Chapter 20 Cultural Awareness


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Chapter 20  Cultural Awareness



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

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1. The nurse is attempting to teach a patient how to perform wound care for when he goes home. Using the “teach back” method the nurse should do which of the following?
Repeat the instructions until the patient understands.
Present the information and clarify with closed-ended questions.
Ask the patient if he understands the instructions.
Ask if the patient has any questions about the technique.

The “teach back” technique is an ongoing process of asking patients for feedback, through explanation or demonstration, and presenting information in a new way until you feel confident that you communicated clearly and patients have a full understanding of the information presented. Using teach back can also help you identify explanations and communication strategies that patients most commonly understand. When using the “teach back” technique, do not ask the patient, “Do you understand? or “Do you have any questions?” Instead you should ask open-ended questions to verify the patient’s understanding.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)
REF: 539
OBJ: Analyze the impact of culture on health, illness, and caring patterns.
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

2. A student nurse is caring for a patient of Mexican descent. In an attempt to become culturally aware, the student should consciously think about which of the following?
What people of Mexican descent believe
The relationship between culture and ethnicity
The fact that the patient belongs to an isolated social group
Where the person is in the intersections of socially constructed categories

We must understand a person’s location in the intersections of socially constructed categories of privilege and oppression (e.g., race, class, gender, age, sexual orientation). This is necessary in order to, “fully understand a person’s actions, choices and outcomes.” Culture has historically been associated with norms, values, and traditions passed down through generations. Culture has also been perceived as synonymous with ethnicity, race, nationality, and language. These outdated ideas about culture lead to statements such as, “Mexicans believe this” or “Chinese patients are like this.” In reality, culture is much more dynamic and includes race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class, immigration status, and other axes of identification. All of us are members of multiple social groups at the same time. These intersecting identities impact our experience of the world around us.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)
REF: 532 OBJ: Describe steps toward developing cultural competence.
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

3. When dealing with cultural awareness, the nurse realizes that the term oppression involves which of the following?
Maintaining advantages based on social group membership
Systems that maintain disadvantages aimed purely at individuals
Intentional discrepancies alone
Issues at institutional levels independent of individual or cultural factors

Oppression involves systems that maintain advantages and disadvantages based on social group membership and operate intentionally and unintentionally, at individual, cultural, and institutional levels.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding (Comprehension)
REF: 532 OBJ: Use cultural assessment to plan culturally competent care.
TOP: Nursing Process: Planning MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

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