Mosbys Textbook for Nursing Assistants 7th Edition by Sheila A. Sorrentino – Test Bank


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Sorrentino: Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 7th Edition


Test Bank


Chapter 5: Communicating With the Health Team




  1. The health team exchanges information. They send and receive messages. This is
A. Gossip
B. Communication
C. Reporting
D. Resolving conflict



ANS:   B                     REF:    56


  1. Communication is
A. The verbal account of care and observations
B. The written account of care and observations
C. The medical record
D. The exchange of information



ANS:   D                     REF:    56


  1. Which has the same meaning for everyone?
A. Hot
B. Warm
C. Elevated temperature
D. Temperature of 99° F



ANS:   D                     REF:    56


  1. The nurse uses a medical term that you do not understand. What should you do?
A. Pretend to understand.
B. Look the word up in a medical dictionary.
C. Ask a co-worker for an explanation.
D. Ask a doctor what the word means.



ANS:   B                     REF:    56


  1. Which does not promote communication?
A. Being brief and concise
B. Giving information in the order the events occurred
C. Presenting facts
D. Talking about two subjects at once



ANS:   D                     REF:    56


  1. These statements are about medical records. Which is incorrect?
A. Each page must have the person’s identifying information.
B. They are legal documents.
C. They are used to communicate information about a person.
D. All agency staff can access them.



ANS:   D                     REF:    57


  1. You work on the east wing at Sugar Creek Nursing Center. Your aunt is a resident on the west wing. Which is correct?
A. You can read her medical record.
B. You can visit her during break times.
C. You can discuss her condition with staff that cares for her.
D. You can ask the RN to report changes in you aunt’s condition to you.



ANS:   B                     REF:    57


  1. Health care agencies have policies about medical records. Policies generally cover the following except
A. Medical terms
B. Abbreviations
C. Signing entries
D. Correcting errors



ANS:   A                     REF:    57


  1. A patient asks to see his chart. What should you do?
A. Give it to him.
B. Tell the nurse.
C. Tell the doctor.
D. Make a copy for him.



ANS:   B                     REF:    57


  1. Which form has the person’s identifying information?
A. The admission sheet
B. The progress notes
C. Activities-of-daily-living flow sheet
D. Kardex



ANS:   A                     REF:    57


  1. You are working in a nursing center. Where would you record information about the person’s hygiene, elimination, and sleep?
A. The admission sheet
B. The progress notes
C. Activities-of-daily-living flow sheet
D. Kardex



ANS:   C                     REF:    61


  1. Which of the following is a type of card file?
A. The admission sheet
B. The progress notes
C. Activities-of-daily-living flow sheet
D. Kardex



ANS:   D                     REF:    61


  1. Which of the following are used to record frequent measurements or observations?
A. Kardex
B. Flow sheets
C. Progress notes
D. Health history sheets



ANS:   B                     REF:    61


  1. You are reporting to the nurse. Which is incorrect?
A. Be prompt, thorough, and accurate.
B. Give the person’s name, room and bed number, and the time you gave care or made observations.
C. Report what co-workers did.
D. Use your notes.



ANS:   C                     REF:    61


  1. When should you report changes in the person’s condition?
A. At once
B. At the end of your shift
C. Before you take your lunch break
D. During the end-of-shift report



ANS:   A                     REF:    61


  1. Anyone who reads your charting should know the following except
A. What you observed
B. What you did
C. What your co-workers did
D. The person’s response



ANS:   C                     REF:    63


  1. The agency allows you to record on charts. Which is incorrect?
A. Ink is used, not pencil.
B. Only agency-approved abbreviations are used.
C. Errors are erased.
D. All entries are signed with your name and title.



ANS:   C                     REF:    63


  1. When recording, you should do the following except
A. Write neatly
B. Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
C. Skip lines
D. Record only what you did yourself



ANS:   C                     REF:    63


  1. These statements are about charting. Which is incorrect?
A. You can chart a procedure before completing it.
B. You should use the person’s exact words whenever possible.
C. You need to avoid terms with more than one meaning.
D. You need to record facts.



