Chapter 22 Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing 8th Edition


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Chapter 22  Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing 8th Edition



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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Question 1
Type: MCSA
A nurse manager is working on a task force to develop policy for man-made disasters. There is some discussion in the committee about whether fire should be included in the policy. Which suggestion by a task force member would be most useful?
1. “Fire is a natural occurrence, so we should not address it.”
2. “Fires are not generally a real disaster, so we should not include it.”
3. “We should only focus on wildfires.”
4. “We should only focus on arson fires.”
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1: Fire is natural, but not all are from a natural source.
Rationale 2: Fires can be a major disaster.
Rationale 3: Wildfires are natural disasters.
Rationale 4: Since arson fires are man-made, they would be included in this plan.”
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: 22-1: Identify examples of disasters that require preparation.

Question 2
Type: MCMA
Health care providers are preparing for a worldwide outbreak of H1N1 influenza. How would this outbreak be classified in planning literature?

Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. A man-made disaster
2. As a pandemic
3. As a health disaster
4. As a natural disaster
5. As an epidemic
Correct Answer: 2,3,4
Rationale 1: H1N1 occurs naturally and is therefore a natural disaster.
Rationale 2: If H1N1 spreads around the world, it is a pandemic.
Rationale 3: H1N1 that spreads around the world would be a health disaster.
Rationale 4: H1N1 is naturally occurring and is therefore a natural disaster.
Rationale 5: If the illness spreads around the world, it is considered a pandemic.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: 22-1: Identify examples of disasters that require preparation.

Question 3
Type: FIB
A tornado destroyed 65% of the businesses and homes in a small midwestern city. Aid would be requested based on categorization as a level ______ disaster.
Standard Text:
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale : Tornado damage of this magnitude would require statewide or national assistance, which is the definition of a level 3 disaster.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessment
Learning Outcome: 22-1: Identify examples of disasters that require preparation.

Question 4
Type: FIB
A small creek has flooded, requiring the rescue of one person from a stranded automobile. Electrical service was interrupted for a short period and traffic will be diverted around flooded roads for a period of several hours. Local law enforcement and fire departments have been well equipped to manage the disaster. The newspaper should report that the town suffered a level ______ disaster.
Standard Text:
Correct Answer: true
Rationale : If the response at the local level is sufficient, the disaster is categorized as level 1.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessment
Learning Outcome: 22-1: Identify examples of disasters that require preparation.


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