Chapter 21 Intraoperative Nursing Management


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Chapter 21  Intraoperative Nursing Management



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. A nurse is considering additional training to become a perioperative nurse. Which of the following skills are implemented by the perioperative nurse?
Conducts telephone interviews with the preoperative client
Applies principles of aseptic technique
Instructs the preoperative client on exercises to use while recovering from surgery
Plans for the postoperative client’s discharge to home

ANS: 2
Skills of the perioperative nurse include applying principles of aseptic technique and explaining how this knowledge applies to other areas within the operating suite. The perioperative nurse does not conduct telephone interviews with the preoperative client, instruct the preoperative client in postoperative exercises, nor plan for the postoperative client’s discharge to home.

PTS: 1 DIF: Apply REF: The Role of the Perioperative Nurse

2. Even though the nurse realizes that the ideal time period to plan for postoperative pain management for a pediatric client begins in the operating room, the nurse will begin the assessment process:
at the time the decision is made that the client needs surgery.
in the family’s home.
during the admission process.
in the operating room after anesthesia wears off.

ANS: 3
Pain management cannot begin before the patient is admitted, and starting after the surgery is too late. It begins at the admission when the type of surgery indicates which type of medication will be needed, and medication skills will be taught to the client and the family. Planning for pain management cannot begin in the client’s home nor at the time the decision is made that the client needs surgery.

PTS: 1 DIF: Apply REF: Pain Management in Pediatric Patients

3. The perioperative nurse realizes that the surgical environment is designed to ensure which of the following?
Calming effect on the client
Ease of use by personnel
Control surgical asepsis
Reduce postoperative pain

ANS: 3
The design of the intraoperative environment is to maintain surgical asepsis. The design is not to have a calming effect on clients. Intraoperative environments are not designs for ease of use by personnel or to reduce postoperative pain.

PTS: 1 DIF: Analyze REF: The Surgical Environment

4. The scrub nurse is preparing the sterile field by opening an instrument package that was sterilized in an autoclave with direct exposure to steam. This type of sterilization is considered to be:
high-pressure/high-temperature steam.
cold chemical.
dry heat.

ANS: 1
High-pressure/high-temperature steam sterilization is the use of an autoclave to directly expose the instruments to steam for a specified period of time. Cold chemical sterilization is the submersion of instruments in a sterilizing solution for a predetermined period of time. Dry heat utilizes static air or forced air to sterilize items. Alcohol is a commonly used disinfectant. It is not an effective sterilant and, therefore, is not acceptable.

PTS: 1 DIF: Analyze REF: Box 21-5 Sterilization Methods

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