Chapter 22 Cardiac Failure


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Chapter 22  Cardiac Failure



Complete Chapter Questions And Answers

Sample Questions


1. A 70-year-old woman has had difficulty in breathing. She has been diagnosed with acute pulmonary edema. Which of the following therapies is most beneficial?
A. Place tourniquets on all four limbs
B. Infuse red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma
C. Infuse saline
D. Infuse dobutamine
E. Infuse norepinephrine



2. Which of the following normally causes renal sodium retention during compensated heart failure?
A. Increased angiotensin II formation
B. Increased atrial natriuretic factor release
C. Sympathetic vasodilation of the afferent arterioles
D. Increased glomerular filtration rate
E. Increased ADH formation


3. Which of the following is normally associated with the chronic stages of compensated heart failure? Assume the patient is resting.
A. Dyspnea
B. Decreased right atrial pressure
C. Decreased heart rate
D. Sweating
E. Increased mean systemic filling pressure


4. Which of the following normally occur in unilateral right heart failure?
A. Increased mean pulmonary filling pressure
B. Increased left atrial pressure
C. Peripheral edema
D. Pulmonary edema
E. Increased pulmonary artery pressure


5. Which of the following is normally associated with the chronic stages of compensated heart failure? Assume the patient is resting.
A. Decreased mean systemic filling pressure
B. Increased right atrial pressure
C. Increased heart rate
D. Sweating
E. Dyspnea


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