ANS:   A                     REF:    63


  1. You are charting changes in the person’s condition. You also need to chart the following except
A. That you informed the nurse of the changes
B. What you told the nurse about the changes
C. When you reported the changes to the nurse
D. When you called the doctor about the changes



ANS:   D                     REF:    63


  1. When charting, you should record
A. Safety measures performed
B. What co-workers observed
C. What co-workers did
D. What the doctor said



ANS:   A                     REF:    63


  1. The clock shows 11:42 A.M. In 24-hour clock time this is
A. 11:42
B. 1142
C. 2342
D. 11:43 AM



ANS:   B                     REF:    63


  1. The clock shows 7:29 P.M. In 24-hour clock time this is
A. 7:29 P.M.
B. 729
C. 0729
D. 1929



ANS:   D                     REF:    63-64


  1. The clock shows 12:00 noon. In 24-hour clock time this is
A. 12:00 noon
B. 12:00
C. 1200
D. Noon



ANS:   C                     REF:    63-64


  1. A suffix is
A. Placed at the beginning of a word
B. The main part of the word
C. Placed at the end of a word
D. A shortened form of a word or phrase



ANS:   C                     REF:    56, 65


  1. Which term means located at or toward the front of the body or body part?
A. Anterior
B. Distal
C. Medial
D. Posterior



ANS:   A                     REF:    56, 67


  1. Dys- means
A. Without, not, lack of
B. Slow
C. Bad, difficult, abnormal
D. Inner, inside



ANS:   C                     REF:    65


  1. Olig- means
A. Half
B. Under, decreased, less than normal
C. Small, scant
D. Many, much



ANS:   C                     REF:    65


  1. Tachy- means
A. Bad, difficult, abnormal
B. Normal, good, well, healthy
C. Slow
D. Fast



ANS:   D                     REF:    65


  1. Poly- means
A. Many, much
B. Before, in front of
C. Around
D. Large



ANS:   A                     REF:    65


  1. Arthro means
A. Rib
B. Joint
C. Bone
D. Head



ANS:   B                     REF:    65


  1. Cyano means
A. Heart
B. Skin
C. Sugar
D. Blue



ANS:   D                     REF:    66


  1. Angio means
A. Heart
B. Artery
C. Vein
D. Vessel



ANS:   D                     REF:    65


  1. Derma means
A. Water
B. Stone
C. Tongue
D. Skin



ANS:   D                     REF:    66


  1. Gastro means
A. Stomach
B. Large intestine
C. Small intestine
D. Intestines



ANS:   A                     REF:    66


  1. Gluco means
A. Blood
B. Water
C. Stone
D. Sweetness



ANS:   D                     REF:    66


  1. Hemo means
A. Artery
B. Heart
C. Vein
D. Blood



ANS:   D                     REF:    66


  1. Hydro means
A. Bladder
B. Water
C. Kidney
D. Air



ANS:   B                     REF:    66


  1. Myo means
A. Spinal cord
B. Eye
C. Muscle
D. Straight, normal, correct



ANS:   C                     REF:    66


  1. Osteo means
A. Spinal cord
B. Joint
C. Bone
D. Nerve



ANS:   C                     REF:    66


  1. Pnea means
A. Breathing, respiration
B. Lung, air, gas
C. Nose
D. Lung



ANS:   A                     REF:    66


  1. Stomato means
A. Stomach
B. Opening
C. Narrow, constriction
D. Mouth



ANS:   D                     REF:    66


  1. Toxico and toxo mean
A. Poison
B. Heat
C. Chest
D. Clot



ANS:   A                     REF:    66


  1. Vaso means
A. Artery
B. Vein
C. Blood vessel
D. Dilate



ANS:   C                     REF:    66


  1. The suffix -algia means
A. Condition
B. Pain
C. Enlargement
D. Disease



ANS:   B                     REF:    66


  1. The suffix -emia means
A. Removal of
B. Blood condition
C. Inflammation
D. Tumor



ANS:   B                     REF:    66


  1. The suffix -phagia means
A. The study of
B. Destruction of
C. Disease
D. Swallowing



ANS:   D                     REF:    66


  1. The suffix -phasia means
A. Swallowing
B. Speaking
C. Paralysis
D. Fear



ANS:   B                     REF:    66


  1. The suffix -rrhage means
A. Discharge
B. Stitching
C. Excessive flow
D. Drooping



ANS:   C                     REF:    66


  1. The suffix -stomy means
A. Removal of
B. Cutting into
C. Stomach
D. Creation of an opening



ANS:   D                     REF:    66


  1. The suffix -plegia means
A. Paralysis
B. Swallowing
C. Speaking
D. Sagging



ANS:   A                     REF:    66


  1. The abbreviation ADL means
A. Abdomen
B. Before meals
C. Activities of daily living
D. As desired



ANS:   C                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation amb means
A. Ambulatory
B. Amount
C. Abdomen
D. Morning



