Chapter 03 Community Health Nursing In Canada: Settings, Functions, And Roles


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Chapter 03  Community Health Nursing In Canada: Settings, Functions, And Roles



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1. Which of the following best describes the concept of public health?
A population health approach designed to prevent disease, promote health, and protect populations
Health care provision offered in primary and secondary institutions or in clients’ homes
Provision of health care services in institutions located in the community but outside the hospital
Use of the nursing process and evidence-informed practice to meet the objectives for community health improvement

In Canada, public health takes a population health approach to protecting and promoting health and preventing disease for all Canadians. Public health nurses (PHNs) work with many partners, both within the public health unit or health authority (e.g., nutritionists, epidemiologists, dental hygienists, health inspectors) and external to the health unit (e.g., community coalitions for heart health, cancer screening, diabetes, and obesity prevention; school and hospital administrators; regional planners; social service and child-care workers; lobbyists for health issues such as antismoking legislation and homelessness).

DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: pp. 78–79 OBJ: 9
TOP: CRNE Competency: Health and Wellness

2. The increasing complexity of societal needs and rapid changes in public health no longer allow adequate time for on-the-job training and education. As a result, which of the following is the current minimum level of educational preparation for a military nurse?
Training as a registered practical nurse
Training as a registered nurse
A baccalaureate degree in nursing
A master of science degree in nursing

Educational preparation for military nurses should be at least a baccalaureate degree.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 79 OBJ: 5
TOP: CRNE Competency: Professional Practice

3. Which of the following is a core competency required of PHNs?
Advanced knowledge in the use of high-technology diagnostics
Familiarity with current life-support technology
Highly tuned skills for assessment of critically ill clients
Skill in developing policy and planning programs to improve health

Skill in developing policy and planning programs to improve health is part of the set of core public health competencies, which are divided into the following eight domains: 1) Public Health and Nursing Sciences; 2) Assessment and Analysis; 3) Policy and Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation; 4) Partnerships, Collaboration, and Advocacy; 5) Diversity and Inclusiveness; 6) Communication; 7) Leadership and Professional Responsibility; and 8) Accountability. The other competencies listed are better suited to nurses who work in tertiary facilities, such as hospitals.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 78, Box 3-5
OBJ: 3 TOP: CRNE Competency: Professional Practice

4. A public health administrator is in the process of hiring a new PHN. Which of the following statements by a potential employee would raise the greatest concern for the employer?
“I like to be the only person working on a project because individual team members have their own ideas and plans, and the resulting debate slows progress.”
“I prefer to work in teams because no single person has too much responsibility and the burden is shared.”
“Teamwork is better than work done by individuals because teamwork incorporates different perspectives.”
“Whether teamwork is better than work done by individuals depends on the nature of the work being performed.”

Working in collaborative partnerships is an essential role of public health nursing. Partnerships and collaboration among groups are much more powerful in making changes than are the individual client and the PHN working separately. Part of the reason for this is that multiple perspectives are examined in the process of arriving at the best solution.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: pp. 78–79 OBJ: 3
TOP: CRNE Competency: Professional Practice

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