Chapter 02 Pathways of Nursing Education


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Chapter 02  Pathways of Nursing Education



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1. A faculty member explains to students that one concern of the American Nurses Association’s 1965 position statement designating the baccalaureate degree (BSN) as the educational entry point for nursing is that
diploma programs remain the most popular educational program for nurses.
it is difficult to monitor other programs for congruency with BSN programs.
multiple educational paths create confusion for the public and the profession.
some states are creating different licensure exams for different pathways.

The existence of multiple entry paths for nursing education is confusing both to the public and to aspiring nursing students, who may have difficulty understanding and comprehending the differences and what they mean.
Diploma programs have declined sharply in number, with only 47 programs remaining in the United States in 2013.
The ANA does not monitor different programs to evaluate congruency with BSN programs.
States are not creating different licensure examinations for graduates of different programs.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand REF: 22
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning MSC: NCLEX Client Needs: N/A

2. A hospital-based nursing administrator is responsible for the diploma nursing program affiliated with that hospital. In deciding to keep the program open, the administrator develops changes that address a major historical concern with this type of program. In doing so, the administrator would most likely
arrange for faculty from the local college to teach science courses.
limit the hours students are expected to work in the hospital.
lower the tuition rate and apply for increased federal student grants.
require nursing faculty to be doctorally prepared to remain on staff.

Diploma students were traditionally expected to staff the hospital with which their program was affiliated, often to the detriment of their educational experiences. This exploitation was described in several important studies of nursing education.
Traditional diploma programs do not offer college credit, no matter who teaches the courses.
Diploma programs were expensive to operate and expensive to students, and this had a part in their decreasing numbers. Federal funding (through a variety of means) is available for individual students, and although it is administered by institutions, it is not granted to the institution itself.
Requiring doctorally prepared faculty would not address an historic concern with diploma education.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: NCLEX Client Needs: N/A

3. In analyzing trends within the profession that are correlated to the rise in baccalaureate nursing (BSN) programs, the nurse historian would outline that
degree inflation is contributing to the demand for BSN programs.
increased social status and pay correspond to education at the college level.
men in nursing demand an increase in BSN programs compared with other programs.
the rise in doctorally prepared nurses corresponds to an increase in BSN programs.

BSN programs were often hampered by the lack of faculty prepared to teach at the collegiate level, which led to a reluctance of colleges and universities to establish BSN programs. Doctoral programs have been preparing nurse scholars and researchers, who have contributed to nursing’s scientific backbone. The rise in these programs can be seen as a parallel development with the rise in BSN programs.
The proliferation of advanced degrees in nursing is not the result of degree inflation; rather, it is a response to the increased sophistication and complexity of the health care environment today.
Although nurses today do enjoy better pay and improved social status than in the past, this trend is not strongly correlated to the rise in BSN programs.
Men in nursing are not a driving force for the increase in BSN programs.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: NCLEX Client Needs: N/A

4. A member of a state board of nursing explains to senior nursing students that liberal arts, communication, and health care policy are all appropriate subjects for study in a BSN program because
a broad range of knowledge is important to work with educated consumers.
as nurses they will care for patients from increasingly diverse backgrounds.
physicians rely on the nursing staff to educate their patients on such issues.
they are prepared to assume entry-level leadership positions in various settings.

BSN-prepared nurses are able to function as generalists and as entry-level leaders in a multitude of settings, leading to the need for inclusion of topics other than nursing care in their education.
Consumers are more educated today than before, but this is not germane to the inclusion of these topics in nursing education.
Diversity is increasing, but this is not related to the need for education in liberal arts and health care policy.
These topics are not taught so that nurses can teach their patients.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand REF: 24
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning MSC: NCLEX Client Needs: N/A


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