ANS:   A                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation BRP means
A. Twice a day
B. Blood pressure
C. Bathroom privileges
D. Bowel movement



ANS:   C                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation c/o means
A. Catheter
B. Complains of
C. Cancer
D. Cubic centimeter



ANS:   B                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. How would you abbreviate height?
A. h
B. H
C. ht
D. Hgt



ANS:   C                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. How would you abbreviate gastrointestinal?
A. gastro
B. gi
C. gstin



ANS:   D                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation noc means
A. Negative
B. Night
C. Nothing
D. None



ANS:   B                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation NPO means
A. Negative
B. No person allowed
C. Nothing by mouth
D. Night privacy allowed



ANS:   C                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation PC means
A. Post-conference
B. Post-care
C. Before meals
D. After meals



ANS:   D                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation po means
A. By mouth
B. Per oral
C. Post-operative
D. Pre-operative



ANS:   A                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation prn means
A. When necessary
B. Preparation
C. Practical registered nurse
D. Preferred nursing



ANS:   A                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation qid means
A. Twice a day
B. Three times a day
C. Four times a day
D. Every night at bedtime



ANS:   C                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation ROM means
A. Range of motion
B. Roommate
C. Right outer muscle
D. Rest on Monday



ANS:   A                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. The abbreviation stat means
A. As soon as possible
B. At once
C. Station
D. Static



ANS:   B                     REF:    inside back cover


  1. Proximal means
A. At or near the front of the body or body part
B. The farthest from the center or from the point of attachment
C. Away from the midline
D. The part nearest to the center or to the point of origin



ANS:   D                     REF:    56, 67


  1. You have access to the agency’s computer system. Which is correct?
A. You can use another person’s password to open e-mail.
B. You can use the computer to send personal e-mail.
C. You can use the computer to send confidential information to the nurse.
D. You can change your password following agency policy.



ANS:   D                     REF:    68-69


  1. These statements are about computer use in health care agencies. Which is correct?
A. You should use the computer to send information that requires immediate reporting.
B. You should use the computer to send jokes and other entertaining material.
C. Authorized staff can retrieve deleted computer files.
D. You should use the computer to post your opinions and messages on the Internet.



ANS:   C                     REF:    69


  1. These statements are about computer use in health care agencies. Which is incorrect?
A. You should share your password with co-workers.
B. You should use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
C. You should prevent others from seeing what is on the screen.
D. You should double-check your entries.



ANS:   A                     REF:    69


  1. You should answer a phone by the
A. Second ring
B. Fourth ring
C. Sixth ring
D. Eighth ring



ANS:   B                     REF:    70


  1. After taking a message, which is correct?
A. Repeat the message and phone number back to the caller
B. Put the caller on hold
C. Transfer the caller
D. Lay the phone down



ANS:   A                     REF:    70


  1. Before transferring a call, you should
A. Explain that you are going to transfer the call
B. Lay the phone down and find out where to transfer the call
C. Take a message
D. Find out the reason for the call



ANS:   A                     REF:    70


  1. A phone message should contain the following information except
A. The caller’s name and phone number
B. The caller’s social security number
C. The date and time
D. The message



ANS:   B                     REF:    70


  1. Before putting a caller “on hold,” you should
A. Find out if the call is about an emergency
B. Thank the person for calling
C. Take a message
D. Ask how long the caller can wait



ANS:   A                     REF:    70


  1. When answering the phone in a patient’s home, you should
A. Give the patient’s name and your name
B. Identify yourself by name and title
C. Simply answer with “hello”
D. Give your name and the name of the agency you work for



ANS:   C                     REF:    68


  1. The first step in problem solving is to
A. Define the problem
B. Collect information
C. Identify possible solutions
D. Ask your supervisor for time to talk



ANS:   A                     REF:    70


  1. You have a conflict with a co-worker. In resolving the conflict, you should
A. Discuss the problem in front of a witness
B. Focus on facts and specific behaviors
C. Ask your supervisor to talk to the person
D. Give the problem time to go away



ANS:   B                     REF:    70


  1. Which statement is incorrect?
A. Incomplete information can harm the person.
B. Patient and resident information is confidential.
C. When communicating, you must protect the person’s right to privacy.
D. To save time, record treatments and procedures before you complete them.



