Chapter 22 The Respiratory System


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Chapter 22  The Respiratory System



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  1. Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system?
    1. ControlofpH
    2. Promotes the flow of lymph and venous blood
    3. Helps regulate blood


    4. Assists in the synthesis of vasodilators
    5. Aids in defecation

      Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 3. Apply Gradable: automatic HAPS Objective: M01.01 Describe the major functions of the respiratory system. HAPS Topic: Module M01 General functions of the respiratory system. Learning Outcome: 22.01a State the functions of the respiratory system. Section: 22.01 Topic: General functions of the respiratory system

  2. Which of the following is caused by the chemical reactions of gases of the respiratory system?
  1. Regulation of blood pressure
  2. The synthesis of vasodilators
  3. Aids in defecation
  4. Regulation of pH

3. The upper respiratory tract extends from the nose through the _________.

  1. trachea
  2. pharynx
  3. laryn


  4. alveoli
  5. lungs

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 3. Apply Gradable: automatic HAPS Objective: M01.01 Describe the major functions of the respiratory system. HAPS Topic: Module M01 General functions of the respiratory system. Learning Outcome: 22.01a State the functions of the respiratory system. Section: 22.01 Topic: General functions of the respiratory system

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic

HAPS Objective: M02.01 Describe and distinguish between the upper and lower respiratory tracts. HAPS Topic: Module M02 Gross and microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract and related organs. Learning Outcome: 22.01b Name and describe the organs of this system. Section: 22.01 Topic: Gross anatomy of the upper respiratory tract

  1. The nose is divided into right and left halves called the __________.
    1. nasal cavities
    2. nasalfossae
    3. nasalsepta
    4. nasalvestibules
    5. nasal


      Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic

    HAPS Objective: M02.04a Identify the structure of nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleural membranes, pulmonary blood vessels and nerves, thoracic and pleural cavities, and diaphragm. HAPS Topic: Module M02 Gross and microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract and related organs. Learning Outcome: 22.01b Name and describe the organs of this system. Section: 22.01 Topic: Gross anatomy of the upper respiratory tract

  2. Which two ligaments extend from the thyroid cartilage to the arytenoid cartilages?
    1. Vestibular and vocal
    2. Laryngeal and corniculate
    3. Corniculate and cricoid
    4. Cricoid and


    5. Thyrohyoid and cricoids

      Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic

    HAPS Objective: M02.04a Identify the structure of nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleural membranes, pulmonary blood vessels and nerves, thoracic and pleural cavities, and diaphragm. HAPS Topic: Module M02 Gross and microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract and related organs. Learning Outcome: 22.01b Name and describe the organs of this system. Section: 22.01 Topic: Gross anatomy of the lower respiratory tract

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

6. What are the most numerous cells in the lungs?

  1. Mucosalcells
  2. TypeIalveolarcells
  3. TypeIIalveolarcells
  4. Dustcells
  5. Vibrissal


    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic

HAPS Objective: M02.06b For each of the following, describe the microscopic anatomy of each structure – respiratory (nasal) mucosa, the layers of the tracheal wall, the bronchi and bronchioles, the three cell types found in alveoli, and the respiratory membrane. HAPS Topic: Module M02 Gross and microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract and related organs. Learning Outcome: 22.01b Name and describe the organs of this system. Section: 22.01 Topic: Microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract

7. Each alveolus is surrounded by a web of blood capillaries supplied by the _________.

  1. aorta
  2. pulmonary artery
  3. pulmonary vein
  4. inferiorvena


  5. superiorvenacava

    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 2. Understand Gradable: automatic

HAPS Objective: M02.06b For each of the following, describe the microscopic anatomy of each structure – respiratory (nasal) mucosa, the layers of the tracheal wall, the bronchi and bronchioles, the three cell types found in alveoli, and the respiratory membrane. HAPS Topic: Module M02 Gross and microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract and related organs. Learning Outcome: 22.01b Name and describe the organs of this system. Section: 22.01 Topic: Microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract

8. Which of the following does not contain ciliated cells?

  1. Nasalcavity
  2. Trachea
  3. Primary bronchus
  4. Terminal


  5. Larygopharyn


    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 3. Apply Gradable: automatic

HAPS Objective: M02.06b For each of the following, describe the microscopic anatomy of each structure – respiratory (nasal) mucosa, the layers of the tracheal wall, the bronchi and bronchioles, the three cell types found in alveoli, and the respiratory membrane. HAPS Objective: M02.07 Describe the changes in epithelial and connective tissue seen in various portions of the air passageways and

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

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