Chapter 22 Young Adult


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Chapter 22  Young Adult



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

Sample Questions


1. When planning a community health education program for young adults, the nurse should consider that:
The age span encompassing young adulthood is between 20 to 30 years of age
The number one cause of death for young adults is injury
The number of young adults in the United States is increasing
The maternal mortality rate is at its lowest point since 1980

Young adulthood spans the years between ages 18 to 35. The number of young adults in the United States is declining, and the maternal mortality rate is at its highest level since 1980.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: 569-570

2. During a health counseling session with a 20-year-old female client, the nurse should stress that:
“A yearly Pap test is not necessary until you become sexually active.”
“Research has supported the belief that breast self-exams reduce breast cancer mortality.”
“The incidence of cervical cancer is very low in your age group.”
“Daily physical activity and weight control is one way to stay healthy.”

Women who have been sexually active for 3 years, or who reach the age of 21, should have a Pap test. The incidence of carcinoma in situ is high in young adults. Research has not fully supported the belief that breast self-exams reduce breast cancer mortality.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: 570

3. A 26-year-old has a total cholesterol of 206 mg/dL and an LDL of 110. The nurse evaluates this result as indicating that:
The client has met the Healthy People 2010 target for cholesterol levels in young adults
The client has a very low risk of developing heart disease
The client requires counseling about cardiac disease risk factors
The client has early-onset cardiac disease

The Healthy People 2010 target for cholesterol levels in young adults is 199 mg/dL. A diagnosis of heart disease cannot be made on the basis of these lab values.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Evaluation REF: 572

4. The public health nurse is conducting a screening of young adults for metabolic syndrome. When asked about the syndrome, the nurse should reply:
“Anyone who has low blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure has this syndrome and is at risk for cardiac disease.”
“This syndrome helps predict heart disease. Once it is diagnosed, the correct medication can be prescribed and heart disease avoided.”
“This syndrome is a warning sign that the person could develop heart disease. When we discover that someone has metabolic syndrome, we recommend dietary and activity level changes.”
“Anyone who has high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar has coronary artery disease. Once we make the diagnosis, we can begin to treat the person.”

Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when a person has high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. A person with this syndrome is at risk for CAD. Lifestyle changes are tried before medication is utilized.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: 573

5. The university health services nurse is preparing a disease prevention program for college students. What information should the nurse include in the program?
Living in the dorm increases one’s risk of developing meningococcal disease.
Although college students are at risk for developing meningococcal disease, the mortality rate from this disease is very low.
Currently, there are no antiviral medications that can treat meningococcal outbreaks.
To date, a vaccine to protect one from meningococcal disease has not been developed.

Meningococcal disease has a high mortality rate. It is caused by a bacterium, not a virus, and antibiotics to treat the disease are readily available. A preventative vaccine is available.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: 574

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