Chapter 14 Information Technology in the Clinical Setting


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Chapter 14  Information Technology in the Clinical Setting



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

Sample Questions



1. Consumers are concerned with security issues related to their confidential health information being placed in an electronic health record (EHR). However, when the security of the EHR is compared with that of paper-and-pencil records, the EHR is:
more secure.
less secure.
not comparable with the paper-and-pencil record.

Correct: Computer-based patient record systems, such as EHRs, provide better protection than paper-based systems. The EHR allows only authorized users to view data, and access to records can be audited for inappropriate use.
b. With paper-and-pencil medical records there is no way to limit who views the health information or determine how often confidentiality is breached.
c. The EHR must comply with strict laws and regulations related to confidentiality, as well as to the aforementioned security functions.
d. The paper-and-pencil record cannot ensure the same level of security as found in computer-based systems.

DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 259

2. During a search for the term informatics, when the nurse finds the domain “.edu,” the site is affiliated with a(n):
government agency.
commercial site.
educational institution
Internet service provider.

Correct: The domain of an educational institution is .edu.
a. The domain of a government site is .gov.
b. The domain of a commercial site is .com.
d. The domain of an Internet service provider is .net.

DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 264

3. When paper-and-pencil medical records are compared with computer-based records:
paper-and-pencil records provide controls to determine who has viewed the health information.
information contained in a paper-and-pencil record has the capability of being more in-depth than that found in computer-based records.
patients have the right to know that the confidentiality of their records is strictly maintained, regardless of the type of medical record used.
patients must sign for each item of information released on the computer record.

Correct: Regardless of the type of record used, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the confidentiality of the patient’s medical information and imposes legal consequences for those who breech confidentiality.
a. The computer-based record has security controls that limit or prohibit entry by unauthorized users and that track attempts to access the record.
b. Information in the computer-based record is more comprehensive than that found in a linear paper record.
d. Patients may sign a release one time for information to be released to entities such as an insurance company.

DIF: Application REF: p. 259

4. A nurse is preparing a scholarly publication on the prevalence of hepatitis A worldwide. The most efficient and effective means of conducting an Internet search to gather information for this publication is to use:
a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.
a consumer health website.
a decision support system.
MEDLINE database.

Correct: MEDLINE is one of the scientific and research scholarly databases, and it would be the most appropriate for use in gathering information for a scholarly publication.
a. If the information is broad and general, one would use a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.
b. If the nurse is collecting data that are to be presented to the consumer, one would use a consumer health website.
c. A decision support system allows for the input of data such as clinical manifestations and medications and, with the use of a link to a knowledge software system, is able to produce a decision.

DIF: Application REF: p. 264


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