Chapter 24 The Respiratory System


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Chapter 24  The Respiratory System



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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24.1 Multiple Choice Questions

1) Which of the following structures is included in the respiratory portion of the respiratory tract?
A) posterior nasal apertures
B) alveoli
C) carina
D) main bronchi
E) lobar bronchi
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 24.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

2) The respiratory epithelium consists of which tissue type?
A) stratified squamous epithelium
B) transitional epithelium
C) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
D) simple ciliated columnar epithelium
E) pseudostratified ciliated squamous epithelium
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 24.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

3) Filtration, warming, and humidification of inhaled air occur throughout the conducting portion of the respiratory system, but the greatest changes occur within (the) ________.
A) nasal cavity
B) oral cavity
C) pharynx
D) carina
E) larynx
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 24.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

4) The upper respiratory system consists of the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and ________.
A) trachea
B) lungs
C) nasopharynx
D) bronchi
E) larynx
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 24.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding
5) The respiratory system functions in all, except ________.
A) sound reception
B) gas exchange
C) olfaction
D) gas conditioning
E) defense
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 24.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

6) The anterior portion of the nasal septum is formed of ________.
A) fibrocartilage
B) hyaline cartilage
C) elastic cartilage
D) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
E) spongy bone
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 24.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

7) The external opening into the nasal cavity is through the ________.
A) posterior nasal apertures
B) pharyngeal cavity
C) nostrils
D) paranasal sinuses
E) inferior nasal conchae
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 24.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding


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