Chapter 22 Infection Prevention & Control


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Chapter 22  Infection Prevention & Control



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following behaviors indicates the highest potential for spreading infections among clients? The nurse:
disinfects dirty hands with antibacterial soap.

allows alcohol-based rub to dry for 10 seconds. 3)
washes hands only when leaving each room.
uses cold water for medical asepsis.

ANS: 3
Patients acquire infection by contact with other patients, family members, and healthcare equipment. But most infection among patients is spread through the hands of healthcare workers. Hand washing interrupts the transmission and should be done before and after all contact with patients, regardless of the diagnosis. When the hands are soiled, healthcare staff should use antibacterial soap with warm water to remove dirt and debris from the skin surface. When no visible dirt is present, an alcohol-based rub should be applied and allowed to dry for 10 to 15 seconds.

PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 618
KEY: Nursing process: Implementation | Client need: SECE | Cognitive level: Comprehension

____ 2. What is the most frequent cause of the spread of infection among institutionalized patients?
Airborne microbes from other patients

Contact with contaminated equipment 3)
Hands of healthcare workers
Exposure from family members

ANS: 3
Patients are exposed to microbes by contact (direct contact, airborne, or otherwise) with other patients, family members, and contaminated healthcare equipment. Some of these are pathogenic (cause illness) and some are nonpathogenic (do not cause illness). But

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most microbes causing infection among patients are spread by direct contact on the hands of healthcare workers.

PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 609
KEY: Nursing process: Implementation | Client need: SECE | Cognitive level: Recall

____ 3. Which of the following nursing activities is of highest priority for maintaining medical asepsis?
Washing hands

Donning gloves
Applying sterile drapes 4)
Wearing a gown

ANS: 1
Scrupulous hand washing is the most important part of medical asepsis. Donning gloves, applying sterile drapes before procedures, and wearing a protective gown may be needed to ensure asepsis, but they are not the most important aspect because microbes causing most healthcare-related infections are transmitted by lack of or ineffective hand washing.

PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 617
KEY: Nursing process: Interventions | Client need: Safe Care Environment | Cognitive level: Comprehension

____ 4. A patient infected with a virus but who does not have any outward sign of the disease is considered a:

2) fomite. 3) vector. 4) carrier.

ANS: 4
Some people might harbor a pathogenic organism, such as the human immunodeficiency virus, within their bodies and yet do not acquire the disease/infection. These individuals, called carriers, have no outward sign of active disease, yet they can pass the infection to

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others. A pathogen is an organism capable of causing disease. A fomite is a contaminated object that transfers a pathogen, such as pens, stethoscopes, and contaminated needles. A vector is an organism that carries a pathogen to a susceptible host through a portal for entry into the body. An example of a vector is a mosquito or tick that bites or stings.

PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: p. 607
KEY: Nursing process: Diagnosis | Client need: SECE | Cognitive level: Application

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