Chapter 5 Regulation of the Nursing Profession


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Chapter 5  Regulation of the Nursing Profession



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. Which of the following is an aspect of self-regulation?
Setting standards of entry into a profession
Representing coworkers during disciplinary meetings with an employer
Self-evaluating practice
Determining the length of shift

Correct A: Self-regulation is a privilege granted to a profession by a provincial or territorial government. Setting standards of entry into the profession is one aspect of self-regulation.

Incorrect B: This is usually the responsibility of a labour union.
Incorrect C: The “self” in “self-regulation” refers to the profession as a whole, not the individual worker.
Incorrect D: Working conditions are the responsibility of a labour union.

DIF: Cognitive level: Knowledge REF: p. 121

2. Which of the following clarifies the nature and scope of nursing practice?
A provincial regulatory body
A national nursing association
A nurse practitioner regulation
The Criminal Code of Canada

Correct A: A provincial regulatory body (or the legislation under which it falls) will describe and define the nature and scope of nursing practice.

Incorrect B: A national nursing association has no direct regulatory role regarding the nature and scope of nursing practice.
Incorrect C: A nurse practitioner regulation identifies the scope of a specific category of nurse but does not clarify the nature and scope of nursing practice.
Incorrect D: The Criminal Code of Canada may deal with extreme violations of nursing practice (indictable offenses such as criminal negligence) but does not clarify the nature and scope of nursing practice.

DIF: Cognitive level: Analysis REF: p. 121

3. What is the main difference between a two-tier regulatory system for nurses and a single-tier system?
A two-tier system ensures due process in the complaint resolution process.
A single-tier system does not deal with complaints about a nurse’s practice.
A single-tier system is not self-regulatory.
A two-tier system has a regulatory branch underneath a higher-level body.

Correct D: A two-tier system has a regulatory branch underneath a higher-level body. The higher-level body may be involved with complaints and appeal and may have a broader scope than nursing alone. In a single-tier system, a provincially created regulatory body has a complete legislative mandate.

Incorrect A: Whether a system is two-tier or single-tier is irrelevant to due process.
Incorrect B: Both single-tier and two-tier systems have mechanisms for managing complaints about a registrant’s practice.
Incorrect C: Both single-tier and two-tier systems are based on self-regulation.

DIF: Cognitive level: Comprehension REF: pp. 126–127

4. Which of the following is an objective of a nursing regulatory body?
The regulation of nursing education
The promotion and advancement of nursing regulation issues on a national level
The day-to-day governance of the affairs of the regulatory body
The support of a high-quality and publicly funded health system

Correct A: Regulating education, nursing roles, scope of practice, entry into the profession, standards of practice, complaints processes, and discipline of members are all objectives of a nursing regulatory body.

Incorrect B: This is a national role of the Canadian Nurses Association.
Incorrect C: This is the role of the board of directors for the regulatory body.
Incorrect D: This is a national role of the Canadian Nurses Association.

DIF: Cognitive level: Analysis REF: p. 129


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