Advanced Practice Nursing in the Care of Older Adults 1st Edition By BY KENNEDY AND FLETCHER – Test Bank


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Chapter 5: Symptoms and Syndromes


Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


____     1.   The term “geriatric syndrome” is best described as:

A. A condition that has multiple underlying factors and involves multiple systems
B. A condition that has a discreet etiology that is difficult to pinpoint
C. Significant progress has been made in understanding geriatric syndromes, especially falls and delirium
D. Therapeutic management of a geriatric syndrome can be accomplished once a specific diagnosis is made



____     2.   The anal wink reflex is used to test:

A. Rectal prolapse
B. Sensation and pudental nerve function
C. Baseline and squeeze sphincter tone
D. Fissures and fistulas



____     3.   Atypical presentation of acute coronary syndrome is:

A. Most common in Hispanic females
B. More common in men
C. Most common in African American men
D. More common in females



____     4.   What disease can mimic and often co-exists with myocardial infarctions in elders with coronary artery disease?

A. Hypertension
B. Esophageal disease
C. Diabetic gastroparesis
D. Vascular disease



____     5.   Thoracic aortic dissection presents typically as:

A. Sharp stabbing pain in the mid thorax
B. Pleuretic chest pain and dyspnea
C. Severe retrosternal chest pain that radiates to the back and both arms
D. Unilateral pleuretic chest pain and dyspnea



____     6.   Medications known to contribute to constipation include all of the following except:

A. Stimulant laxatives
B. Anticholinergic drugs
C. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
D. Iron



____     7.   Bordetella pertussis is best characterized by:

A. Sub-acute cough lasting greater than two weeks
B. Acute cough associated with a coryzal symptom
C. Chronic cough with post-nasal drip
D. Non-productive acute cough



____     8.   The routine testing of tuberculosis should occur in all of the following vulnerable populations except:

A. Nursing home residents
B. Prison inmates
C. Hospitalized elderly
D. Immune-compromised patients



____     9.   Which of the following statements about fluid balance in the elderly is false?

A. Total body water decreases with age.
B. Thirst response decreases as a person ages.
C. African Americans have higher rates of dehydration than white Americans.
D. Assessment of skin turgor at the sternum is a reliable indicator of dehydration in the elderly.



____   10.   Distinguishing delirium from dementia can be problematic since they may co-exist. The primary consideration in the differential is:

A. Performance on the Mini Mental Status Exam
B. The Confusion Assessment is negative
C. Rapid change and fluctuating course of cognitive function
D. The presence of behavioral symptoms with cognitive impairment



____   11.   Presbystasis is best described as:

A. Impairment in vestibular apparatus that causes dizziness
B. Age-related disequilibrium of unknown pathology characterized by a gradual onset of difficulty walking
C. The loss of high frequency tones with aging that can impair sensation
D. A disorder of the inner ear characterized by vertigo



____   12.   If dizziness has a predictable pattern associated with it, the clinician should first consider:

A. Hypoglycemia
B. Psychogenic etiology
C. Cardiovascular cause
D. Neurogenic cause



____   13.   All of the following are considered as contributors to dysphagia except:

A. Anticholinergics
B. Drugs that increase reflux symptoms
C. Inadequate intake of fluids with medications and meals
D. Smooth muscle relaxants



____   14.   Evidence shows that the most important predictor of a fall is:

A. Prior history of a fall
B. Cognitive impairment
C. Gait and balance disturbance
D. Proximal muscle weakness



____   15.   The most cost-effective interventions used to prevent falls are:

A. Use of sitters
B. Use of alarms (bed, chair, monitors)
C. Tai Chi exercises
D. Home modifications and vitamin D supplements



____   16.   Chronic fatigue syndrome is best described as:

A. Fatigue that is constant, lasting more than three months
B. Fatigue lasting longer than six months and not relieved by rest
C. Fatigue that waxes and wanes over a period of three months
D. Total exhaustion with inability to get out of bed



____   17.   Which form of headache is bilateral?

A. Cluster
B. Tension
C. Migraine
D. Acute angle closure glaucoma



____   18.   Microscopic hematuria is defined as:

A. Twenty or more RBCs on a urine sample
B. Three or more RBCs on a urine sample
C. Twenty or more RBCs on three or more samples of urine
D. Three or more RBCs on three or more samples of urine



____   19.   Risk factors associated with the finding of a malignancy in a patient with hemoptysis include all of the following except:

A. Male sex
B. Smoking history
C. Over age 40
D. Childhood asthma



____   20.   Recent weight loss is defined as:

A. loss of >10 pounds over the past 3-6 months
B. loss of >2 pounds a week
C. 5% weight loss in three months
D. 10% weight loss in one year



____   21.   The most common cause of disability in the elderly is due to:

A. Diabetes
B. Arthritis
C. Heart disease
D. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease



____   22.   Lipedema is best described as:

A. Bilateral accumulation of interstitial fluid
B. Bilateral distribution of fat in the lower extremities
C. Fluid retention caused by a compromised lymphatic system
D. Lipid molecules that break down and cause fluid retention



____   23.   Drug-induced pruritus is distinguished because it:

A. Occurs soon after a new drug is taken
B. Usually is a generalized rash
C. May occur right after the drug is taken or months later
D. Usually involves localized circumscribed lesions



____   24.   A form of syncope that is more common in the elderly than younger adults is:

A. Vasovagal
B. Carotid sinus sensitivity
C. Orthostatic hypotension
D. Arrhythmias



____   25.   All of the following statements about tremor are true except:

A. The most common tremor is the Parkinson tremor
B. Most individuals with tremor do not seek medical attention
C. Psychogenic tremor is uncommon
D. Tremor is more prevalent in whites than blacks



____   26.   Overflow incontinence is usually associated with:

A. Loss of urine that occurs with urgency
B. Cognitive impairment
C. Weak pelvic floor muscles
D. Bladder outlet obstruction



____   27.   Wandering is best described as:

A. Aimless excessive ambulatory behavior
B. Purposeful excessive ambulatory behavior
C. Risk-seeking behavior in the cognitively impaired
D. A result of boredom in those with dementia


Chapter 5: Symptoms and Syndromes

Answer Section




  1. ANS:  A                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  D                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  C                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  C                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  A                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  C                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  D                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  C                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  A                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  D                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  A                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  D                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  D                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  D                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  A                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  C                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  C                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  A                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  D                    PTS:   1


  1. ANS:  B                    PTS:   1

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