Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice 5th Edition Uphold Graham – Test Bank

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Chapter 1 Health maintenance



1.A client is reviewing a videotape without the assistance of the nurse for instruction. The type of

teaching strategy this client is using is considered:

  1. demonstration.
  2. slides.
  3. programmed instruction.
  4. discussion.


2.The nurse is instructing a client regarding food safety, injury prevention, and occupational

health. Which of the following Healthy People 2010 objectives is the nurse instructing the client?

  1. Promote healthy behaviors
  2. Promote healthy and safe communities
  3. Improve systems for personal health and public health
  4. Prevent and reduce diseases and disorders


3.A client has inadequate resources and impairment of personal support systems. Which nursing

diagnosis would apply to this patient?

  1. Noncompliance
  2. Deficient knowledge
  3. Ineffective health maintenance
  4. Health-seeking behavior


4.While planning care for a client, the nurse identifies content that would address the clients

diagnosis of Deficient Knowledge. The nurse will ensure time is allocated for client instruction


  1. the client cannot be discharged without it.
  2. it is a legal component of the nursing process.
  3. it is a nice thing to do for a client.
  4. the physician has written an order for instruction.


5.The nurse is engaged in an information teaching session with a client. Which of the following

would be appropriate to instruct during an informal teaching session?



Expected effects of a new medication



Instruction on leg exercises to be used after surgery



How to use an incentive spirometer



Diet and medications to manage a new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus


6.The nurse is planning a presentation to a group of senior citizens as part of a wellness program.

Which of the following topics would be appropriate for the nurse to instruct this client



  1. Importance of taking medications as prescribed
  2. Ways to follow a physicians treatment plan
  3. Ease of changing an abdominal dressing
  4. Strategies to reduce salt in the diet and increase activity



7.A client is considering several changes in personal habits to improve his health. Which of the

following critical thinking strategies can the nurse use to help this client?



Ask the client to identify his goals to improve his health.



Remind the client that the physician has to approve all changes in his health

improvement plan.



Suggest the client wait until he is discharged before planning to make personal

habit changes.



Recommend that immediate changes are made to confuse the bodys responses.



8.A client has several identified learning needs. Which of the following should the nurse assess

prior to planning instruction for this client?

  1. Home address
  2. Clients learning style
  3. Living arrangements
  4. Financial resources


9.Which of the following teaching strategy would best support a client who needs to learn how to

self-administer insulin injections?

  1. Discussion
  2. Role-playing
  3. Demonstration
  4. Programmed instruction


10.A client tells the nurse that she uses audio CDs in her vehicle when driving to and from work

to keep current with educational requirements for her job. The nurse would assess this client as

preferring which type of learning style?

  1. Auditory
  2. Visual
  3. Kinesthetic
  4. Anesthetic


11.The nurse is attempting to instruct a client on ways to eliminate smoking. The client tells the

nurse that he has no health problems because of smoking and does not understand why he needs

to quit. Which of the following is interfering with the nurses ability to instruct the client in health

promotion behaviors?

  1. Motivation
  2. Perception
  3. Self-image
  4. Maintenance



12.The nurse is planning instruction to support health promotion behaviors. Which of the

following clients would benefit the most from these instructions?

  1. 60-year-old client diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2. 83-year-old client with hypertension
  3. 75-year-old client recovering from a total hip replacement
  4. 35-year-old client desiring to begin an exercise program


13.The nurse and client have determined that goals established for health maintenance behaviors

have not been achieved. In which step of the nursing process are the nurse and client working at

this time?

  1. Evaluation
  2. Assessment
  3. Planning
  4. Implementation


  1. Evaluation
  2. Assessment
  3. Planning
  4. Implementation




1.A client is demonstrating behaviors consistent with normal health maintenance. Which of the

following has this client demonstrated? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Motivation
  2. Health encouragement
  3. Readiness
  4. Maintenance
  5. Health activities
  6. Perception


2.The nurse is planning an instructional session with a client. When planning this session, the

nurse should incorporate which teaching/learning principles? (Select all that apply.)


