Nursing Research in Canada 4th Edition by Geri LoBiondo – Test Bank


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Chapter 05: Finding and Appraising the Literature

LoBiondo-Wood: Nursing Research in Canada, 4th Edition




  1. Which of the following best describes a student’s task of gathering information on a topic in preparing a paper for a class assignment?
a. Critiquing a study
b. Researching a topic
c. Conducting a study
d. Searching the literature





A A critique of a study determines the study’s strengths and weaknesses; the critique of the literature review is only one focus of the overall critique.
B A critical review of the literature is used to investigate topics for class assignments.
C A literature review in a study includes a critical evaluation of data-based and conceptual literature.
D Searching the literature is conducted both in information-seeking efforts for research and in academic assignments.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Comprehension

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Where is the literature review typically found in a research report?
a. In the abstract
b. In the Discussion section
c. Following the Methods section
d. After the beginning of the report





A Although it may be referred to, the abstract does not contain the full literature review.
B There may be some reference to the literature to explain the findings; however, the Discussion section is not typically where the full literature review is found.
C The literature review is not found following the Methods section.
D The literature review is found after the beginning of the report, typically after the Introduction to the study.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following statements about the importance of literature review to the research process is accurate?
a. Literature review guides all steps of the research process.
b. Literature review is necessary only in defining the problem statement.
c. Literature review provides a vehicle to disseminate the findings of the study.
d. The value of literature review is limited to finding gaps or inconsistencies in the knowledge base.





A Literature review is constantly referred to and is important throughout all stages of a research study.
B Literature review guides the problem statement as it is defined, along with all other parts and stages of a research study.
C A completed study may be published to disseminate its findings and thus becomes one citation in a literature review for future studies.
D Literature review contributes to consistencies in the literature, locates instruments used to measure variables, identifies experts on topics, and has other functions as well.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Comprehension

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following objectives of literature review is unique to a review for research purposes?
a. Discovering conceptual traditions used to examine problems
b. Generating useful research questions and hypotheses for nursing
c. Determining what is known and unknown about a subject, concept, or problem
d. Uncovering a new practice intervention or gaining support for current interventions, protocols, and policies





A Discovering conceptual traditions used to examine problems applies to systematic reviews and to reviews for research purposes.
B The literature review focuses the research purpose by discovering conflicts in the literature and pinpointing where little research evidence exists.
C Discovering conceptual traditions used to examine problems applies to systematic reviews and to reviews for research purposes.
D A systematic review offers clinicians the best available evidence to make clinical judgements and to support evidence-informed practice protocols.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Some reviews of the literature are organized according to
a. retrieved materials.
b. theoretical summaries.
c. importance of the author.
d. variables being studied.





A Some retrieved citations are not useful and must be discarded.
B The conceptual or theoretical framework does not necessarily organize the literature review.
C At times, authors must be unknown in order to do a thorough literature review.
D The variables being studied provide a useful organizational approach to the literature review; other organizational approaches exist as well.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Comprehension

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following statements about literature review for research purposes is true?
a. Literature review has no relevance to interpreting the findings.
b. The researcher needs to review only the literature that supports the findings.
c. The researcher should review literature that supports the findings and also literature that refutes the findings.
d. Literature review is of relevance to the conceptualization of the study.





A Literature review is used to accurately interpret and discuss the results or findings of a study.
B Literature review has many purposes, including the discovery of gaps, consistencies, inconsistencies, and unanswered questions in the literature about a problem.
C Literature review should be done to support as well as refute findings.
D Literature review is an essential element to the conceptualization as well as to the other parts of the study.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Analysis

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following characteristics is associated specifically with a refereed journal?
a. The articles are critiqued by a panel of experts.
b. The articles selected for publication relate to a specific field of knowledge.
c. Competition occurs among authors to have their articles published in this journal.
d. The journal publishes only articles that are primary sources of research findings.





A The articles are critiqued by a panel of experts.
B Articles selected for publication are sources of the latest information about a great variety of fields of knowledge.
C No overt competition occurs among authors, since in a refereed journal the reviews are blinded in most cases.
D Refereed journals are the first source of primary scholarly literature.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Comprehension

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following article titles suggests that the article is conceptual or theoretical in nature?
a. A Nursing Intervention to Reduce Prehospital Delay in Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial
b. The Vulnerability of Elder Abuse Among a Sample of Custodial Grandfathers: An Exploratory Study
c. Depression, Self-Esteem, Loneliness, and Social Support Among Mothers Participating in the New Parents Project
d. Toward a Theory of Patient Satisfaction





A This title suggests an experimental research design.
B This title suggests a descriptive quantitative or qualitative research design.
C This title suggests a nonexperimental descriptive study.
D This article reflects on a theory or concept concerning patient satisfaction.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Analysis

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. What type of article is implied when the author uses the following phrase in the abstract of the article? “A study was conducted.”
a. Empirical literature
b. Conceptual literature
c. Clinical literature
d. Informational literature





A The word study suggests a data-based or empirical article.
B As a study, the article does not imply solely conceptual literature.
C It is not possible to determine that the article focuses on clinical literature.
D The word study excludes an article including informational literature.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Analysis

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. How are secondary sources valuable in literature review?
a. They provide material written by the person who conducted the study.
b. They provide a different way of looking at specific issues or problems.
c. They determine the relationship of two or more variables affecting an outcome.
d. They increase the body of nursing knowledge in a specific area of practice.





