Chapter 20 Handbook Of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals 5th Edition


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Chapter 20  Handbook Of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals 5th Edition



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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Question 1
Type: MCSA
President Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub.L.111-152, 124Stat.1029), which amended the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAC) and further strengthened the federal grip on health care regulation in the United States. Which of the following statements best reflects the intentions of the act?
1. The health care of children under the age of 15 will be covered by local government funds.
2. Veterans from the Iraq War will have all health insurance benefits excluding dental.
3. The act guarantees health insurance for every citizen.
4. The act moves regulation of federal health insurance to the state levels.
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1: President Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub.L.111-152, 124Stat.1029) which amended the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAC) and further strengthened the federal grip on health care regulation in the United States. The act is an effort to address the problems of the uninsured or underinsured in the United States. The PPAC authorized legislation to guarantee access to insurance for every citizen, with penalties for those who did not purchase coverage.
Rationale 2: President Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub.L.111-152, 124Stat.1029) which amended the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAC) and further strengthened the federal grip on health care regulation in the United States. The act is an effort to address the problems of the uninsured or underinsured in the United States. The PPAC authorized legislation to guarantee access to insurance for every citizen, with penalties for those who did not purchase coverage.
Rationale 3: President Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub.L.111-152, 124Stat.1029) which amended the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAC) and further strengthened the federal grip on health care regulation in the United States. The act is an effort to address the problems of the uninsured or underinsured in the United States. The PPAC authorized legislation to guarantee access to insurance for every citizen, with penalties for those who did not purchase coverage.
Rationale 4: President Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub.L.111-152, 124Stat.1029) which amended the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAC) and further strengthened the federal grip on health care regulation in the United States. The act is an effort to address the problems of the uninsured or underinsured in the United States. The PPAC authorized legislation to guarantee access to insurance for every citizen, with penalties for those who did not purchase coverage.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Understanding
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Communication and Documentation
Learning Outcome:

Question 2
Type: MCSA
The ratification of the Title XVIII and Title XIX Acts in 1965 led to which of the following?
1. The GI Bill
2. State informatics and licensing agencies
3. Medicare and Medicaid
4. Welfare benefits
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1: Since the ratification of the Title XVIII (Medicare) and Title XIX (Medicaid) Acts in 1965, the role of the federal government to regulate health care costs has continued to expand.
Rationale 2: Since the ratification of the Title XVIII (Medicare) and Title XIX (Medicaid) Acts in 1965, the role of the federal government to regulate health care costs has continued to expand.
Rationale 3: Since the ratification of the Title XVIII (Medicare) and Title XIX (Medicaid) Acts in 1965, the role of the federal government to regulate health care costs has continued to expand.
Rationale 4: Since the ratification of the Title XVIII (Medicare) and Title XIX (Medicaid) Acts in 1965, the role of the federal government to regulate health care costs has continued to expand.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Remembering
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Communication and Documentation
Learning Outcome:

Question 3
Type: MCSA
Which of the following organizations is the umbrella under which all regulatory agencies eventually fall because the health and welfare of the citizens of the nation are ultimately deemed to be federal responsibility?
1. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
2. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)
3. Health and Human Services (HHS)
4. The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP)
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) is the umbrella under which all regulatory agencies eventually fall because the health and welfare of the citizens of the nation are ultimately deemed to be federal responsibility.
Rationale 2: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) is the umbrella under which all regulatory agencies eventually fall because the health and welfare of the citizens of the nation are ultimately deemed to be federal responsibility.
Rationale 3: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) is the umbrella under which all regulatory agencies eventually fall because the health and welfare of the citizens of the nation are ultimately deemed to be federal responsibility.
Rationale 4: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) is the umbrella under which all regulatory agencies eventually fall because the health and welfare of the citizens of the nation are ultimately deemed to be federal responsibility.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Understanding
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Communication and Documentation
Learning Outcome:

Question 4
Type: MCSA
The system called Pay for Performance (P4P) is also known as which of the following?
1. Value-based purchasing (VBP)
2. Diagnostic related groups
3. Children’s Health Initiative Program
4. Medicaid
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1: What has been termed ObamaCare involves a system called Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP).
Rationale 2: What has been termed ObamaCare involves a system called Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP).
Rationale 3: What has been termed ObamaCare involves a system called Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP).
Rationale 4: What has been termed ObamaCare involves a system called Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP).
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Remembering
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub:
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Communication and Documentation
Learning Outcome:

Question 5
Type: MCSA
Medicare is an age or disability based benefit. How is Medicare funded?
1. Through tax dollars
2. Through the state lotteries
3. Through federal earmarks
4. From personal savings
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1: Medicare is funded through tax dollars.
Rationale 2: Medicare is funded through tax dollars.
Rationale 3: Medicare is funded through tax dollars.
Rationale 4: Medicare is funded through tax dollars.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Understanding
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Communication and Documentation
Learning Outcome:


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