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Chapter 48 Somatic Sensations: II. Pain, Headache, and Thermal Sensations
Complete Chapter Questions And Answers
Sample Questions
1. The neospinothalamic tract:
A. Transmits vibration sense
B. Transmits proprioceptive information
C. Transmits fast pain impulses
D. Transmits slow pain impulses
2. Stimulation of neurons in the nucleus raphe magnus:
A. Can inhibit pain fibers at the level of the spinal cord
B. Results in the activation of the periventricular region
C. Results in the direct release of enkephalin from the raphe magnus neurons
D. Both A and C are correct
3. Stimulation of which brain area can modulate the sensation of pain?
A. The superior olivary complex
B. The locus coeruleus
C. The periaqueductal gray
D. The amygdala
4. Which of the following sensory modalities uses unmyelinated fibers to convey information to the central nervous system?
A. Proprioception
B. Vision
C. Vibration
D. Pain
5. Neurons located in which of the following areas release serotonin as their neurotransmitter?
A. The periaqueductal gray area
B. The interneurons of the spinal cord
C. The periventricular area
D. The nucleus raphe magnus
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