Brunnstrom Clinical Kinesiology 6th Edition by Houglum Bertoti – Test Bank


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Chapter 5: Shoulder Complex

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The primary purpose of the shoulder complex is to:

a. lift and push objects
b. assist with forced inspirations and expirations
c. place the hand in position for function
d. elevate the body

____ 2. The shoulder complex as a whole primarily relies on ___________ for stability.

a. bony geometry
b. active and passive restraints
c. negative intra-articular pressure
d. external load-compression of articular surfaces

____ 3. The shoulder complex is attached to the axioskeleton at which joint?

a. Acromioclavicular
b. Glenohumeral
c. Scapulothoracic
d. Sternoclavicular

____ 4. The glenoid labrum adds approximately _____ % more surface area to the depth and curve of the glenoid fossa.

a. 25
b. 50
c. 75
d. 100

____ 5. Relative to the distal humeral condyles, the humeral head is rotated _________ in the ___________ plane.

a. anterior; sagittal
b. anterior; transverse
c. posterior; sagittal
d. posterior; transverse

____ 6. Motion at the scapulothoracic joint is a result of combined motion from which joint(s)?

a. Acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular
b. Sternoclavicular and glenohumeral
c. Glenohumeral and acromioclavicular
d. Only the acromioclavicular

____ 7. Medial and lateral tilting of the scapula occurs about a(n) _________ axis.

a. anterior-posterior
b. medial-lateral
c. superior-inferior
d. coronal

____ 8. As the arm is elevated in the scapular plane (particularly during higher angles of elevation), which combination of tilts at the scapula occur?

a. Anterior and medial
b. Anterior and lateral
c. Posterior and medial
d. Posterior and lateral

____ 9. Which motions of the scapula occur when an individual places his or her upper extremity behind his or her back (functional medial rotation)?

a. Anterior and medial tilt
b. Posterior and medial tilt
c. Anterior and lateral tilt
d. Posterior and lateral tilt

____ 10. How many degree(s) of angular freedom are present at the sternoclavicular joint?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

____ 11. During protraction at the sternoclavicular joint, the ___________ clavicle glides ____________ on the sternum.

a. concave; anterior
b. convex; anterior
c. concave; posterior
d. convex; posterior

____ 12. Tension in this ligament facilitates posterior rotation of the clavicle during elevation of the upper extremity:

a. acromioclavicular
b. coracoclavicular
c. coracoacromial
d. coracohumeral

____ 13. The sternoclavicular joint is classified as a _______________ joint.

a. ball and socket
b. gliding
c. sellar
d. pivot

____ 14. Elevation at the sternoclavicular joint takes place between:

a. the sternal end of the clavicle and articular disc
b. the articular disc and the sternum (manubrium)
c. both the sternal end of clavicle and articular disc and between the disc and sternum
d. the acromial end of the clavicle and the acromion

____ 15. The acromioclavicular joint is classified as a ___________ joint.

a. ball and socket
b. gliding
c. sellar
d. pivot

____ 16. The acromioclavicular joint is thought to contribute approximately _________° to upward rotation of the scapula.

a. 30
b. 60
c. 90
d. 120

____ 17. The scapulothoracic joint is classified as a _____________ joint.

a. synovial
b. syndesmosis
c. amphiarthrosis
d. pseudo

____ 18. Protraction of the sternoclavicular joint occurs in the _____________ plane.

a. sagittal
b. frontal
c. coronal
d. transverse

____ 19. Upward rotation of the scapula occurs primarily about a(n) ____________ axis.

a. anterior-posterior
b. medial-lateral
c. superior-inferior
d. vertical

____ 20. On average during elevation of the arm, a ____ ratio of glenohumeral to scapular motion exists.

a. 1:2
b. 2:1
c. 2:2
d. 1:3

____ 21. The glenohumeral joint is classified as a ___________ joint.

a. ball and socket
b. gliding
c. sellar
d. pivot

____ 22. The humeral head is approximately _____ times the size of the glenoid fossa.

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

____ 23. Which ligament is primarily responsible to resist gravity’s downward pull on the humeral head with the arm in the resting position?

a. Coracoacromial
b. Coracoclavicular
c. Coracohumeral
d. Middle glenohumeral

____ 24. The tendon of the long head of the biceps is considered to be:

a. intra-articular and intrasynovial
b. intra-articular and extrasynovial
c. extra-articular and intrasynovial
d. extra-articular and extrasynovial

____ 25. A strong contraction of the biceps with the elbow flexed and shoulder abducted to 90°, promotes _________ and prevents _________ translation of the glenohumeral joint.

a. compression; superior
b. compression; inferior
c. distraction; superior
d. distraction; inferior

____ 26. Which of the following is a structural cause of subacromial impingement syndrome?

a. Muscle imbalances
b. Muscle fatigue
c. Poor posture
d. Hooked or angled acromion

____ 27. The anterior capsule of the glenohumeral joint becomes taut with extreme ___________ and ___________.

a. lateral rotation; flexion
b. lateral rotation; extension
c. medial rotation; flexion
d. medial rotation; extension

____ 28. The normal limitation or “end feel” for all motions of the glenohumeral joint is:

a. firm
b. bone to bone
c. soft tissue approximation
d. springy

____ 29. During lateral rotation of the glenohumeral joint, the humerus rolls _________ and glides or slides __________.

a. anterior; anterior
b. anterior; posterior
c. posterior; anterior
d. posterior; posterior


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 30. The glenoid fossa’s alignment is tipped a few degrees inferior relative to the scapula’s vertebral border.

____ 31. Anterior tilting of the scapula occurs when the superior border of the scapula tilts forward with its inferior angle moving away from the thorax.

____ 32. The majority of clavicular elevation occurs in the second 90° of humeral elevation.

____ 33. With the upper extremities in a closed kinetic chain, depression of the scapula will cause elevation of the trunk and body.

____ 34. During scapular elevation, small adjustments at the acromioclavicular joint allow the vertebral border of the scapula to remain essentially vertical in alignment.

____ 35. During abduction, the humerus must rotate medially so the greater tuberosity can “clear” the acromion.

____ 36. Lateral rotation of the glenohumeral joint is greater at 90° of abduction compared with when the arm is at 0° of abduction (resting by the side).

____ 37. The resting or loose packed position of the glenohumeral joint is full abduction and lateral rotation.

____ 38. During upward rotation of the scapula, the axis of rotation of the scapula migrates laterally.

____ 39. As the upper extremity progresses to higher levels of elevation, the moment arm for the lower trapezius to upwardly rotate the scapula becomes larger.

____ 40. The deltoid muscle is essential to fully abduct the arm.

Chapter 5: Shoulder Complex

Answer Section











































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