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Chapter 35 Blood Types; Transfusion; Tissue and Organ Transplantation
Complete Chapter Questions And Answers
Sample Questions
1. A mother of blood type A+ who has always been perfectly healthy just delivered her second child. The father is of blood group O-. Knowing that the child is of blood group O- (O, Rh-), what would you expect to find in this child?
A. The child will suffer from erythroblastosis fetalis due to rhesus incompatibility
B. The child will suffer from erythroblastosis fetalis due to ABO blood group incompatibility
C. The child will suffer from both A and B
D. The child has no chance of developing HDN
2. Erythroblastosis fetalis due to Rhesus incompatibility can, in the newborn, lead to all of the following conditions EXCEPT:
A. Severe anemia
B. Jaundice due to increased circulating levels of bilirubin
C. Mental retardation
D. Atrophy of the spleen and the liver
3. Which couple cannot be the biological parents of a child with blood group AB?
A. Mother AB, father AB
B. Mother AB, father OO
C. Mother OB, father AA
D. Mother AA, father BB
E. Mother OA, father OB
4. Which of the following transfusions will result in an immediate transfusion reaction?
A. O Rh- blood to an AB Rh+ patient
B. B Rh+ blood to a A Rh+ patient
C. AB Rh- blood to an AB Rh+ patient
D. B Rh- blood to an B Rh- patient
5. Which of the following is true concerning erythroblastosis fetalis?
A. There is a decrease in vitamin B12 in the fetus
B. There are increased numbers of granulocytes in the mother
C. The erythropoietin level of the fetus is decreased
D. The free hemoglobin level in the fetus is elevated
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