Primary Care Interprofessional Collaborative Practice 6th Edition By Buttaro – Test Bank

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Sample Questions Posted Below


Chapter 9: Adolescent Issues


Test Bank


Multiple Choice


  1. Which behavior is most characteristic of early adolescence?
  2. Arguing with parents and teachers
  3. Assimilating adult roles and thinking
  4. Exhibiting fatigue more frequently
  5. Experimenting with sex and risky behaviors


  1. What is the initial sign of puberty in the adolescent male?
  2. Deepening of the voice
  3. Elongation of the penis
  4. Nocturnal emissions
  5. Testicular enlargement


  1. A parent reports that an adolescent child does well in school but seems to consistently

make poor decisions about activities with friends. What will the practitioner recommend as

an approach to help the adolescent make better decisions?

  1. Correcting the adolescent’s decisions and judgments
  2. Listening without making suggestions about choices
  3. Making decisions for the adolescent to provide guidance
  4. Providing factual information about appropriate behavior



Chapter 10: LGBTQ Patient Care

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. Which is the most important factor limiting access to health care for sexual and gender


  1. Lack of familial support for SGM members
  2. Laws prohibiting full marriage equality
  3. Risky coping behaviors among SGM members
  4. Social stigma about being in this population


  1. What is the medical diagnostic term used to identify transgender patients?
  2. Gender dysphoria
  3. Gender expression disorder
  4. Gender identity disorder
  5. Gender role unconformity



Chapter 11: Pregnancy and Prenatal Care

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. A woman who is currently pregnant reports that she has had three previous pregnancies:

twins delivered at 35 weeks gestation (both living), one at 38 weeks gestation (living), and

one miscarriage at 16 weeks gestation. How will this be recorded as her G/TPAL in her

electronic medical record?

  1. G4P:1113
  2. G4P:1213
  3. G5P:1113
  4. G5P:1213


  1. A pregnant woman reports not having had any vaccinations as a child but requests

vaccines during her pregnancy. Which vaccines may be given?

Select all that apply.

  1. HPV
  2. Inactivated influenza
  3. Live, attenuated influenza
  4. MMR
  5. Tdap
  6. Varicella


  1. A pregnant woman who is overweight has no previous history of hypertension or


diabetes. Her initial screening exam reveals a blood pressure of 140/90 and a fasting blood

glucose of 128 mg/dL. What will the practitioner do?

  1. Initiate insulin therapy
  2. Monitor blood pressure and fasting blood glucose closely
  3. Prescribe an antihypertensive medication
  4. Refer the patient to a high-risk pregnancy specialist



Chapter 12: Lactation Guidance

Test Bank

Multiple Choice

  1. An infant who has just begun nursing develops hyperbilirubinemia. What will the

provider tell the mother?

  1. To decrease the frequency of breastfeeding
  2. To supplement feedings with extra water
  3. To switch to formula until the bilirubin level drops
  4. To use a breast pump to increase her milk supply


  1. The mother of a 3-day-old newborn reports that her infant nurses every 4 hours during

the day and sleeps 6 hours at night. What will the provider recommend?

  1. Awakening the baby every 3 hours to nurse
  2. Continuing this schedule until the infant is 6 months old
  3. Ensuring that her infant nurses for 15 to 20 minutes each time
  4. Pumping her breasts to maintain her milk supply


  1. A mother who has been breastfeeding her infant for several weeks develops a fever,

breast warmth, and breast tenderness. What will the provider recommend?

  1. Ice packs and decreased frequency of nursing
  2. Ice packs and increased frequency of nursing
  3. Warm packs and decreased frequency of nursing
  4. Warm packs and increased frequency of nursing




Chapter 13: Aging and Common Geriatric Syndromes

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. When prescribing medications to an 80-year-old patient, the provider will
  2. begin with higher doses and decrease according to the patient’s response.
  3. consult the Beers list to help identify potentially problematic drugs.
  4. ensure that the patient does not take more than five concurrent medications.
  5. review all patient medications at the annual health maintenance visit.


  1. An 80-year-old woman who lives alone is noted to have a recent weight loss of 6 pounds.

She appears somewhat confused, according to her daughter, who is concerned that she is

developing dementia. The provider learns that the woman still drives, volunteers at the local

hospital, and attends a book club with several friends once a month. What is the initial step in

evaluating this patient?

  1. Obtain a CBC, serum electrolytes, BUN, and glucose
  2. Ordering a CBC, serum ferritin, and TIBC
  3. Referring the patient to a dietician for nutritional evaluation
  4. Referring the patient to a neurologist for evaluation for AD



  1. The practitioner is establishing a plan for routine health maintenance for a new female

client who is 80 years old. The client has never smoked and has been in good health. What

will the practitioner include in routine care for this patient?

Select all that apply.

  1. Annual hypertension screening
  2. Baseline abdominal aorta ultrasound
  3. Colonoscopy every 10 years
  4. One-time hepatitis B vaccine
  5. Pneumovax vaccine if not previously given
  6. Yearly influenza vaccine



Chapter 14: Palliative and End-of Life Care

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. A patient who is near death is exhibiting signs of agitation, anxiety, and intractable pain.

When discussing palliative sedation with this patient’s family, what will be discussed?

Select all that apply.

  1. The chance that refractory symptoms will be alleviated
  2. The fact that this is an intervention of last resort
  3. The likelihood that the patient will develop dependence on the drugs
  4. The need for informed consent from the patient and family
  5. The possibility that this measure may hasten death


  1. When should palliative care be initiated by a primary care provider?
  2. After an ill patient asks for Hospice services
  3. As part of routine health maintenance
  4. When a patient is diagnosed with a serious disease
  5. When an interdisciplinary team is formed to manage a disease


  1. When using the “Five Wishes” approach to documenting patient preferences for end-ofwww.

life care, the provider will document which types of preferences?