  1. Assessment of how the client organizes knowledge
  2. Motivation and self-efficacy
  3. Setting goals
  4. Developmental level of the client
  5. Time management
  6. Self-engagement


3.The nurse is planning client instruction interventions to support critical thinking. Which of the

following are characteristics of critical thinking in the client education process? (Select all that


  1. Organized
  2. Clearly explained with examples
  3. Vague
  4. Task-oriented
  5. Knowledge-oriented
  6. Moral and ethically focused


4.The nurse is utilizing the technique of motivational interviewing to instruct a client on ways to

limit alcohol intake. Which of the following are techniques used when implementing

motivational interviewing? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Express empathy
  2. Develop discrepancy
  3. Avoid arguing
  4. Roll with resistance
  5. Support self-efficacy
  6. Contract for goal achievement


5.Which of the following self-examination techniques is a health maintenance behavior for the

nurse to instruct a client? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Breast self-examination
  2. Capillary blood glucose testing
  3. Testicular self-examination
  4. Skin examination
  5. Application of hydrocortisone cream for a skin disorder
  6. Elevating edematous lower extremities


  1. Testicular self-examination
  2. Skin examination
  3. Application of hydrocortisone cream for a skin disorder
  4. Elevating edematous lower extremities


Chapter 2 General



1.The nurse ensures that a clients bedspace is neat and clean with the call light within easy reach.

The nurse is focusing on which nursing theorist who realized the importance of the environment

for care?

  1. Florence Nightingale
  2. Sister Callista Roy
  3. Dorothea Orem
  4. Martha Rogers


2.The nurse is instructing a client on self-administration of insulin so that the client will not need

a health care provider to do this activity. The nurse is implementing which of the following


aspects of Virginia Hendersons theory of nursing?



A caring relationship



Helping the client achieve independence from the nurses assistance as quickly

as possible



Integration of objective and subjective data



Application of critical thinking


3.A client tells the nurse that he has an HMO for his health insurance. The nurse understands that

the purpose of this type of health plan is to:

  1. ensure payment is made to Medicare for services rendered.
  2. maximize the utilization of health care resources.
  3. efficiently manage costs while providing quality care.
  4. focus on the illness when providing care.


4.A client tells the nurse that he does not have a primary care physician but rather makes an

appointment with a doctor who specializes in the area in which he is experiencing a problem.

The nurse realizes this client is at risk for which of the following?

  1. Fragmented care
  2. Overpayment of services
  3. Inability to sustain health
  4. Finding an appropriate general practitioner


5.The nurse is attending a masters degree program in efforts to be educationally prepared to

serve as a hospital leader. The nurse realizes that this educational preparation will:



hinder the nurses ability to work with physicians.



be viewed as not supporting the profession of nursing by other nurses.



ensure the nurse is biased towards clinicians interests.



prepare the nurse to serve as strong clinical support with the ability to integrate

business and caring.




hinder the nurses ability to work with physicians.



be viewed as not supporting the profession of nursing by other nurses.



ensure the nurse is biased towards clinicians interests.



prepare the nurse to serve as strong clinical support with the ability to integrate

business and caring.



6.A client tells the nurse that all hospitals care about is doing the minimum for a client regardless

of the outcome. Which of the following should the nurse respond to this client?



It does feel like that sometimes.



Health insurance companies have caused this problem.



The doctors will get paid regardless of the clients outcomes.



There are quality programs in place to make sure clients receive the best quality

of care regardless of the cost.


7.The nurse is providing care at a time that is the most beneficial to the client. The nurse is

implementing which of the following Joint Commission Dimensions of Quality Performance?

  1. Safety
  2. Timeliness
  3. Efficiency
  4. Availability


8.The nurse is providing care while adhering to safety as a Joint Commission Dimension of

Quality Performance. Which of the following did the nurse provide to the client?



Using a needleless device when providing intravenous medications



Keeping the siderails of the bed in the down position after providing a pain

medication to a client



Having the client sit in a wheelchair with the wheels in the unlocked position



Placing cloth towels over a spill in the room of an ambulatory client




Keeping the siderails of the bed in the down position after providing a pain

medication to a client



Having the client sit in a wheelchair with the wheels in the unlocked position



Placing cloth towels over a spill in the room of an ambulatory client



9.The nurse is planning and providing care while adhering to the American Nurses Association

definition of professional nursing. Which of the following does the nurse include when

implementing client care?

  1. Follows the NANDA nursing diagnoses process
  2. Integrates objective and subjective data
  3. Respects cultural diversity of peers
  4. Acknowledges the experience and training of physicians


10.The nurse has shifted her practice from an illness focus to a health focus. Which of the

following has this nurse implemented?

  1. Standardized care plans
  2. Critical pathways
  3. Instructing a client on relaxation techniques to aid with sleep
  4. Holding around-the-clock medication when a client is asleep


11.A client is admitted with a highly communicable disease. The nurses do not want to

participate in the care of this client. Which of the following should be done to ensure the client

receives the highest quality of care?



Adhere to strict standard precautions.



Plan to have the client transferred to another health care organization.



Ask the physician if the client can be cared for in the home.



Suspend the nurses without pay who refuse to care for the client.


12.The nurse has been an employee of an organization for 2 years and is considering a job

change. Which of the following does this nurses plan suggest to any future employers?



The nurse moves to other jobs too frequently.



The nurse is inflexible.



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