Primary Care Of Women 2nd Edition Hackley Kriebs Test Bank

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galactorrhea 5:

Which kind of speculum is often most suitable for examination of the nulliparous patient? a:

Morgan’s speculum b:

Endoscopic speculum c:

Ling speculum d:

Graves speculum e:

Pederson speculum 6:

Which uterine configuration is most difficult to assess for size, shape, configuration, and mobility? a:

Midposition b: Anteverted c:

There is no difference in difficulty d:

Retroverted 7:

Which type of speculum is most appropriate for the examination of a parous menstrual woman? a:

Ling speculum b:

Graves speculum c:

Pederson speculum d:

Endoscopic speculum e:

Morgan’s speculum 8:

Menopause is defined as the cessation of menses for greater than a:

9 months b:

36 months c:

12 months d:

18 months e:

24 months 9:

In a woman describing sufficiently frequent sexual encounters, infertility typically is described as a failure to conceive after





3 months b:

9 months c:

12 months d:

18 months e:

6 months 10:

During bimanual examination of the adnexa in normal premenopausal women, the ovaries are palpable a:

all the time b:

almost never c:

about one-half of the time d:

about thee-quarters/most of the time e:

about one-quarter of the time 11:

If a patient becomes uncomfortable with a topic during a history-taking session, the best response of the physician is to


address the patient’s discomfort in a positive and supportive manner b:

discontinue discussion of the topic to avoid further patient discomfort c:

discontinue discussion to avoid damage to the patient-physician relationship d:

continue after making a joke to relieve tension e:

ignore the discomfort and proceed with questioning 12:

Which of the following statements about the steps in the breast examination is correct? a:

Palpation is done first b:

Palpation and inspection are done simultaneously c:

Palpation is only done if inspection is abnormal d:

Palpation may be done with detailed inspection if a woman is especially modest e:

Inspection is done first 13:

Questions that promote the physician’s fullest understanding of the patient’s situation are best characterized as




a: compassionate b: chronological c:

sympathetic d:

emphatic e:

evidence based 14:

The last menstrual period is dated from the a:

first day of the last normal period b:

last day of the last normal period c:

first day of the last bleeding episode d:

last day of the last bleeding episode 15:

The passage of clots during menstruation a:

is always abnormal b:

may be either normal or abnormal c:

is always normal d:

is extremely rare 16:

In the abbreviation of the obstetric history-G[1] P[2] [3] [4] [5]-“1” stands for the number of a:

living children b:

pregnancies c:

term pregnancies d:

preterm pregnancies e:

abortions 17:

In the abbreviation of the obstetric history-G[1] P[2] [3] [4] [5]-“2” stands for the number of a:

living children b:

pregnancies c:

term pregnancies





preterm pregnancies e:

abortions 18:

In the abbreviation of the obstetric history-G[1] P[2] [3] [4] [5]-“3” stands for the number of a:

living children b:

pregnancies c:

term pregnancies d:

preterm pregnancies e:

abortions 19:

In the abbreviation of the obstetric history-G[1] P[2] [3] [4] [5]-“4” stands for the number of a:

living children b:

pregnancies c:

term pregnancies d:

preterm pregnancies e:

abortions 20:

In the abbreviation of the obstetric history-G[1] P[2] [3] [4] [5]-“5” stands for the number of a:

living children b:

pregnancies c:

term pregnancies d:

preterm pregnancies e:

abortions 21:

Tanner’s classification with respect to the breast relates to changes in the breast a:

before and after lactation b:

associated with malignancy c:

associated with maturation d:

associated with galactorrhea





associated with fibrocystic changes 22:

The rectovaginal examination should be performed a:

after 52 years of age b:

at the initial patient visit c:

only for the evaluation of chronic pelvic pain d:

only when there are symptoms of pelvic relaxation e:

at intervals of 5 years 23:

In the gynecologic history, it is often possible to distinguish between vaginitis and pelvic inflammatory disease by inquiring about


the duration of the pain b:

the symptoms present (fever/chills, itching) c:

the timing of pain in relation to menses d:

the association of pain with body position e:

the use of topical medications 24:

The most common reason for failure to visualize the cervix during the speculum examination is a:

failure to use lubricant b:

a full bladder c:

failure to fully insert the speculum d:

use of a speculum that has not been warmed e:

use of the wrong speculum 25:

Prehypertension is defined as a blood pressure range of a:

80-90/120-139 b:

90-100/120-139 c:

80-90/110-129 d:



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