Chapter 01 Major Themes of Anatomy and Physiology


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Chapter 01  Major Themes of Anatomy and Physiology



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True / False Questions

Sometimes anatomical terms come from origins that do not lend any insight into their meaning.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic HAPS Topic: Module A05 Basic terminology. Learning Outcome: 01.07e State some reasons why the literal meaning of a word may not lend to insight into its definition. Section: 01.07 Topic: Scope of anatomy and physiology

  1. Feeling for swollen lymph nodes is an example of auscultation.


    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic Learning Outcome: 01.01b Describe several ways of studying human anatomy. Section: 01.01 Topic: Scope of anatomy and physiology

  2. We can see through bones with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic Learning Outcome: 01.01b Describe several ways of studying human anatomy. Section: 01.01 Topic: Scope of anatomy and physiology

  3. Histology is the study of structures that can be observed without a magnifying lens.


    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic HAPS Topic: Module A05 Basic terminology. Learning Outcome: 01.01b Describe several ways of studying human anatomy. Section: 01.01 Topic: Scope of anatomy and physiology

    Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

  1. Cells were first named by microscopist Robert Hooke.


  2. All functions of the body can be interpreted as the effects of cellular activity.


  3. The hypothetico-deductive method is common in physiology, whereas the inductive method is common in anatomy.


  4. An individual scientific fact has more information than a theory.


    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 2. Understand Gradable: automatic Learning Outcome: 01.03c Explain what is meant by hypothesis, fact, law, and theory in science. Section: 01.03 Topic: Scientific Method

  5. Evolutionary (Darwinian) medicine traces some of our diseases to our evolutionary past.


    Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic Learning Outcome: 01.04a Explain why evolution is relevant to understanding human form and function. Section: 01.04 Topic: Human origins and adaptations

    Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 1. Remember Gradable: automatic Learning Outcome: 01.02b Describe the contributions of some key people who helped to bring about this transformation. Section: 01.02 Topic: Origins of biomedical science

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 2. Understand Gradable: automatic Learning Outcome: 01.02b Describe the contributions of some key people who helped to bring about this transformation. Section: 01.02 Topic: Origins of biomedical science

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms Level: 3. Apply Gradable: automatic Learning Outcome: 01.03a Describe the inductive and hypothetico-deductive methods of obtaining scientific knowledge. Section: 01.03 Topic: Scientific Method

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