Chapter 24 Older Adult


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Chapter 24  Older Adult



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. A nurse is planning to write a grant for a health promotion project in the community. Which of considerations should the nurse make when determining the appropriate population for this project?
The fastest growing population is children under the age of 12.
The fastest growing population is young Black American adults.
The fastest growing population is White middle-age adults.
The fastest growing population is non-White older adults age 65 and older.

Adults age 85 and older are the fastest growing population in the United States, and the percentage of White Americans greater than age of 65 is decreasing compared with other ethnic groups.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 592

2. Which of the following statements made by a client best identifies someone who would benefit from health promotion interventions?
“I have a new grandchild and want to be part of her life.”
“My mother lived until she was 90, so a long life is in my genes.”
“Some chronic illness is just a part of aging.”
“I hope I’ll live a lot longer, but one never knows.”

Motivation to adopt a healthy lifestyle is a primary predictor of successful interventions. Feeling that illness is just part of aging or leaving health up to chance will not help the person make necessary lifestyle changes.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis) REF: p. 595

3. Which of the following statements concerning nutrition and older adults is true?
Older adults who live in their own homes are more likely to be malnourished than older adults living in a nursing home.
Older adults lose their desire for high-fat, salty foods.
Meals served in long-term care institutions are usually more well-balanced than foods eaten by older adults living at home.
Many older adults are not aware of food assistance programs.

Barriers that may interfere with the ability of independent seniors to obtain adequate nutritional food include limited transportation, income, and social support resources. Many older persons are unaware that they are eligible to participate in SNAP. The percent of older adults who live in their own homes and are malnourished is lower than that of older adults who live in a nursing home. Older adults do not lose their desire for high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-sodium foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are not always available for older adults living in nursing homes.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) REF: pp. 596-597

4. Which of the following statements concerning urinary incontinence is correct?
Urge incontinence occurs when one has the urge to void but is unable.
Stress incontinence is associated with emotional turmoil.
Functional incontinence occurs is associated with environmental barriers.
Incontinence with high post-void residual occurs when someone laughs or sneezes.

Functional incontinence is associated with environmental barriers, physical limitations, or cognitive impairment in which the client is unable to reach the toilet. Stress incontinence occurs when someone coughs or sneezes. Urge incontinence occurs when someone cannot wait to void once the urge to void is felt. Urge, mixed, or stress incontinence with high post-void residual is caused by physiological changes that affect voiding, such as an enlarged prostate gland.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) REF: p. 597

5. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is a priority related to the problem of urinary incontinence?
Risk for social isolation
Risk for impaired skin integrity
Risk for inadequate fluid intake
Risk for impaired coping

Although social isolation and decreased fluid intake may occur because of urinary incontinence, impaired skin integrity is a major concern because of its impact on physical and psychological health.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis) REF: p. 597


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