ANS:   D                     REF:    61, 63-64





Sorrentino: Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 7th Edition


Test Bank


Chapter 36: Rehabilitation and Restorative Nursing Care




  1. A disability is
A. An artificial replacement for a missing body part
B. A chronic illness or disease
C. Any lost, absent, or impaired physical or mental function
D. A temporary state of impairment



ANS:   C                     REF:    606, 608


  1. A prosthesis is
A. An artificial replacement for a missing body part
B. A chronic illness or disease
C. Any lost, absent, or impaired physical or mental function
D. A temporary state of impairment



ANS:   A                     REF:    606-607


  1. Rehabilitation is
A. The process of restoring the person to his or her highest possible level of function
B. Adjusting to a disability
C. Care that helps persons regain health, strength, and independence
D. The process of assisting the person to maintain or regain health



ANS:   A                     REF:    606-607


  1. Restorative nursing care is
A. The process of restoring the person to his or her highest possible level of function
B. Using the nursing process to help the person adjust to a disability
C. Care that helps persons regain health, strength, and independence
D. The process of assisting the person to maintain or regain health



ANS:   C                     REF:    606-607


  1. The following are common causes of disabilities except
A. Disease and injury
B. Surgery
C. Choking and aspiration
D. Birth injuries and birth defects



ANS:   C                     REF:    606


  1. Which statement about disabilities is incorrect?
A. Losses can be temporary.
B. Losses can be permanent.
C. Only one function is lost.
D. More than one function can be lost.



ANS:   C                     REF:    607


  1. Which statement about disabilities is incorrect?
A. Causes are acute or chronic.
B. The person may depend totally on others for basic needs.
C. The degree of disability affects how much function is possible.
D. Complete recovery is always possible when the person has a good attitude.



ANS:   D                     REF:    607


  1. Which is not a focus of rehabilitation?
A. Improving the person’s ability to function
B. Promoting the best possible quality of life for the person
C. Preventing further loss of function
D. Stressing the degree of disability and the functions lost



ANS:   D                     REF:    607


  1. Restorative nursing care does the following except
A. Focuses on the whole person
B. Provides all ADL for the person
C. Prevents unnecessary decline in function
D. Helps the person maintain the highest level of function



ANS:   B                     REF:    607


  1. A person with a disability needs to adjust physically, psychologically, socially, and economically.
A. True
B. False



ANS:   A                     REF:    607


  1. Which statement is correct?
A. Rehabilitation begins after restorative nursing care.
B. Restorative nursing care begins after rehabilitation.
C. Some people need both rehabilitation and restorative care.
D. The person returns home after completing a rehabilitation program.



ANS:   C                     REF:    607


  1. Which statement about restorative aides is correct?
A. They must meet OBRA training requirements.
B. They are nursing assistants with training in restorative nursing and rehabilitation skills.
C. Those with excellent work ethics are promoted to nursing assistants.
D. They have had some nursing education.



ANS:   B                     REF:    606-607


  1. Restorative nursing may involve measures that promote the following except
A. Self-care
B. Elimination
C. Communication
D. Bedrest



ANS:   D                     REF:    607


  1. A disability affects
A. The person physically
B. The person psychologically
C. The person socially
D. The whole person



ANS:   D                     REF:    607


  1. Rehabilitation starts when the person
A. First seeks health care
B. Seeks hospital care
C. Is in an assisted living residence
D. Is admitted to a nursing center



ANS:   A                     REF:    608


  1. What is stressed during rehabilitation?
A. The person’s disabilities
B. What the person can do
C. The person’s weaknesses
D. The person’s attitude



ANS:   B                     REF:    607


  1. Rehabilitation often takes longer for
A. Teenagers
B. Young adults
C. Middle-age adults
D. Older persons



ANS:   D                     REF:    608


  1. The following prevent contractures and pressure ulcers except
A. Rest and immobility
B. Turning and repositioning
C. Range-of-motion exercises
D. Good skin care



ANS:   A                     REF:    608


  1. A resident needs bowel and bladder training. What should you do?
A. Offer the bedpan regularly.
B. Restrict the person’s fluid intake.
C. Provide catheter care.
D. Follow the person’s care plan.



