Chapter 34 Sleep & Rest


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Chapter 34  Sleep & Rest



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. A person who is deprived of REM sleep for several nights in succession will usually experience:
Extended NREM sleep
Paradoxical sleep
REM rebound

A person who is deprived of REM sleep for several nights will usually experience REM rebound. The person will spend a greater amount of time in REM sleep on successive nights, generally keeping the total amount of REM sleep constant over time.

Difficulty: Moderate
Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: PHSI
Cognitive Level: Comprehension

PTS: 1

2. A patient states that many of his friends told him to ask for Valium or Ativan to help him sleep while hospitalized. The nurse knows that nonbenzodiazepines (such as Ambien) are often preferred over benzodiazepines (Ativan or Valium). Why is this?
Benzodiazepines are eliminated from the body faster than are nonbenzodiazepines, so they do not provide a full night of sleep.
Nonbenzodiazepines cause daytime sleepiness, allowing people to rest throughout the day.
Benzodiazepines produce daytime sleepiness and alter the sleep cycle.
Nonbenzodiazepines remain in the body longer than do benzodiazepines.

Nonbenzodiazepines (such as Ambien) have a short half-life, which means that they are eliminated from the body quickly and do not cause daytime sleepiness. Ativan is a long-acting benzodiazepine and remains in the body longer than Ambien, often causing daytime sleepiness.

Difficulty: Moderate
Nursing Process: Interventions
Client Need: PHSI
Cognitive Level: Analysis

PTS: 1

3. Which of the following factors has the greatest positive effect on sleep quality?
Sleeping hours in synchrony with one’s circadian rhythm
Sleeping in a quiet environment
Spending additional time in stage III of the sleep cycle
Napping frequently during the day hours

A circadian rhythm is a biorhythm based on the day–night pattern in a 24-hour cycle. Sleep quality is best when the time at which the person goes to sleep and awakens is in synchrony with his circadian rhythm. Not all people require a quiet environment for sleep. Time spent in stage III of the sleep cycle is affected by the total time spent asleep. Napping on and off throughout the day might disrupt the natural circadian rhythm with uninterrupted periods of sleep that cycle through the various stages of the sleep cycle.

Difficulty: Moderate
Client Need: HPM
Cognitive Level: Analysis

PTS: 1

4. Which is a major factor regulating sleep?
Electrical impulses transmitted to the cerebellum
Level of sympathetic nervous system stimulation
Amount of sleep to which a person has become accustomed
Amount of light received through the eyes

The circadian rhythm is a biorhythm based on the day–night pattern in a 24-hour cycle. A person’s circadian rhythm is regulated by a cluster of cells in the hypothalamus of the brainstem that respond to changing levels of light. A major factor in regulating sleep is the amount of light received through the eyes—not the typical amount of sleep the person has within a 24-hour period. The autonomic nervous system (rather than central nervous system) controls the involuntary processes of the body, such as sleep, digestion, immune function, and so on.

Difficulty: Moderate
Client Need: HPM
Cognitive Level: Comprehension

PTS: 1

5. Which of the following is the main difference between sleep and rest?
In sleep, the body may respond to external stimuli.
Short periods of sleep do not restore the body as much as do short periods of rest.
Sleep is characterized by an altered level of consciousness.
The metabolism slows less during sleep than during rest.

During rest, the mind remains active and conscious; sleep is characterized by altered consciousness. Sleep is a cyclical state of decreased motor activity and perception. A sleeping person is unaware of the environment and does respond selectively to certain external stimuli. However, at rest, the body is disturbed by all external stimuli; sleep restores the body more than does rest. The metabolism decreases more during sleep than during rest.

Difficulty: Easy
Client Need: HPM
Cognitive Level: Analysis

PTS: 1

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