Select all that apply.

  1. A directive to avoid calling 911 at the time of death
  2. A specific list of treatments the patient does not want
  3. How much information to give various family members
  4. The level of sedation versus alertness the patient desires
  5. The people designated to make care decisions for the patient



Chapter 15: Obesity and Weight Management

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. A woman who is obese has a neck circumference of 16.5 cm. Which test is necessary to

assess for complications of obesity in this patient based on this finding?

  1. Electrocardiography
  2. Gallbladder ultrasonography
  3. Mammography
  4. Polysomnography


  1. Which medications are associated with weight gain?

Select all that apply.

  1. Antibiotics
  2. Antidepressants
  3. Antihistamines
  4. Insulin analogs
  5. Seizure medications



Chapter 16: Lifestyle Management

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. A 60-year-old patient who leads a sedentary lifestyle has expressed an interest in

beginning an aerobic exercise program. What will the provider include when counseling this

patient about this program?

  1. Begin with a 45 to 60 minute workout
  2. Include a 1 to 2 minute warm up before exercise
  3. Maintain a heart rate between 80 and 128 beats per minute
  4. Stretching should be performed prior to activity


  1. Routine screening blood tests at an annual physical exam reveal a fasting glucose level of

125 mg/dL and a hemoglobin A1C of 6.2%. What will the provider do, based on these


  1. Evaluate the patient for impaired glucose tolerance
  2. Reassure the patient that these are normal values
  3. Suggest that the patient begin an exercise program
  4. Tell the patient that these results indicate diabetes



  1. The primary care provider is screening a patient using the CAGE criteria. What will the

provider include in this assessment?

Select all that apply.


  1. Number of times per week eaten in restaurants
  2. Sodium and sugar intake
  3. Sources of daily dairy intake
  4. Total number of servings of fruits and vegetables
  5. Types of meats and proteins

ANS: A, C, E



Chapter 17: Routine Health Screening and Immunizations

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. A 50-year-old female patient has a blood pressure of 118/72 mm Hg, a negative family

history for breast and ovarian cancer, a normal Pap smear 2 years prior, and a Framingham

risk screening within normal limits. Which should be part of this patient’s routine annual

well-patient exams?

  1. Bone mineral density screening
  2. Breast cancer screening and mammogram
  3. Cervical cancer screening with a Pap test


  1. A 55-year-old patient who had influenza in the previous influenza season asks about the

flu vaccine. What will the provider tell the patient?

  1. Having influenza vaccine confers lifetime immunity
  2. The FluMist vaccine may be used each year
  3. The Fluzone High-Dose vaccine is recommended
  4. The trivalent influenza vaccine is indicated annually


  1. A 60-year-old patient with a previous history of shingles asks about the herpes zoster

vaccine. What will the provider recommend?


  1. A series of two herpes zoster vaccinations
  2. A single dose of herpes zoster vaccine
  3. No herpes zoster vaccine is necessary
  4. Prophylactic vaccination if exposed to chicken pox



Chapter 18: Principles of Occupational and Environmental Health in Primary Care

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. A patient who has a history of working around asbestos and silica fibers is concerned

about developing lung disease. The primary care provider determines that the patient has a

previous history of asthma as a child and currently has frequent episodes of bronchitis. A

physical examination is normal and pulmonary function tests and radiographs are negative.

What action is correct?

  1. Reassure the patient about the normal findings
  2. Refer the patient to an occupational health specialist
  3. Request a workplace environmental assessment
  4. Suggest that the patient follow up with a pulmonologist


  1. During a pre-placement screening for a person hired for a job requiring heavy lifting, a

primary care provider notes that the new employee has environmental allergies, a history of

GERD, recurrent eczema, a previous history of an ankle fracture, and normal lower back

strength and flexibility. A urine drug screen is negative. What will be included in the report to

the employer?

Select all that apply.

  1. GERD history
  2. History of allergies and eczema
  3. History of ankle fracture
  4. Lower back screening results
  5. Urine drug screening results



Chapter 19: College Health

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. A female freshman college student tells the primary care provider at the student health

center that she has a history of anorexia nervosa that has been well-controlled for several

years. What will the provider recommend for this student?

  1. Dietary counseling
  2. Participation in sports
  3. Regular weight assessments
  4. Stress management strategies


  1. A female college student seeks information about emergency contraception. What is the

most important part of the assessment of this patient?

  1. Cultural considerations for use of contraception
  2. Feelings of guilt about a possible pregnancy
  3. Possible concerns about confidentiality
  4. The female’s sense of control in sexual situations



Chapter 20: Presurgical Clearance

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. Which factors determine which diagnostic tests should be performed in a presurgical

clearance evaluation?

Select all that apply.

  1. Patient’s age
  2. Patient’s comorbidities
  3. Previous surgeries
  4. Surgeon’s preference
  5. Type of anesthetic agent planned


  1. Which patient should have pulmonary function testing as part of the presurgical exam?
  2. A patient older than 60 years of age
  3. A patient undergoing major intra-thoracic surgery
  4. A patient with a history of pneumonia in the last 2 years
  5. A patient with diabetes and morbid obesity



Chapter 21: Preparticipation Sports Physical

Test Bank

Multiple Choice


  1. During a pre-participation sports physical, the examiner notes a difference in strength of

the patient’s radial and femoral pulses with the femoral pulses being weaker. What will the

provider do?

  1. Evaluate for orthostatic hypotension
  2. Obtain Doppler studies of lower extremity circulation



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