ANS:   D                     REF:    608


  1. Activities of daily living refer to
A. Work functions
B. Self-care
C. Prostheses
D. Assistive devices



ANS:   B                     REF:    608


  1. A resident’s right wrist is affected by a disability. You would expect the person to need
A. A prosthesis
B. Self-help devices
C. A wheelchair
D. A cast



ANS:   B                     REF:    608


  1. A resident is paralyzed from the waist down. You would expect the person to learn to use
A. Mechanical ventilation
B. A prosthesis
C. A walker
D. A wheelchair



ANS:   D                     REF:    608


  1. The goal for a prosthesis is to be like the missing body part in function and appearance.
A. True
B. False



ANS:   A                     REF:    608


  1. A patient has aphasia following a stroke. Which of the following are helpful?
A. Speech therapy and a dysphagia diet
B. Physical therapy and braces
C. Speech therapy and communication devices
D. Occupational therapy and a transfer board



ANS:   C                     REF:    609


  1. During rehabilitation, persons need to be reminded of their
A. Disabilities
B. Strengths and weaknesses
C. Limits
D. Progress



ANS:   D                     REF:    611


  1. Which person is the least likely to have a successful rehabilitation program?
A. The person who tries to do what the physical therapist suggests
B. The person who works hard to make slow, steady progress
C. The person who is not happy but goes to physical therapy willingly
D. The person who tries to go beyond his limits and tells the staff what to do



ANS:   D                     REF:    610-611


  1. Persons with disabilities often feel the following except
A. Unwhole
B. Unclean
C. Useful
D. Unattractive



ANS:   C                     REF:    610


  1. Which statement about the rehabilitation team is incorrect?
A. The team usually meets without the person and family.
B. The team meets regularly to discuss the person’s progress.
C. Nursing assistants are part of the rehabilitation team.
D. The person is part of the rehabilitation team.



ANS:   A                     REF:    611


  1. When assisting with rehabilitation, you need to
A. Follow the service plan
B. Follow the care plan
C. Carry out the doctor’s orders
D. Ask the person what to do



ANS:   B                     REF:    611


  1. A resident had both legs amputated. The person’s care plan includes the following measures. Which should you question?
A. Turn and reposition as directed
B. Measures to prevent pressure ulcers
C. Good alignment at all times
D. Perform all ADL for the person



ANS:   D                     REF:    608-611


  1. When assisting with rehabilitation, you must always
A. Do what the person wants
B. Protect the person’s rights
C. Apply assistive devices
D. Show pity and sympathy



ANS:   B                     REF:    611


  1. A patient takes a long time getting dressed. What should you do?
A. Give the person time to complete the task.
B. Ask if you can help the person.
C. Report the problem to the nurse.
D. Time the person. Encourage the person to beat that time.



ANS:   A                     REF:    611


  1. You are feeling frustrated because a resident’s progress is slow. You feel like the person is not trying. What should you do?
A. Tell the person how you feel.
B. Ask a co-worker to care for the person.
C. Discuss your feelings with the nurse.
D. Ask the person’s family what to do.



ANS:   C                     REF:    614


  1. To better guide and direct a person, you should
A. Practice what the person has to do
B. Apply assistive devices
C. Give support and reassurance
D. Review the person’s medical record



ANS:   A                     REF:    611


  1. OBRA requires that nursing centers
A. Provide assisted living residences
B. Provide rehabilitation services
C. Hire therapists
D. Provide respiratory rehabilitation



ANS:   B                     REF:    612


  1. A patient is learning to use an eating device. Where should the person practice using the device?
A. In the dining room
B. In the lounge area
C. In the TV room
D. In private



ANS:   D                     REF:    611, 613


  1. Why is privacy important during rehabilitation?
A. It protects the person’s dignity and promotes self-respect.
B. It is required by OBRA.
C. It is a matter of personal choice.
D. It prevents abuse and mistreatment.



ANS:   A                     REF:    613


  1. A resident has aphasia. Which will help the person feel a sense of control?
A. Allowing personal choices whenever possible
B. Showing the person pity and sympathy
C. Doing as much as possible for the person
D. Meeting the person’s spiritual needs



ANS:   A                     REF:    613


  1. Which does not promote quality of life during rehabilitation and restorative care?
A. Providing a safe setting
B. Preventing complications
C. Learning to deal with your frustrations
D. Asking for a different assignment every week



ANS:   D                     REF:    611, 613-614


  1. A resident is making slow progress in therapy. You see another nursing assistant laughing at the person. What should you do?
A. Tell the nurse.
B. Talk to your co-worker.
C. Ask if you can join in the fun.
D. Ignore the situation.



ANS:   A                     REF:    614

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