Chapter 14 Nutrition for Childbearing


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Chapter 14  Nutrition for Childbearing



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1. Which pregnant woman should have the least weight gain during pregnancy?

a. Woman pregnant with twins
b. Woman in early adolescence
c. Woman shorter than 62 inches or 157 cm
d. Woman who was obese before pregnancy

The recommended weight gain for overweight or obese women is 11 to 20 pounds. This will
provide sufficient nutrients for the fetus. Overweight and obese women should be advised to
lose weight prior to conception in order to achieve the best pregnancy outcomes. A higher
weight gain in twin gestations may help prevent low birth weights. Adolescents need to gain
weight toward the higher acceptable range, which will provide for their own growth as well as
for fetal growth. In the past women of short stature were advised to restrict their weight gain;
however, evidence to support these guidelines has not been found.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remembering
REF: p. 255 OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance

2. The major source of nutrients in the diet of a pregnant woman should be composed of

a. simple sugars.
b. fats.
c. fiber.
d. complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates supply the pregnant woman with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The
most common simple carbohydrate is table sugar, which is a source of energy but does not
provide any nutrients. Fats provide 9 kcal in each gram, in contrast to carbohydrates and
proteins, which provide only 4 kcal in each gram. However, fat is not a good source of
nutrients. Fiber is supplied mainly by the complex carbohydrates.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remembering
REF: p. 257 OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: Client Needs: Physiologic Integrity

3. To increase the absorption of iron in a pregnant woman, the nurse teaches her that iron

preparations should be given with
a. milk.
b. tea.
c. orange juice.
d. coffee.



A vitamin C source may increase the absorption of iron. The calcium and phosphorus in milk
decrease iron absorption. Tannin in the tea reduces the absorption of iron. Coffee reduces iron

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remembering
REF: Patient-Centered Teaching Box| p. 262
OBJ: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: Client Needs: Physiologic Integrity

4. Four women are admitted to Labor and Delivery. Which woman met the goal for a healthy

weight gain in pregnancy?
a. 17 years old, 5′2″ tall, initial weight 116 pounds, today’s weight 120 pounds
b. 22 years old, 5′2″ tall, initial weight 230 pounds, today’s weight 245 pounds
c. 24 years old, 5′3″ tall, initial weight 135, today’s weight 182 pounds
d. 27 years old, 5′6″ tall, initial weight 112 pounds, today’s weight 135 pounds

This woman was obese at the start of her pregnancy, so a weight gain of 11 to 20 pounds has
met the goal (245 − 230 = 15). Adolescents need to gain enough weight to support both their
needs and those of the fetus, so they should gain the recommended amount for normal weight
women, so this teen should weigh between 127 and 136, so she clearly did not gain enough
weight. The woman who weighed a healthy 135 pounds should not weigh more than 170
pounds, so this woman gained more weight than recommended. The woman who was 5′6″ tall
was underweight at conception, so she needed to gain 28 to 40 pounds, which would put her
minimum acceptable weight at delivery at 140.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis/Analyzing
REF: Table 14.1 OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment
MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance

5. A pregnant woman’s diet may not meet her need for folate. The nurse teaches the woman to

take how much folate as a supplement each day?
a. 100 to 200 mcg
b. 200 to 400 mcg
c. 400 to 600 mcg
d. 400 to 800 mcg

The current recommendation for folate (folic acid) is 400 to 800 mcg (0.4 to 0.8 mg) per day.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remembering
REF: p. 260 OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Physiologic Integrity


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