Chapter 20 Violence Affecting Families


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Chapter 20  Violence Affecting Families



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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A community health nurse is reviewing the medical records of several families in the community who have experienced varying crises. The nurse identifies which of the following as developmental crises? Select all that apply.
A windstorm that damaged 20 homes in a community
Grandpa Jones dying at age 82 years
A couple getting engaged
The Smiths getting a divorce
The Jones experiencing a home invasion
Seven people dying in an automobile crash
B, C, D


Developmental crises are periods of disruption that occur at transition points during normal growth and development. Developmental crises, as a rule, do not occur suddenly. They are more evolutionary than revolutionary. Even the advancing, age, illness, or death of a grandparent or parent is a developmental expectation. However, the actual event may occur suddenly. Experiencing damage from a windstorm, a home invasion, or an automobile crash are situational crises.

A community health nurse is preparing a presentation for a community center group about crisis. Which of the following concepts about situational crises should be included in the presentation? Select all that apply.
A situational crisis is a stressful, disrupting event arising from external circumstances that occur suddenly to a person, group, aggregate, or community.
Situational crises can be predicted, expected, and planned.
Situational crises are never positive.
Situational crises often occur without warning.
Situational crises occur to people because of where they are in time and space.
A, D, E


A situational crisis is a stressful, disrupting event arising from external circumstances that occur suddenly to a person, group, aggregate, or community. Situational crises often occur without warning. Situational crises occur to people because of where they are in time and space. Situational crises cannot be predicted, expected, or planned. Some situational crises arise from positive events such as significant job promotion or sudden acquisition of great wealth because the change makes increased demands on individuals who must make major life adjustments.

Which one of the following statements about primary prevention for family violence is most accurate?
The cycle of violence within the family cannot be interrupted.
Persons who have been victims of family violence will repeat the behavior with others.
Primary prevention includes planned activities undertaken by the nurse to prevent an unwanted event from occurring.
It is not possible for the community health nurse to foster healthful practices that will counteract unhealthful influences.


Primary prevention includes planned activities undertaken by the nurse to prevent an unwanted event from occurring. The cycle of violence within the family can be interrupted, and persons who have been victims of family violence can learn to use more appropriate coping strategies. It is possible for the community health nurse to foster healthful practices that will counteract unhealthful influences.

The nursing student reads the textbook in preparation for a class meeting about primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention related to families in crisis. The student determines which one of the following statements as most accurate regarding the levels of prevention?
Often people in crisis are temporarily helpless and unable to cope on their own but are receptive to outside influence.
Secondary prevention interventions include taking action to prevent the unwanted event from occurring.
Tertiary prevention focuses on moving past the crisis and returning to the precrisis state.
Primary prevention is the least effective level of intervention in terms of promoting client’s health and containing costs.


Often people in crisis are temporarily helpless and unable to cope on their own, but understand the need for outside help and are receptive to other people’s suggestions. Primary prevention, not secondary prevention, involves actions that help to prevent an unwanted event from occurring. Tertiary prevention focuses on moving past the crisis, although returning to the precrisis state may not be possible. Primary prevention is the most effective level of intervention in terms of promoting client’s health and containing costs.

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