A Secondary sources are authored by an individual other than the researcher who conducted the study.
B The evidence that is distilled by an expert usually provides a critical evaluation or response to a study, not necessarily a different way of looking at specific issues or problems.
C This answer describes the pattern of a hypothesis.
D Secondary sources published in refereed journals usually include implications for practice and the work’s contributions to the development of nursing science.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following strategies or actions is most important in writing a relevant literature review?
a. Including as many secondary sources as possible
b. Analyzing an article for its strengths and weaknesses
c. Using direct quotations to present the majority of the information
d. Allowing the research consumer to form to his or her own synthesis of the literature





A Primary sources are preferred to secondary sources when writing a relevant literature review.
B Critical reviews of articles are strategies that reveal the article’s strengths and weaknesses; critiques are essential for writing relevant reviews of the literature.
C Paraphrasing and interpreting literature citations are preferred strategies over direct quotations for most literature reviews.
D The researcher, not the consumer of research, synthesizes the literature to determine the research question, the basis of the study, and the implementation of the study.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Comprehension

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following is an appropriate method of “weeding out” irrelevant sources when conducting an electronic search for articles for the literature review on a selected topic?
a. Collecting and critically reading all articles related to the topic published in the last 10 years.
b. Selecting for printout only those articles whose abstracts indicate usefulness.
c. Avoiding articles from clinical journals.
d. Avoiding articles that do not include the term “study” in the title.





A This approach is too time-consuming, and the selection of sources is not sufficiently narrowed.
B This approach narrows the search to a more manageable focus.
C Some clinical journal articles may be relevant, including data-based and conceptual sources.
D Many data-based articles do not include the word study in the title; avoiding such articles on a research topic would restrict the selection.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Comprehension

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. How should an article reporting the results of a study that failed to obtain significant findings be categorized?
a. Empirical literature
b. Conceptual literature
c. Clinical literature
d. Informational literature





A The phrase significant findings suggests a quantitative study; whether the findings were significant or not, this still indicates that the study should be classified as empirical literature.
B The example indicates that the study was empirical, not conceptual, literature.
C There is no information to suggest that the study used clinical or another type of literature.
D This answer is not specific enough. Much of the literature can be considered informational.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Comprehension

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following descriptions or headings is highly indicative of a data-based article?
a. Purpose
b. Conclusions
c. Method
d. Organizing framework





A Many articles have stated purposes.
B Many articles have stated conclusions.
C The description method suggests a systematic, objective approach intrinsic to a data-based article.
D Many articles have organizing frameworks, such as theoretical.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Analysis

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following resources represents the most comprehensive source for nursing literature?
c. The Canadian Nurse
d. World Wide Web





A CINAHL is the most relevant and frequently used source for nursing literature covering nursing and related literature from 1956 to the present.
B MEDLINE includes some nursing sources, but it is not the most comprehensive database.
C This journal is not a comprehensive source of literature.
D The World Wide Web is not the best source of data-based reports for nursing.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. How is the review of literature different for reports of qualitative studies and reports of quantitative studies?
a. Literature review has no role in qualitative research.
b. Articles for literature review in qualitative studies are largely drawn from secondary sources.
c. In many cases the literature review for a qualitative study is not conducted until after the study has been completed.
d. The processes involved in literature review are the same for both qualitative and quantitative studies.





A Literature review is very important in qualitative research.
B Articles for qualitative studies are primary and secondary sources.
C Often the very nature of the qualitative design dictates that a literature review be conducted after the study has been completed.
D The processes are not necessarily the same for qualitative and quantitative studies.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following is the most important question to ask when evaluating a journal article’s literature review?
a. How was the review conducted?
b. Was every relevant article critiqued?
c. Does the literature review reveal existing knowledge?
d. Was there an appropriate number of secondary sources?





A The outcome of the review is more important than the review process itself.
B It is not possible to critique every relevant article.
C The overall purpose of a literature review is to reveal existing knowledge.
D There is no correct number of secondary (or primary) sources.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following factors limits the usefulness of the World Wide Web as a source of information for research consumers?
a. Downloading being a slow process at times
b. Nontext capabilities that reduce the professionalism of presentations
c. Poor quality control over the information on some Web sites
d. Much of the available information being too technical to be understood by the casual reader





A Downloading is often a rapid process.
B This is not an accurate statement about the professionalism of presentations and nontext capabilities.
C Many sources are not data-based, primary sources. It is not always evident which sources are data-based and which are not.
D Much of the information on the Web is highly comprehensible for the casual reader.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. For a literature search for an academic paper or project, which of the following is considered an appropriate timeline?
a. The most recent 6 months
b. The last 1 year
c. The last 3 to 5 years
d. No need to limit the timeline





A The most recent 6 months is an insufficient timeline for an academic paper or project.
B The last 1 year is an insufficient timeline for an academic paper or project.
C The last 3 to 5 years is a sufficient timeline for an academic paper or project, since recent literature will be relevant and may include classic references in reference lists.
D Extensive literature reviews may be self-limiting due to available citations on specific topics.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance


  1. Which of the following selections demonstrates a Boolean connection?
a. Explode topic
b. Limit to abstracts
c. Search from 1995 to 2001
d. Search diabetes diagnosis and treatment





A Explode topic is a search strategy, not a Boolean connection.
B Limiting the search to abstracts is not a Boolean connection.
C This specifies the time limit of the search.
D Examples of Boolean connections are and, not, and to; these link thesaurus terms and influence the search.



DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

MSC:  NCLEX Client Care Needs Category: Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance

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