Chapter 9 Nutrition and Hydration


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Chapter 9  Nutrition and Hydration



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. Which combination is suitable for the daily diet of older adults?
Vitamin B12, 2.4 mcg; and fiber, 15 g
Three 8-oz glasses of fluid; and 1600 calories
Vitamin B12, 1.1 mcg; and 40% of daily calories from fat
Calcium, 1200 mg; and vitamin D, 600 to 800 units

Daily recommendation is 1200 mg of calcium, and 600 to 800 units of vitamin D are needed to enable the body to use the calcium. Daily vitamin B12 intake is correct, but older adults require 20 g to 35 g of fiber. Although 1600 calories per day is correct, fluid intake (preferably water) should be 1500 ml, approximately six to eight 8-oz glasses. Vitamin B12 intake should be 2.4 mcg per day, and calories from fat should be 20% to 25%.

PTS: 1 DIF: Understand REF: 5 | Figure 9-1 on 33| Table 9-1 34
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

2. Which is a common age-related physical change that may affect digestion and food intake?
Loss of the majority of taste buds
Decreased motility in the esophagus
Decreased cholecystokinin secretion
Loss of smell

Decreased motility in the esophagus is a common age-related change and can affect the ease of swallowing. A loss of the majority of taste buds is not a common age-related physical change. A small number of taste buds are lost beginning around 60 years of age, but it does not affect all flavors equally. Decreased cholecystokinin secretion is not common; however, increased cholecystokinin secretion is. A loss of smell is not a common age-related physical change.

PTS: 1 DIF: Remember REF: 8-10
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

3. Which of the following is a true statement about nutrition for older adults?
The older person should be encouraged to practice strict controls on cholesterol intake to ensure protection against heart disease.
Transportation can be a critical factor in nutritional insufficiency in older adults.
Soul food is a concern primarily for the African-American culture.
No government programs promote congregate dining among older adults.

Older persons often have difficulty in obtaining adequate transportation to remote supermarkets and may choose light-weight but less nutritious food items rather than heavy fresh fruits and vegetables. Cholesterol phobia, or the excessive concern over cholesterol control, can contribute to malnutrition in older adults. Every culture has some particular foods and ways of preparing food that can bring great comfort for a person raised in that culture. Title VII of the Older Americans Act provides funding for outreach centers that serve social meals open to all older adults, regardless of their ability to pay.

PTS: 1 DIF: Understand REF: 11
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

4. Which of the following is a true statement about dental health in older adults?
Most people can expect to lose most of their teeth by old age.
Excessive saliva production is a common problem among older adults.
Dentures should be cleaned once a day by brushing and soaking in a cleaning solution.
A little blood on the toothbrush is normal.

Careful cleaning of dentures is necessary to prevent the buildup of residues that contribute to staining and odor, as well as to infection. Older adults can lose teeth, but more adults are retaining their teeth into older age. Tooth loss is most often a result of periodontal disease. Inadequate saliva production (xerostomia) is a common problem for older persons. Bleeding gums is a sign of periodontal disease.

PTS: 1 DIF: Understand REF: 23-25
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance

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