. Although he denies smoking, he tells the nurse that he dips snuff. He tells the nurse that he started last year because all his friends do it. The nurse recognized this as a stressor of which of the following?
Body image
Role performance

Identity involves the sense of individuality and being distinct and separate from others. Cultural identity develops from identifying and socializing within an established group and through incorporating the responses of individuals who do not belong to that group into one’s self-concept. Body image involves attitudes related to the perception of the body, including physical appearance, femininity and masculinity, youthfulness, health, and strength. Role performance is the way in which a person views his or her ability to carry out significant roles. Common roles include mother or father, wife or husband. Sexuality is a broad term that refers to all aspects of being sexual. Our sexual health is based on our ability to form healthy relationships with others.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)
REF: 596 | 598 | 599
OBJ: Discuss factors that influence the following components of self-concept: identity, body image, and role performance. TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

3. Body image is an important concept relative to psychosocial development. In dealing with body image issues, the nurse must do which of the following?
Understand that skinny people always see themselves as thin.
Realize that body image is never associated with self-esteem.
Recognize that physical changes always lead to changes in body image.
Be aware that female adolescents more frequently struggle with issues than males.

The development of secondary sex characteristics and changes in body fat distribution has a tremendous impact on the self-concept of an adolescent. Female adolescents struggle more with body image issues than do their male counterparts. Body image depends only partly on the reality of the body. When physical changes occur, individuals may or may not incorporate these changes into their body image. For example, people who have experienced significant weight loss do not perceive themselves as thin and may still tell you there is still a “fat person” inside. Body image issues are often associated with negative self-concept and self-esteem.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)
REF: 599
OBJ: Discuss factors that influence the following components of self-concept: identity, body image, and role performance. TOP: Nursing Process: Diagnosis
MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

4. After a large weight loss a patient tells the nurse, “There still is a fat person inside of me.” This type of statement illustrates a flaw in what self-concept component?
Role performance
Identity stressor
Body image

Body image depends only partly on the reality of the body. When physical changes occur, individuals may or may not incorporate these changes into their body image. For example, people who have experienced significant weight loss do not perceive themselves as thin and may still tell you there is still a “fat person” inside. Role performance is the way in which a person views his or her ability to carry out significant roles. Common roles include mother or father, wife or husband, daughter or son, sister or brother, employee or employer, and nurse or patient. Identity stressors affect an individual’s identity, but identity is particularly vulnerable during adolescence. Self-esteem is an individual’s overall sense of personal worth or value.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyzing (Analysis)
REF: 599
OBJ: Discuss factors that influence the following components of self-concept: identity, body image, and role performance. TOP: Nursing Process: Diagnosis
MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity


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